
Breaking bones hurts, done my collar bone, foot twice and wrist.

But, although it's over quick, you can't really beat root canal surgery on an infected tooth for sheer, whitehot, jump to the cieling agony.

I've got my third next week, too. Bastard.
Didsbury Dave said:
Breaking bones hurts, done my collar bone, foot twice and wrist.

But, although it's over quick, you can't really beat root canal surgery on an infected tooth for sheer, whitehot, jump to the cieling agony.

I've got my third next week, too. Bastard.

I had a problem with a tooth that was left in place after my impacted wisdom teeth (4!) were removed under general anaesthetic about 20 years ago.

The issue was that the tooth had been filled and they hadnt realised the filling and come out!

Once I was home and the pain from the op subsided I was left with what described to me as, 'a bare nerve' in my mouth for 12 hours.

I was punching walls as the pain was so bad.

I cannot express in words the pleasure I felt as the dentist injected my gum and the pain left my head.
Broke my ankle and dislocated it at the same time some years ago. I was in an innaccesible place too, full of snow and about half a mile from the vehicle we'd travelled in had to litterally crawl to the car, absolute and utter fookin agony!
Broken both collar bones too, broken jaw, fractured cheekbone and eye socket and broken every finger but none hurt as much as that.
I was at football training about twelve years ago (I distinctly remember wearing the Kappa training top) and we were just doing the last shuttle runs and I put my leg on the pitch to slide and stop myself. I felt a scratch and looked down to my lower right leg to see a gaping wound about 12 inches long and a good three inches deep.

I was more concerned about putting my mates into shock from seeing it to be honest because the pain was almost non-existent, which was weird, and there was not that much blood. It turned out there was a tiny piece of glass on the pitch which had the effect on my leg as a wood saw does on a log.

The lack of pain situation all changed when they got me in A and E and had to start examaning the wound and clean it out. I was on both morphine and gas and air and it was still the most pain I have ever felt. The nurse resorted to spraying the morphine directly into the wound as she could see the distress I was in.

I wouldn't wish that on anyone but Gary Neville. Great scar though.<br /><br />-- Tue Sep 28, 2010 12:21 pm --<br /><br />
Chris Mac said:
Broke my ankle and dislocated it at the same time some years ago. I was in an innaccesible place too, full of snow and about half a mile from the vehicle we'd travelled in had to litterally crawl to the car, absolute and utter fookin agony!
Broken both collar bones too, broken jaw, fractured cheekbone and eye socket and broken every finger but none hurt as much as that.

It's Roque isn't it? Roque Santa Cruz everyone!!
m27 said:
I was at football training about twelve years ago (I distinctly remember wearing the Kappa training top) and we were just doing the last shuttle runs and I put my leg on the pitch to slide and stop myself. I felt a scratch and looked down to my lower right leg to see a gaping wound about 12 inches long and a good three inches deep.

I was more concerned about putting my mates into shock from seeing it to be honest because the pain was almost non-existent, which was weird, and there was not that much blood. It turned out there was a tiny piece of glass on the pitch which had the effect on my leg as a wood saw does on a log.

The lack of pain situation all changed when they got me in A and E and had to start examaning the wound and clean it out. I was on both morphine and gas and air and it was still the most pain I have ever felt. The nurse resorted to spraying the morphine directly into the wound as she could see the distress I was in.

I wouldn't wish that on anyone but Gary Neville. Great scar though.

Didn't you tell me that you got it fighting a "big cat" on a jungle expedition while you were still in the SAS?

Doesn't sound nearly as impressive now...
I skied down an Iced over waterfall in Canada a fews year ago, on purpose.
Lost it at the bottom and shot down a gully, then into the air. Landed head first on Ice with one hand taking all the weight.
Snapped the tendon in my thumb, which also ripped bits of bone off.
Quite lucky really, could have ended up in a wheel chair.

Hurt though.
Soulboy said:
m27 said:
I was at football training about twelve years ago (I distinctly remember wearing the Kappa training top) and we were just doing the last shuttle runs and I put my leg on the pitch to slide and stop myself. I felt a scratch and looked down to my lower right leg to see a gaping wound about 12 inches long and a good three inches deep.

I was more concerned about putting my mates into shock from seeing it to be honest because the pain was almost non-existent, which was weird, and there was not that much blood. It turned out there was a tiny piece of glass on the pitch which had the effect on my leg as a wood saw does on a log.

The lack of pain situation all changed when they got me in A and E and had to start examaning the wound and clean it out. I was on both morphine and gas and air and it was still the most pain I have ever felt. The nurse resorted to spraying the morphine directly into the wound as she could see the distress I was in.

I wouldn't wish that on anyone but Gary Neville. Great scar though.

Didn't you tell me that you got it fighting a "big cat" on a jungle expedition while you were still in the SAS?

Doesn't sound nearly as impressive now...

That was my left leg and it was when I got run over by a "big twat" when I broke down and was waiting for the RAC.

You need to lay off those organic ciders.
m27 said:
I was at football training about twelve years ago (I distinctly remember wearing the Kappa training top) and we were just doing the last shuttle runs and I put my leg on the pitch to slide and stop myself. I felt a scratch and looked down to my lower right leg to see a gaping wound about 12 inches long and a good three inches deep.

I was more concerned about putting my mates into shock from seeing it to be honest because the pain was almost non-existent, which was weird, and there was not that much blood. It turned out there was a tiny piece of glass on the pitch which had the effect on my leg as a wood saw does on a log.

The lack of pain situation all changed when they got me in A and E and had to start examaning the wound and clean it out. I was on both morphine and gas and air and it was still the most pain I have ever felt. The nurse resorted to spraying the morphine directly into the wound as she could see the distress I was in.

I wouldn't wish that on anyone but Gary Neville. Great scar though.

-- Tue Sep 28, 2010 12:21 pm --

Chris Mac said:
Broke my ankle and dislocated it at the same time some years ago. I was in an innaccesible place too, full of snow and about half a mile from the vehicle we'd travelled in had to litterally crawl to the car, absolute and utter fookin agony!
Broken both collar bones too, broken jaw, fractured cheekbone and eye socket and broken every finger but none hurt as much as that.

It's Roque isn't it? Roque Santa Cruz everyone!!

^^^ take a bow son iv just pissed myself at that
The old school fight for me. As i stood victorious over the lad i chinned i was taking the plaudits from the crowd like Muhammad Ali stood over Sonny Liston. As i was walking off f'king Lazarus got up and jumped on my back,i fell forward, put my arm out and crack. Next minute i'm looking at my bone popping through my arm. Once the adrenalin had worn off it was rather painful to say the least.
1_barry_conlon said:
The old school fight for me. As i stood victorious over the lad i chinned i was taking the plaudits from the crowd like Muhammad Ali stood over Sonny Liston. As i was walking off f'king Lazarus got up and jumped on my back,i fell forward, put my arm out and crack. Next minute i'm looking at my bone popping through my arm. Once the adrenalin had worn off it was rather painful to say the least.

Who was declared winner then, Barry?

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