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I doubt the club would make any promises to anyone regarding play time, but going in to a season with a 35 year old and a 20 year old as third and fourth choice would be suicide.

Not sure I'd go as far as to say it would be suicide, however what it would do would be to open us up to potential risk that we'd rather avoid. At nearly 35 Demichelis' ability to play regularly is clearly going to be affected, plus older bodies break down easier so he's an injury risk. Denayer, at the other end of the scale, won't have the fitness issues, but he'll make more mistakes, bad decisions on the pitch, as he's very inexperienced. When you also factor in Kompany's recent injury history, and Mangala's less than stellar performances last season, and you'd have 4 centre halves, each with well known issues. If we lose Kompany for 6 weeks, or if Mangala's form is poor again, then you're relying on 1 of Demichelis/Denayer to step up and play regularly. Having Demichelis/Denayer as a 4th choice works as a strategy, having them as 3rd and 4th choices is something I always felt carried a higher than acceptable level of risk for a title challenging side with European ambitions.
Good job Demichelis has retired from internationals and that Sagna is in good nick. Big Wilfy will get his chance too.

Hadn't realised Demichelis had retired from internationals.

Always worry about half the team leaving to play international football in South/Central America, especially when there is so much extra flying once they reach their respective countries. Peril of attracting the very best I suppose.
I feel bad for denayer, what more does he have to do to get a chance even in the squad. With kompany , mangala and this guy he isn't gonna get a chance. He's one of the best young players in Europe and we aren't gonna give him a chance it appears. No point in forever going I on loan IMO. Rather then spend all this money we could just use denayer and trust him
His agent has said they were told we'd be making no more CB signings of this calibre. They are clearly unhappy.

Opportunities arise and things change.We see these days how often agents and players hold clubs to ransom and fuck them about.City want to be the best club in the world and if this pushes a few noses out of joint as they achieve that so be it. Denayer is 20 and has had one good season in a league that made Samaras look like fucking Messi! Neither he nor his agent are big enough yet to start rocking the boat.If Otamendi stays for 4 years who is to say a better centre half than Denayer will not have come through the academy by then?

As for the chavs not fetching anybody through it has hardly done them any harm so far has it? How many players did Jim Cassell fetch through for City and how many actually made it to the very top level? By very top level i mean one that would get into any of the top four sides.....none! Shaun came close but fell by the wayside in the end. Nobody conquers the world without upsetting or hurting a few people along the way,thirty five years of being a nice club and everyone's favourites got us absolutely fucking nowhere,i for one welcome a more ruthless approach!
Chelsea are a joke at developing players.

Tell me a title challenging side in Europe with a 20 year old centre half with one season of near amature football under his belt as their third choice?

Name me a 20 year old centre back playing regularly anywhere. Denayer is ahead of Jon Stones at the same age.

It's incredibly rare for centre backs to anywhere near a first team of our level at just turned 20.

To think a defender who turned 20 just 6 weeks ago is ready to play at level is simply wrong. History would back that up.
Really not surprised to see the kickback this has had with Denayer.

I thought we had the perfect balance going into the season, Kompany and Mangala first choice, Denayer and Demichelis on an even footing for backup. Both would be content with that role given their respective ages and stages of their careers.

Denayer had a breakthrough year last season, was playing for Belgium only recently.

He didn't have to sign that new contract, and there was clearly some deliberation with the club before he did sign it, now as his agent said, it seems they've been mislead.

I really hope signing Otamendi doesn't prove costly, can't let go of a youngster like Denayer. Sends out the wrong message to the academy lads this move, IMO.

What more could a young lad like Denayer do to earn his place in the squad and chance at first team football?

The message it sends is we are a world class club that will not settle for second best.

If you're good enough you will get the chance, simple and to help you we have invested over £200M in the best academy in football.

Too many on here think they should be given an easy ride into the first team.
If hazard fell out with sardine breath, would there be people moaning that it means our young attacking midfielders would be forgotten if we bid for him?
definately think denayer needs another full season elsewhere as the SPL has not convinced me and MDM has 1 season left with us at max so this move is ideal IMO
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