Oslo Bombing.

Balti said:
mcmanus said:
Balti said:
now who could seriously argue against the death penalty for this murdering lunatic? children ffs.

understandable that some jumped to the conclusion that it was muslim terorists given their track record but sadly they are obviously not the only murdering scum in the world

what a fucked up world we live in

I don't believe in the death penalty but what the fuck is a suitable punishment for such a evil, evil bastard like this?

7ft by 7f cell, no window, a fucking rock hard bed, no visits, no TV, no radio, just enough 'food' to keep him alive, throw him his bible and tell the fucker to repent at lesiure for the rest of his life. Then absolute no human interaction forever.

I might be tempted to agree with you if that would be the reality of his incarceration.

But would that actually be the world in which he lived? Ian Huntley by all accounts enjoys a tv, playstation, stereo etc and has recreational time with his pals inside. I imagine that in such a liberal country as Norway the prison time is probably cushier still.

This discussion usually boils down to human rights and the fact that many people understandably believe that all humans have basic rights including the right to life itself plus other basic creature comforts. Many others believe that some people should lose these rights in entirety for certain types of crime. e.g. pre-meditated mass murder.

There will always be two sides to this particular argument. It can't be won. That's probably why its such a popular topic of discussion!

-- Sat Jul 23, 2011 12:10 pm --

nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Balti said:
What is it with you anti-death penalty clowns?
Some of us agree with the death penalty for the worst murderous crimes.
So try and get your head aroung that difficult concept,and stop your pathetic and sick tactic of using every tragedy as a soapbox to air your infantile pro-life for murdering scum liberal rhetoric

I didn't use the terrible tragedy in Norway to promote my views,you fucking imbecile - you and that fellow moron johnsonontheleft did.
Both you and that prat did so on two separate threads - nobody who is anti-hanging said a fucking word on the subject - you two bellends did.
So try getting your fucking facts straight in future,and stop using dead teenagers to promote your personal views.

seems perfectly reasonable to question whether the murdering scum in Norway warrants the death penalty in a thread about the death penalty

you started throwing the insults you fucking brain dead moron

peace, love and life right you arsehole?!



You just don't get it,do you?
You used a tragedy that is only a few hours old - a tragedy that some posters on here are living through in their homeland,to air your personal views on capital punishment.
Frankly,I think that is despicable and sick,to use the deaths of teenagers to hijack a thread.
This thread is about the Oslo bombing,not hanging.
Do you understand that subtle difference?
I'd like thank all the people who's turned this thread into a discussion of death penalty.
Great way to honour the dead and wounded, especially all the children.
Balti said:
now who could seriously argue against the death penalty for this murdering lunatic? children ffs.

understandable that some jumped to the conclusion that it was muslim terorists given their track record but sadly they are obviously not the only murdering scum in the world

what a fucked up world we live in

Then I suggest we all thank this thread-hijacking genius.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Balti said:
now who could seriously argue against the death penalty for this murdering lunatic? children ffs.

understandable that some jumped to the conclusion that it was muslim terorists given their track record but sadly they are obviously not the only murdering scum in the world

what a fucked up world we live in

Then I suggest we all thank this thread-hijacking genius.

Having been reading the death penalty thread and watching the murder massacre news in the background with them talking about Breivik being held in custody the thought was there as part of the whole when i posted.

I was not choosing to engage in your battle with Johnsonetc although you appear to have interpreted it that way. You could have simply ignored the sentiment instead of choosing to take the thread in a completely different direction.

I worry about your mental state that you can resort to hostile and abusive bullying online while at the same time promoting peace and love for people who commit murders....

-- Sat Jul 23, 2011 1:03 pm --

nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Balti said:
mcmanus said:
I don't believe in the death penalty but what the fuck is a suitable punishment for such a evil, evil bastard like this?

7ft by 7f cell, no window, a fucking rock hard bed, no visits, no TV, no radio, just enough 'food' to keep him alive, throw him his bible and tell the fucker to repent at lesiure for the rest of his life. Then absolute no human interaction forever.

