Oslo Bombing.

nijinsky's fetlocks said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
CTID1988 said:
As i posted earlier, ih will NOT only get 21 years. After 21 years he will be looked at again and if he is considered to be a danger to society (which of course he will) he will be locked up again

I know its there legal system but surely there must be another way, he will never be safe to society so what's the point of reviewing him!!

As I mentioned earlier,the crime rates in Norway,(especially violent crime),are significantly lower then those in this country,but let's ignore this fact and lecture them on law and order instead.
Most folk would find that in doing this,people in glass houses would be throwing big fuck off boulders.
I would advocate leaving the Norwegian judiciary to its own devices,as they are clearly doing a better job than ours are.

Look I don't know why you gone off at 1 on me as all I said is surely there is no point in reviewing HIM. At no point did I say they should change there legal system and also i have looked up there crime rate and its bloody low but not for 1 piece of material points to the fact its because they have a different system to ours in terms of judicial sentencing. I live in a country with a high crime rate and for some reason that's my fault and im throwing big boulders in glass houses, do me a favour
BoyBlue_1985 said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
I know its there legal system but surely there must be another way, he will never be safe to society so what's the point of reviewing him!!

As I mentioned earlier,the crime rates in Norway,(especially violent crime),are significantly lower then those in this country,but let's ignore this fact and lecture them on law and order instead.
Most folk would find that in doing this,people in glass houses would be throwing big fuck off boulders.
I would advocate leaving the Norwegian judiciary to its own devices,as they are clearly doing a better job than ours are.

Look I don't know why you gone off at 1 on me as all I said is surely there is no point in reviewing HIM. At no point did I say they should change there legal system and also i have looked up there crime rate and its bloody low but not for 1 piece of material points to the fact its because they have a different system to ours in terms of judicial sentencing. I live in a country with a high crime rate and for some reason that's my fault and im throwing big boulders in glass houses, do me a favour

Whether they review HIM or not is fuck all to do with us.
Their system clearly works better than ours.
So we should leave well alone.
Nobody is saying you are responsible for high crime rates,but they are a fact in this country,and they are lower in Norway,which suggests that they are doing something right,and we are not.
As to sentencing,of course it plays a part in rates of reoffending,despite you claiming the opposite
We lock 'em up,and it doesn't cut crime.
Scandinavia favours community-based sentences,and their rates are correspondingly lower.
Do the math.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
As I mentioned earlier,the crime rates in Norway,(especially violent crime),are significantly lower then those in this country,but let's ignore this fact and lecture them on law and order instead.
Most folk would find that in doing this,people in glass houses would be throwing big fuck off boulders.
I would advocate leaving the Norwegian judiciary to its own devices,as they are clearly doing a better job than ours are.

Look I don't know why you gone off at 1 on me as all I said is surely there is no point in reviewing HIM. At no point did I say they should change there legal system and also i have looked up there crime rate and its bloody low but not for 1 piece of material points to the fact its because they have a different system to ours in terms of judicial sentencing. I live in a country with a high crime rate and for some reason that's my fault and im throwing big boulders in glass houses, do me a favour

Whether they review HIM or not is fuck all to do with us.
Their system clearly works better than ours.
So we should leave well alone.
Nobody is saying you are responsible for high crime rates,but they are a fact in this country,and they are lower in Norway,which suggests that they are doing something right,and we are not.
As to sentencing,of course it plays a part in rates of reoffending,despite you claiming the opposite
We lock 'em up,and it doesn't cut crime.
Scandinavia favours community-based sentences,and their rates are correspondingly lower.
Do the math.

Or maybe it's simply the case that there simply isn't the same percentage of scrotes in Norway as there are over here.

To put the lower crime rate down to a better judicial system is naive - and I hardly think that community-based sentences are the best punishment for the more hardened criminals.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
As I mentioned earlier,the crime rates in Norway,(especially violent crime),are significantly lower then those in this country,but let's ignore this fact and lecture them on law and order instead.

Look I don't know why you gone off at 1 on me as all I said is surely there is no point in reviewing HIM. At no point did I say they should change there legal system and also i have looked up there crime rate and its bloody low but not for 1 piece of material points to the fact its because they have a different system to ours in terms of judicial sentencing. I live in a country with a high crime rate and for some reason that's my fault and im throwing big boulders in glass houses, do me a favour

Whether they review HIM or not is fuck all to do with us.
Their system clearly works better than ours.
So we should leave well alone.
Nobody is saying you are responsible for high crime rates,but they are a fact in this country,and they are lower in Norway,which suggests that they are doing something right,and we are not.
As to sentencing,of course it plays a part in rates of reoffending,despite you claiming the opposite
We lock 'em up,and it doesn't cut crime.
Scandinavia favours community-based sentences,and their rates are correspondingly lower.
Do the math.

Have you thought for one minute that other factors may explain a greater crime rate over here?

Thought not. I respect your opinion though.
Johnsonontheleft said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Look I don't know why you gone off at 1 on me as all I said is surely there is no point in reviewing HIM. At no point did I say they should change there legal system and also i have looked up there crime rate and its bloody low but not for 1 piece of material points to the fact its because they have a different system to ours in terms of judicial sentencing. I live in a country with a high crime rate and for some reason that's my fault and im throwing big boulders in glass houses, do me a favour

Whether they review HIM or not is fuck all to do with us.
Their system clearly works better than ours.
So we should leave well alone.
Nobody is saying you are responsible for high crime rates,but they are a fact in this country,and they are lower in Norway,which suggests that they are doing something right,and we are not.
As to sentencing,of course it plays a part in rates of reoffending,despite you claiming the opposite
We lock 'em up,and it doesn't cut crime.
Scandinavia favours community-based sentences,and their rates are correspondingly lower.
Do the math.

