
have you never been bitten by a spider[/quote]
I have, wouldn`t reccommend it

but worse, coming round on the side of the road and seeing my right ankle touching my right knee, still got the screws and plate in some 35 years later
Pissed out of my face about 10 years ago, I stumbled into one of the entrances of Kendals, slipped and heard a crack. Looked down to find my ankle already swollen in an instant. No pain until the next day, however when I woke up and tried to get up for a piss/shit/vomitus maximum, I found I could no longer walk! The whole foot was black from the ankle down. Still gives me jip to this day and swimming is a no-no. If do try swimming the same pain comes back but I can also physically feel something loose in their too. Not good.
Pigeonho said:
Pissed out of my face about 10 years ago, I stumbled into one of the entrances of Kendals, slipped and heard a crack. Looked down to find my ankle already swollen in an instant. No pain until the next day, however when I woke up and tried to get up for a piss/shit/vomitus maximum, I found I could no longer walk! The whole foot was black from the ankle down. Still gives me jip to this day and swimming is a no-no. If do try swimming the same pain comes back but I can also physically feel something loose in their too. Not good.

OK don`t laugh,but has anyone else suffered from this ??
Had it twice and pain really is excruciating.Couldn`t wear socks and even the duvet was like having a 100lb piece of concrete stuck on your ankle.
Laughable ?? I used to torment a mate of mine who suffered from it and I called him a mardarse.
Year later it was his turn to take the piss.
Horrible fooking pain !!
I fell from height and fractured my left ankle back in 2002 ......... that feckin' well hurt , i can tell ya!
cut my finger off (down to the first knuckle) on a printing press, ruptured my PCL in my right knee playing football and completely snapped my ACL in my left knee playing football. Out of those three I'd say the ruptured PCL was the most painful.<br /><br />-- Tue Sep 28, 2010 11:18 am --<br /><br />
oakiecokie said:
OK don`t laugh,but has anyone else suffered from this ??
Had it twice and pain really is excruciating.Couldn`t wear socks and even the duvet was like having a 100lb piece of concrete stuck on your ankle.
Laughable ?? I used to torment a mate of mine who suffered from it and I called him a mardarse.
Year later it was his turn to take the piss.
Horrible fooking pain !!

feedthegoat suffers from gout, he said its murder, he couldn't get out of bed for two days......at least that was the excuse he used
I used to do Pro Wrestling years back, still do it every now and again but not to the extent i did.

Anywho, tried flipping onto soft mats which were layered.. landed near enough on my feet but the mats slipped out - dislocated my left ankle to 45degrees and giving me a tasty triple spiral fracture. Can still run/play football etc.. but my left calfs lost a lot of muscle on it, still not the same size 6 years on.

Horrible experience, was on crutches for 3 months.
I've broken my arm, broken my wrist, broken my elbow... heart operations, brain scans... and yet none of them compare to the pain I suffered when I stood on a broken glass in bare feet and split my sole open.

No, it's not that. It was getting to the hospital and they tried to stitch it up... I actually screamed out so loud the echo carried on down the corridors for what seemed like ages!
Soulboy said:
I've broken my arm, broken my wrist, broken my elbow... heart operations, brain scans... and yet none of them compare to the pain I suffered when I stood on a broken glass in bare feet and split my sole open.

No, it's not that. It was getting to the hospital and they tried to stitch it up... I actually screamed out so loud the echo carried on down the corridors for what seemed like ages!
Ah so thats why you're called soulboy? ;-)
By some freak accident I managed to bend my big toenail right back on itself. That didn't hurt at all but when the nurse bent it back forward again I hit the roof. Was only a second or so of pain but it absolutely killed.

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