Oslo Bombing.

Johnsonontheleft said:
The killer can get 21 years max, the evil prick will be out in his early 50s.

Does anyone else find that truly sickening?

Congratulations to the Norweigan lefties for this one.

is that after the 50% (or is it 30%)off time?
the--dud said:
As a Norwegian I'd like to further clarify that I find gangerolv's comments hideous and utterly disgusting. In no way what so ever does such view points represent my country. His comments are sadly more similar to what appears to be the views of the person who committed these atrocious acts against humanity.

I can understand how the mods doesn't want to ban/remove this user but I feel any Norwegians reading this will be deeply saddened and offended like I have been. I simply don't think Bluemoon should have such a post available to read - it actually tars the entire website.
We understand fully (your personal and as a nation) emotions on this subject, and I'm sure I speak for all the others that we share your horror at what happened (and the sentiments expressed in the reply), the post had been reported, and we have discussed it, we are now watching the thread so that things don't get out of hand.

We can't though simply take action against a post that does nothing to break the rules, it might be offensive to the vast majority of right minded people but that in itself doesn't merit a ban.

Far better to debate the issues brought up in a sensible manner than hide them from view in my opinion.
Will the killer actually have a trial with a lawyer etc ? might be a thick question, but surely he's will never make it alive out of the court ...
Markt85 said:
Will the killer actually have a trial with a lawyer etc ? might be a thick question, but surely he's will never make it alive out of the court ...

His defence lawyer has made a statement, that's why we know a small amount about his political views and reasoning for what he's done. Every man has a right to representation in a court of law no matter what the crime. It's basically because the law is so complex that even a shoplifter needs someone to help them negotiate the labyrinth never mind a mass murderer.

As for the trial, that won't be to determine whether he is guilty or not, that will be to determine mitigating circumstances. That circus has already started on here with that poster who said he could see it coming.
Josh Blue said:
gaudinho's stolen car said:
Johnsonontheleft said:
The killer can get 21 years max, the evil prick will be out in his early 50s.

Does anyone else find that truly sickening?

Congratulations to the Norweigan lefties for this one.


News of the World?

It is true, but a little misleading and can understand why a newspaper would say it to try and sensationalise things even more.
From what i understand it is true you get a max of 21 years, but after the 21 years they are assessed and if deemed a threat to society get another maximum of 5 years. After that 5 years they are assessed again and so on and so on, so chances are he will never be released.
CTID1988 said:
Josh Blue said:
gaudinho's stolen car said:

News of the World?

It is true, but a little misleading and can understand why a newspaper would say it to try and sensationalise things even more.
From what i understand it is true you get a max of 21 years, but after the 21 years they are assessed and if deemed a threat to society get another maximum of 5 years. After that 5 years they are assessed again and so on and so on, so chances are he will never be released.

I think for his safety it would be best if he wasnt released from prison because if i was a parent of 1 of those children i would make it my lifes work to get him if he was released
Johnsonontheleft said:
The killer can get 21 years max, the evil prick will be out in his early 50s.

Does anyone else find that truly sickening?

Congratulations to the Norweigan lefties for this one.

Perhaps those Norwegian,(for that is how you spell it),lefties believe that offenders have the capacity for change and rehabilitation,unlike some kneejerk toytown reactionary buffoon who reaches for the rope as his default setting.
Maybe this 'leftie' approach is why Norwegian crime is a mere fraction of more draconian regimes such as us and the US.
In short,maybe their system actually works,and you are,as per usual,talking out of your starfish.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Johnsonontheleft said:
The killer can get 21 years max, the evil prick will be out in his early 50s.

Does anyone else find that truly sickening?

Congratulations to the Norweigan lefties for this one.

Perhaps those Norwegian,(for that is how you spell it),lefties believe that offenders have the capacity for change and rehabilitation,unlike some kneejerk toytown reactionary buffoon who reaches for the rope as his default setting.
Maybe this 'leftie' approach is why Norwegian crime is a mere fraction of more draconian regimes such as us and the US.
In short,maybe their system actually works,and you are,as per usual,talking out of your starfish.

That maybe the case as its supposed to be the place where you reform but people like that bloke cant be changed, will never be safe in society and no one who slaughters that many people with no mercy deserves a chance of freedom
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Johnsonontheleft said:
The killer can get 21 years max, the evil prick will be out in his early 50s.

Does anyone else find that truly sickening?

Congratulations to the Norweigan lefties for this one.

Perhaps those Norwegian,(for that is how you spell it),lefties believe that offenders have the capacity for change and rehabilitation,unlike some kneejerk toytown reactionary buffoon who reaches for the rope as his default setting.
Maybe this 'leftie' approach is why Norwegian crime is a mere fraction of more draconian regimes such as us and the US.
In short,maybe their system actually works,and you are,as per usual,talking out of your starfish.

he has a starfish? cool...

Can't be mitigating circumstances in planting and detonating a bomb then deliberately going over and murdering 90 defenceless, innocent youngsters surely? It's calculated with enough time for him to have stopped himself.

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