Have you thought for one minute that other factors may explain a greater crime rate over here?

Thought not. I respect your opinion though.

Correct. No two countries are the same and to put the greater crime rate in one country as opposed to another down to how criminals are punished in those respective countries is downright ridiculous. Funny how it didn't stop this lunatic who murdered close on 100 people.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
As I mentioned earlier,the crime rates in Norway,(especially violent crime),are significantly lower then those in this country,but let's ignore this fact and lecture them on law and order instead.
Most folk would find that in doing this,people in glass houses would be throwing big fuck off boulders.
I would advocate leaving the Norwegian judiciary to its own devices,as they are clearly doing a better job than ours are.

Look I don't know why you gone off at 1 on me as all I said is surely there is no point in reviewing HIM. At no point did I say they should change there legal system and also i have looked up there crime rate and its bloody low but not for 1 piece of material points to the fact its because they have a different system to ours in terms of judicial sentencing. I live in a country with a high crime rate and for some reason that's my fault and im throwing big boulders in glass houses, do me a favour

Whether they review HIM or not is fuck all to do with us.
Their system clearly works better than ours.
So we should leave well alone.
Nobody is saying you are responsible for high crime rates,but they are a fact in this country,and they are lower in Norway,which suggests that they are doing something right,and we are not.
As to sentencing,of course it plays a part in rates of reoffending,despite you claiming the opposite
We lock 'em up,and it doesn't cut crime.
Scandinavia favours community-based sentences,and their rates are correspondingly lower.
Do the math.

They are a one party state, out of apathetic choice, but due to the high living standards, low population and low immigration, Norway is a fairly nice place to live. However, their is growing fear that the countries leadership has a leaning towards Cultural Marxism, which has been the focus of previous labour governments over here. Its very sad that so many people, children infact, have died because of one deeply disturbed individual.
VOOMER said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Look I don't know why you gone off at 1 on me as all I said is surely there is no point in reviewing HIM. At no point did I say they should change there legal system and also i have looked up there crime rate and its bloody low but not for 1 piece of material points to the fact its because they have a different system to ours in terms of judicial sentencing. I live in a country with a high crime rate and for some reason that's my fault and im throwing big boulders in glass houses, do me a favour

Whether they review HIM or not is fuck all to do with us.
Their system clearly works better than ours.
So we should leave well alone.
Nobody is saying you are responsible for high crime rates,but they are a fact in this country,and they are lower in Norway,which suggests that they are doing something right,and we are not.
As to sentencing,of course it plays a part in rates of reoffending,despite you claiming the opposite
We lock 'em up,and it doesn't cut crime.
Scandinavia favours community-based sentences,and their rates are correspondingly lower.
Do the math.

They are a one party state, out of apathetic choice, but due to the high living standards, low population and low immigration, Norway is a fairly nice place to live. However, their is growing fear that the countries leadership has a leaning towards Cultural Marxism, which has been the focus of previous labour governments over here. Its very sad that so many people, children infact, have died because of one deeply disturbed individual.

Prepare yourself for a ton of abuse...
Johnsonontheleft said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Look I don't know why you gone off at 1 on me as all I said is surely there is no point in reviewing HIM. At no point did I say they should change there legal system and also i have looked up there crime rate and its bloody low but not for 1 piece of material points to the fact its because they have a different system to ours in terms of judicial sentencing. I live in a country with a high crime rate and for some reason that's my fault and im throwing big boulders in glass houses, do me a favour

Whether they review HIM or not is fuck all to do with us.
Their system clearly works better than ours.
So we should leave well alone.
Nobody is saying you are responsible for high crime rates,but they are a fact in this country,and they are lower in Norway,which suggests that they are doing something right,and we are not.
As to sentencing,of course it plays a part in rates of reoffending,despite you claiming the opposite
We lock 'em up,and it doesn't cut crime.
Scandinavia favours community-based sentences,and their rates are correspondingly lower.
Do the math.

Have you thought for one minute that other factors may explain a greater crime rate over here?

Thought not. I respect your opinion though.

I for one don't respect yours as it's basis is one of crass idiocy. You are a few steps along the road to achieving the mindset of the barbaric idiot that committed this atrocity and I suggest you seek psychiatric help.
Johnsonontheleft said:
VOOMER said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Whether they review HIM or not is fuck all to do with us.
Their system clearly works better than ours.
So we should leave well alone.
Nobody is saying you are responsible for high crime rates,but they are a fact in this country,and they are lower in Norway,which suggests that they are doing something right,and we are not.
As to sentencing,of course it plays a part in rates of reoffending,despite you claiming the opposite
We lock 'em up,and it doesn't cut crime.
Scandinavia favours community-based sentences,and their rates are correspondingly lower.
Do the math.

They are a one party state, out of apathetic choice, but due to the high living standards, low population and low immigration, Norway is a fairly nice place to live. However, their is growing fear that the countries leadership has a leaning towards Cultural Marxism, which has been the focus of previous labour governments over here. Its very sad that so many people, children infact, have died because of one deeply disturbed individual.

Prepare yourself for a ton of abuse...

Always the same fuckin shit with you isn't it? And, as usual, well wide of the mark.

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