I might be tempted to agree with you if that would be the reality of his incarceration.

But would that actually be the world in which he lived? Ian Huntley by all accounts enjoys a tv, playstation, stereo etc and has recreational time with his pals inside. I imagine that in such a liberal country as Norway the prison time is probably cushier still.

This discussion usually boils down to human rights and the fact that many people understandably believe that all humans have basic rights including the right to life itself plus other basic creature comforts. Many others believe that some people should lose these rights in entirety for certain types of crime. e.g. pre-meditated mass murder.

There will always be two sides to this particular argument. It can't be won. That's probably why its such a popular topic of discussion!

-- Sat Jul 23, 2011 12:10 pm --

nijinsky's fetlocks said:
I didn't use the terrible tragedy in Norway to promote my views,you fucking imbecile - you and that fellow moron johnsonontheleft did.
Both you and that prat did so on two separate threads - nobody who is anti-hanging said a fucking word on the subject - you two bellends did.
So try getting your fucking facts straight in future,and stop using dead teenagers to promote your personal views.

seems perfectly reasonable to question whether the murdering scum in Norway warrants the death penalty in a thread about the death penalty

you started throwing the insults you fucking brain dead moron

peace, love and life right you arsehole?!



You just don't get it,do you?
You used a tragedy that is only a few hours old - a tragedy that some posters on here are living through in their homeland,to air your personal views on capital punishment.
Frankly,I think that is despicable and sick,to use the deaths of teenagers to hijack a thread.
This thread is about the Oslo bombing,not hanging.
Do you understand that subtle difference?

I understand that you are reading way too much into it. I merely expressed my shock and outrage at the event and feelings towards the perpetrator. Nice attempt to try and take the high moral ground though pal. Nice... but completely unwarranted.

It is a shocking atrocity. I did not intend to hijack the thread. I apologise to anyone (apart from you) if I caused any offence. Feelings running high is all. Mods please edit/remove/whatever.

Now if you want the thread to return to topic then let it lie.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
another generation said:
I keep welling up. Most towns and villages in Norway will have a connection to someone that's been killed. There were four young people from this town at the rally, and as yet, no reports as to their status. If it was just the one man - Breivik - that did this, then it smacks of a highly intelligent, very well-organised individual, who exploited the weaknesses in the fantastic open society that we enjoy here in Norway. It is quite frightening to think that nobody can really be sure of the others we come into contact with in our daily lives.

Whilst having the deepest sympathy with you and your countrymen,I would take issue with you on the 'intelligent' comment.
Intelligent folk do not indiscriminately kill innocent young people.
Intelligent folk are not neo-nazi nutters.
And intelligent people don't massacre others in God's name.

He successfully blew up a government building to divert all possible police attention away from the island where he committed his killing spree. That isn't the action of a thick person.
Balti said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Balti said:
now who could seriously argue against the death penalty for this murdering lunatic? children ffs.

understandable that some jumped to the conclusion that it was muslim terorists given their track record but sadly they are obviously not the only murdering scum in the world

what a fucked up world we live in

Then I suggest we all thank this thread-hijacking genius.

Having been reading the death penalty thread and watching the murder massacre news in the background with them talking about Breivik being held in custody the thought was there as part of the whole when i posted.

I was not choosing to engage in your battle with Johnsonetc although you appear to have interpreted it that way. You could have simply ignored the sentiment instead of choosing to take the thread in a completely different direction.

I worry about your mental state that you can resort to hostile and abusive bullying online while at the same time promoting peace and love for people who commit murders....

-- Sat Jul 23, 2011 1:03 pm --

nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Balti said:
I might be tempted to agree with you if that would be the reality of his incarceration.

But would that actually be the world in which he lived? Ian Huntley by all accounts enjoys a tv, playstation, stereo etc and has recreational time with his pals inside. I imagine that in such a liberal country as Norway the prison time is probably cushier still.

