Oslo Bombing.

not closely related, but couldn't find suitable thread to share this ..

Have been at work all day, so just catching up with coverage of the day's happenings. Quote in Jens Stoltenberg's speech in Oslo cathedral, this morning:
No one has said it better than the AUF girl who was interviewed by CNN: "If one man can show so much hate, think how much love we could show, standing together."
My deepest condolences for the people of Norway. Justice for the poor victims. Nobody deserved this brand of violence.
gangerolv said:
im norwegian and i can understand why this tragedy happend. it was just a matter of time that somebody from oslo couldnt take it anymore. the rasicsm in norway comes from muslims, praticularry in oslo. they own that city. and you have to live there to see how bad things are. norwegians are very proud of their country, but not oslo, cause oslo has proven to fail in their way of immigration. the politicians have brought this to themselfs, and are to blame for much what happend.

there comes a point of every man when enough is enough. im not shocked at all, it was bound to happen.

Why is not this person banned yet? Disgusting. Nobody thinks like that, unless you are sick and sympathies with the mentally sick and cowardly perpetrator.
norway_gay_nazis said:
As of 2009, 11% of the population of Oslo are Muslim, but just 7.38% are registered Muslims.

Oooooo so 11% of the Population managed to overtake the hole City...

they own that city

Sorry to all people who are affected by this terror, but a question to this deluded poster is allowed: Are Muslims (11%) in Oslo Superhumans? aving kinda Superpowers or what?
BlueSinclair said:
gangerolv said:
im norwegian and i can understand why this tragedy happend. it was just a matter of time that somebody from oslo couldnt take it anymore. the rasicsm in norway comes from muslims, praticularry in oslo. they own that city. and you have to live there to see how bad things are. norwegians are very proud of their country, but not oslo, cause oslo has proven to fail in their way of immigration. the politicians have brought this to themselfs, and are to blame for much what happend.

there comes a point of every man when enough is enough. im not shocked at all, it was bound to happen.

Why is not this person banned yet? Disgusting. Nobody thinks like that, unless you are sick and sympathies with the mentally sick and cowardly perpetrator.

Hi dont know if you have seen this its the bloke who killed the people in Norway blog

It seems they have a problem in Oslo.. that pushed his button !
2008-Numbers and percentages of Muslims in many European cities (legal/illegal including city suburbs
Marseilles 38%
Malmö 35%
Brussels 35%
Amsterdam, 30%
Stockholm 20%
London 20%
Paris 20%
Oslo 20%
Moscow, 16-20%
Berlin, 18%
The Hague 17%
Copenhagen 17%
Utrecht 15%
Rotterdam 15%
Antwerp 15%
Hamburg 15%
As a Norwegian I'd like to further clarify that I find gangerolv's comments hideous and utterly disgusting. In no way what so ever does such view points represent my country. His comments are sadly more similar to what appears to be the views of the person who committed these atrocious acts against humanity.

I can understand how the mods doesn't want to ban/remove this user but I feel any Norwegians reading this will be deeply saddened and offended like I have been. I simply don't think Bluemoon should have such a post available to read - it actually tars the entire website.
The killer can get 21 years max, the evil prick will be out in his early 50s.

Does anyone else find that truly sickening?

Congratulations to the Norweigan lefties for this one.

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