Our 'Be Part Of It' Painting TRASHED!

daveduke67 said:
Not a mural ...........but


Absolutely 100% spot on mate.

Any club that milks a tragedy like the Munich air crash for every penny it's worth is beyond contempt.

Scribbling a childish '35 years' comment on a mural pales into total insignificance compared to the absolute depths that this shitty rag club is prepared to plummet just to make a bit of cash.

To any rags reading this - FUCK OFF AND DIE YOU FILTHY SCUM
daveduke67 said:
Not a mural ...........but


Pure brilliant, love that and its all so, so true as i know first hand. I have never mentioned this before on BM and im sure i will get called a "rag" in a joke kind of way, but my grandad played for united with the busby babes. He should have been on the plane that night in munich, but a player called mark jones, who returned from injury took his place on the plane, my grandad was gutted and was really pissed off not to be playing in the European Cup that night for united. Thank god he didnt go as mark jones was one of the men who did die that night, basically that would/could/should have been my grandad but instead mark jones was picked to go. My grandad never gets anything from united, as do non of the other players from that era who played in the late 50's. All he gets is a golf invitation once a year where all the old players go and have a round of golf. It used to be paid for by the club, but now they have to pay for it themselves. They will continue to "milk" the dreadfull events of that night but wont help and support those who were directly moved and emotionally hurt by the events.
i like how the fact how the rags name is 0161. is this your way to show the world that rags are mancs?? i actually laughed at his photo shop of the 'be apart of it' poster, but im probably being bitter for laughing.
0161 said:
Biggsy1 said:
Tick tock tick tock!!

Now I'm a placid red, with many blue mates and even red vermin mates. But I must say this 'tick tock' stuff is proper cringeworthy - almost embarrassing - when you consider our three victories last season. It doesn't offend any reds I know, and simply reminds us of those glorious derbies.


So, erm, keep it coming :)

Oh and this mural is better.


All the best on Saturday.

Grow the fuck up, my sons more mature than you. joining a city forum what a sad little life you have. your more than likley a spotty teenager from london.

Your not called Mr Teese by anychance are you???

rickmcfc said:
daveduke67 said:
Not a mural ...........but


Pure brilliant, love that and its all so, so true as i know first hand. I have never mentioned this before on BM and im sure i will get called a "rag" in a joke kind of way, but my grandad played for united with the busby babes. He should have been on the plane that night in munich, but a player called mark jones, who returned from injury took his place on the plane, my grandad was gutted and was really pissed off not to be playing in the European Cup that night for united. Thank god he didnt go as mark jones was one of the men who did die that night, basically that would/could/should have been my grandad but instead mark jones was picked to go. My grandad never gets anything from united, as do non of the other players from that era who played in the late 50's. All he gets is a golf invitation once a year where all the old players go and have a round of golf. It used to be paid for by the club, but now they have to pay for it themselves. They will continue to "milk" the dreadfull events of that night but wont help and support those who were directly moved and emotionally hurt by the events.

That's almost laughable! I take it is played in Florida on one of the most exclusive courses in the state? I'm not surprised they don't pay for that - it would cost hundreds of thousands to fly them out, pay for accomodation etc.
How dare your Grandad expect them to cough up all that money. He got paid his two pound a week plus his ten bob win bonus! Greedy bugger ;-)
0161 said:
Biggsy1 said:
Tick tock tick tock!!

Now I'm a placid red, with many blue mates and even red vermin mates. But I must say this 'tick tock' stuff is proper cringeworthy - almost embarrassing - when you consider our three victories last season. It doesn't offend any reds I know, and simply reminds us of those glorious derbies.


So, erm, keep it coming :)

Oh and this mural is better.


All the best on Saturday.

Hmm...cutting rag "humour" at it's absolute finest...;-)

Interesting how the photoshop "artist" has included Gallagher,Hatton,Large..and yes,Curly....every one easily identifiable with people from outside Manchester as being "Mancunians."

Rather ironic that some of the more "celebrated" rag fans include Zoe Ball,Angus Deayton,Eamon Holmes,Geoff Boycott.... and that utter nobhead Oliie Mers.

Every one associated with,err....absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with Manchester.

As usual,their attempts at mocking and deriding City just falls flat on its' face with it's own stupidity and utter cack-handedness.


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