This discussion usually boils down to human rights and the fact that many people understandably believe that all humans have basic rights including the right to life itself plus other basic creature comforts. Many others believe that some people should lose these rights in entirety for certain types of crime. e.g. pre-meditated mass murder.

There will always be two sides to this particular argument. It can't be won. That's probably why its such a popular topic of discussion!

-- Sat Jul 23, 2011 12:10 pm --

seems perfectly reasonable to question whether the murdering scum in Norway warrants the death penalty in a thread about the death penalty

you started throwing the insults you fucking brain dead moron

peace, love and life right you arsehole?!



You just don't get it,do you?
You used a tragedy that is only a few hours old - a tragedy that some posters on here are living through in their homeland,to air your personal views on capital punishment.
Frankly,I think that is despicable and sick,to use the deaths of teenagers to hijack a thread.
This thread is about the Oslo bombing,not hanging.
Do you understand that subtle difference?

I understand that you are reading way too much into it. I merely expressed my shock and outrage at the event and feelings towards the perpetrator. Nice attempt to try and take the high moral ground though pal. Nice... but completely unwarranted.

It is a shocking atrocity. I did not intend to hijack the thread. I apologise to anyone (apart from you) if I caused any offence. Feelings running high is all. Mods please edit/remove/whatever.

Now if you want the thread to return to topic then let it lie.

That fetlocks fella very quickly resorts to insults if you happen to disagree with him/her, I wouldn't waste your time.

I'd also (politely) disagree with the point made about an intelligent person not being capable of being a neo nazi murdering scum bag, its possible to be both.

Anyway what a tragic day and my thoughts are with those affected.
Do you "hang em high"guys really think that the death penalty threat would have stopped this lunatic?

Our (my familys) thoughts are with the people of Norway at this horrible time.
Damocles said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
another generation said:
I keep welling up. Most towns and villages in Norway will have a connection to someone that's been killed. There were four young people from this town at the rally, and as yet, no reports as to their status. If it was just the one man - Breivik - that did this, then it smacks of a highly intelligent, very well-organised individual, who exploited the weaknesses in the fantastic open society that we enjoy here in Norway. It is quite frightening to think that nobody can really be sure of the others we come into contact with in our daily lives.

Whilst having the deepest sympathy with you and your countrymen,I would take issue with you on the 'intelligent' comment.
Intelligent folk do not indiscriminately kill innocent young people.
Intelligent folk are not neo-nazi nutters.
And intelligent people don't massacre others in God's name.

He successfully blew up a government building to divert all possible police attention away from the island where he committed his killing spree. That isn't the action of a thick person.

I never said that the perpetrator was thick.
I merely stated that his actions are not exactly tantamount to the hallmarks of an intelligent person.
And I expected better of a supposedly intelligent person like yourself who should be capable of discerning the difference without resorting to deliberate misquoting.<br /><br />-- Sat Jul 23, 2011 7:00 pm --<br /><br />A message to you balti,

Just when and where I decide to exit a thread is down to my own choosing,and not subject to the whim of some right wing nutter who was advocating torture earlier in the day,such is the level of his intelligence.
I will 'let it lie' when I deem fit.
You are not a moderator on this forum.
You are,in fact, an ignorant bigot who occasionally acts like one.
You made a twat of yourself on this thread,and no amount of backtracking can hide that fact.
I don't use dead folk to make my case,and that was precisely what you resorted to here.
Oh,and it really isn't hard to take the moral high ground against someone who considers torture and murder acceptable options.
Lucky13 said:
pominoz said:
Do you "hang em high"guys really think that the death penalty threat would have stopped this lunatic?

Our (my familys) thoughts are with the people of Norway at this horrible time.

No , but it would be a suitable punishment for murdering a 100 people.

So you would agree that the death sentence is not a deterrent?
Just a tit for tat revenge killing by a state that is supposed to be on a higher moral plane than the killers it sentences?

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