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City is ahead by Otamendi (Superdeporte)

The Argentine is confident his output is closed before boarding the plane on Friday this week
21.07.2015 | 14:15


Otamendi detract few days to board the plane that will bring it back to Valencia and its output still has not materialized. As this newspaper reported in its Monday edition, Manchester City and United have already moved tab, they have sent their emissaries to meet with Jorge Mendes and Eugenio Lopez centrally -agent of Porto and along this week formally transfer their formal offers Valencia. The two representatives are still in there, yesterday returned to be in contact with the clubs in Manchester and the feeling that emerges from the negotiations by the Argentine Central (means CB) is that things are much clearer when it comes to the City: the clear favorite today, it is that the two representatives Matiena a numbers game for United do not just materialize.

Jorge Mendes is trying to advance the negotiations and finalize all the details to move a formal offer by the Argentine during this week. For now, Porto await awaiting accelerate all are near Valencia and is intended to meet face to face with the leaders of the club in the coming days. In this sense, Otamendi also hopes that his departure from Valencia can take before it arrives on Friday, when the airline has to get on the plane and travel to get back on Saturday and rejoin with the rest of his teammates on Sunday . If you have to come, come. He will not take a position of strength, much less to be declared in default and thus has already forwarded to Valencia. He's a professional, he is willing to stand up before their fans if its output is not closed and compete with the same professionalism exhibited last year. However, you prefer not to spend that ordeal.

Ahead chapters
This story is still guess some chapters ahead and it seems that eventually boarding the plane Otamendi Friday in Buenos Aires to come to Valencia. However, as has been told SUPER Manchester City has the record straight and is willing to bet economically by the central, so it could be a definite shift in the coming days to resolve the situation. That is their way of negotiating. Last week paid 70 million by Sterling. His priority now is Otamendi.

(Google Translation Tool)

From: http://www.superdeporte.es/valencia/2015/07/21/city-adelanta-otamendi/264385.html
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Key appointment with Manchester City and Manchester United in Porto -
Mendes wants to present two offers from Manchester this week

21.07.2015 | 11:47

A. ALBEROLA ANDREU_ALBEROLA Otamendi and deducts one-handed the remaining days for him to head back to Valencia and its future is still in the air. The Argentine Central rushes their last days of vacation in Buenos Aires, is on the plane ticket for Friday and mouth knows Jorge Mendes this week things will happen when it comes to leaving the club. However, he knows he has to assess all possible scenarios and the truth today is that no club still comes to economic demands of Valencia. If his move does not materialize, Otamendi has decided to give face to the fans and face the competition with the utmost professionalism. Meanwhile, his representative and Mendes "partner of this" these days have been in constant contact with the clubs concerned to try to speed up his move from Valencia. This same weekend've been to Porto, where on Saturday held two important meetings.

One afternoon and one at night. In one they met with executives of United and the other with the City. The slogan of the two meetings could be summarized in that the talk is over. The two Manchester clubs have decided to move tab and by Otamendi and prepare formal offer to be presented to the leaders of Valencia in the course of this week. Representatives of the Argentine center cited in the northern city of Portugal to finalize everything to engage once negotiations with Valencia and late at night, and Lopez Mendes phoned Otamendi handsfree and transmitted their good sensations. The two officers told the defender that everything is closer, this week moved the club offers almost certainly and were cited for a new communication to take place tomorrow, Tuesday to talk about quantities.

In any case, as has been publishing SUPERDEPORTE following the latest contacts that exist for the Valencia, the two Manchester clubs, Real Madrid, PSG and Chelsea will assure Otamendi economic contracts ranging between 3'5 and 4 million euros per season. When he received the call, Nico Otamendi was in Buenos Aires celebrating an Argentine asado after dispute a 'pachanga' that lasted well into the morning along with other Argentine players such as Erik Lamela, Tottenham. The center is in a hurry to be resolved once and future but it will not force much less machinery "and it has been communicated to the club" and responded to their representatives that his idea, while there is nothing closed will still travel Valencia on Friday.

A great club position
The position of the current leaders of Metalla has not changed one iota about a few weeks ago when Layhoon Chan (Chief Chairboard Valencia FC) said publicly at the hearing of desepedida Amadeo Unless the Valencia will not negotiate for the Argentine. So, if a club is willing to take him this summer, you better start preparing an amount of 50 million euros, marking its value clause. Nuno Espirito Santo also sent a message to Nico from the Bird's Nest in Beijing when he said he considers "an essential part" of the project and talk to him nothing is present in Valencia to try to convince him. One possibility that naturally happens for a considerable increase in their salaries. For now, the'caso Otamendi' increasingly taking relief, the two Manchester clubs move tab to bid this week and Mendes is planning to come in the next few days in Valencia.

From: http://www.superdeporte.es/valencia...e-manchester-united-city-millones/264240.html
I find it impossible to believe we are going to spend a shitload on another cb, but if we do, Demi has to go imo. We are struggling for places in the squad as it is.
Dont believe everything that will be stated there, mate. The press in Spain are very lying and tale bearer. It stand there too, that Otamendi could also stay in Valencia IF THE CLUB IMPROVE THEIR FEES, as was also discuss by fans in their forum. Its a trick agents oft used too. So, its still a gamble and an open issue...
Still think we need a new CB tbh.
Our defending last season was woeful at times especially against set pieces.
Deyaner replaces Boyota and is good saw him playing against wales and was well impressed.
Kompany bad season last year and always picking up injuries.
Mangala looks promising and should be given more time.
Demi great seasoned pro but getting on now and we relied on him too much last season.
There will be plenty of games for everyone taking into account form fitness and suspensions.
Also would like a new left still think we look vulnerable there.
If it is BS fine. But if we are getting him then great. In that case it'd mean that the management team are doing something to improve our defence. Wish that involved new full backs too though....never enough. :-)
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