Our away fans in London

Fucking LOL, as the kids say. I spoke to my mate in Manc on the phone at half time and we both commented about the great away support. Even my Canadian wife said we sounded like the home side. P.S, she loves the new Zabaleta song (her hero).
Didsbury Dave said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
ballinio said:
wow banned 3 times, bet you dead hard
It amuses me that he claims that Fulham "got away with" singing a song.

As oppose to what exactly? Not getting away with it? How does that work exactly?

The referee could have blown his whistle and taken the players off the field until the Putney End sang 'we're really sorry for lying city' repeadly.
In fairness, some of them might be genuinely forgetful.
Oh hell, can never figure how to get these to embed. But here are some of our guys singing the new Zab song. (not from today) Can't wait for someone to get a version from today up so I can mp3 it.

<a class="postlink" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOETINE47Uw" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOETINE47Uw</a>

EDIT: Ah- see this youtube link was posted in the Zabba song thread. Missed it the first time. Fucking brilliant nevertheless. Sounded massive today on the Tel.
fuck off bennyhill20,you`re obviously a rag who only comes out the woodwork to throw a post in every now and again just to stir it up...
why would a city fan want to say what you said after such a fantastic result and day out?
sad mate,just find your backbone and your bollocks and get it out in the open,you`re obviously embarrassed to be a rag at this moment in time and rightly so but love it at how shit you are at trying to disguise it...
you`re like a polar bear trying to get into an elephants only party and somehow thinking you`ve cracked it by wearing a pair of sunglasses,a false nose and moustache and a rather large hat....
manimanc said:
fuck off bennyhill20,you`re obviously a rag who only comes out the woodwork to throw a post in every now and again just to stir it up...
why would a city fan want to say what you said after such a fantastic result and day out?
sad mate,just find your backbone and your bollocks and get it out in the open,you`re obviously embarrassed to be a rag at this moment in time and rightly so but love it at how shit you are at trying to disguise it...
you`re like a polar bear trying to get into an elephants only party and somehow thinking you`ve cracked it by wearing a pair of sunglasses,a false nose and moustache and a rather large hat....
ha ha ha fucking funny mate...
Barcon said:
Fucking LOL, as the kids say. I spoke to my mate in Manc on the phone at half time and we both commented about the great away support. Even my Canadian wife said we sounded like the home side. P.S, she loves the new Zabaleta song (her hero).
Actually seen n' chatted to quite afew Canadian Blues in match at halftime n' more importantly NYC Blues down on the concourse stood infront of 4/5 dressed blues brothers.

If folk think the Zaba chant sounded boss on tele, it were fuckall to how it sounded on concourse n' in the park afterwards ...the Mud were fuckin o'ribble granted !
Someone turn on Sky Sports and tell me our fans were quiet today.

Class support.

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