Our fickle fans

Lancet Fluke said:
Didsbury Dave said:
You look like a good poster to me mate.

Stick around, get used to those worth talking to.

And enjoy exposing the knobs for what they are.

I've had my eyes opened a few times where i've been arguing against a point someone has made ("Ireland is shite", "Bridge is useless", "we're the worst fans int eh world" etc) and then suddenly clicked that they are 14. Or they know nothing about the game. Or they don't go to the game.

And you realise. Bluemoon's front page is not representative of City fans in the stadium. It's like Speaker's Corner in London. Any knob can take centre stage.

To be fair, Bridge is useless.


"45 England Caps? Cupboard full of medals? He's fucking shite!"
gio's side step said:
Some of you are hilarious. Ridiculous. Embarassing. And down right hypocrites. Some of you. And before some nob points about I don't have 7,000 posts or didn't join a year ago, grow up.

Reading some of the constant shit on here about Bellamy has made me question whether we as fans are worth a side capable of winning the league. No one doubts our loyalty, Ive just watched a video of Stoke away 1998, and I remember how I felt leaving the ground that day. Knowing I shared that with other fans who would die for City, in the worst moment. But reading some of this crap, makes me wonder whether our loyalty comes at the expense of intelligence. For Fck Sake.

On one hand, it's Bellamy should keep his mouth shut, Bellamy is 30+, Bellamy should move on, YET, in the same paragraphs, people say, 'why is he bringing Tevez into it', Not Tevez, Not Saint Carlos, Not the guy who makes me cum at the sight of his name. Grow a fckin pair! Tevez spoke out about Mancini. And now because he has said via one newspaper, he is committed, it's Saint Carlos again. And Bellamy is a tosser.


I love Tevez. Regardless of what he said. And I love Bellamy. Regardless of what he said. Both are winners. Have desire. Expect certain standards. Are self driven. And then some pillock posts about getting rid of Bellamy and keeping Jo. Even worse, on a day where the anti Bellamy posts are in abundance, there is a thread asking about whether Robinho has returned, and that there may be hope for him. I'm not against Robinho coming back, but some of you are fickle and hypocrites.

Mancini has not warranted this level of support. I support him, I want him to succeed. But he isnt a fckin saint. There are reasons Tevez spoke out. And are reasons Bellamy has said what he has said. It's not just propoganda. Nor is it Bellamy seeking a move. The guy is probably one of the only guys in football who speaks it as it is. I'm all for Mancini putting his foot down, installing more discipline, I have called for this. But IF it's true about him not speaking to players, then more questions should be asked about this also.

Good post..
monkey-trousers said:
To be fair, it's the silly comments that make the forum so entertaining. If everyone had similar opinions and all agreed with each other, it would be pretty dull. The secret is, don't get roped in, just sit back and enjoy the ride.
Bluemoon is comedy genious being written as you read.

I concur.
Didsbury Dave said:
Lancet Fluke said:
To be fair, Bridge is useless.


"45 England Caps? Cupboard full of medals? He's fucking shite!"

He used to be good but I don't think he is now. Those medals and caps are in the past, the comment, "Bridge is useless" is in the present tense. Anyway number of caps is no indication of quality. Carlton Palmer has England caps and i don't think anyone would claim he was any good, apart from Mrs Palmer, perhaps.
Don't want to take the thread off topic, Lance.

Bridge has had a few bad days for us but I don't believe he is a bad player.

He's great as our second choice left back in my opinion, fighting Kolorov for his place.
I had this discussion with my mate and my dad whilst on way to Valencia game about how we have some very good yet emotional players in the squad. I know what your all thinking their all professionals and earn mass amount of money and should suck it up, your right but on the other hand emotions are very powerful things and can't be over shadowed by money.

For example I get ANGRY at my job which I HATE but LOVE the laughs I have with the lads there, 3 emotions I have at my current job but I don't mouth off I just get on with my work.... OK so my work isn't on par as it was some years ago I've become lazy and fuck up on occasion but the emotions I feel towards my job has caused this but unlike Bellamy I can't be bought and sold I have to look for a job in this world.

As for Bellamy he feels unwanted which makes him ANGRY and he's taken a dislike to mancini so he does kind of HATE him but at the same time Bellamy is a very professional person and LOVES the club and fans. My opinion he should go I think he would of made the 25 as he's always been apart of Mancinis plans but this latest out burst just reminds me of a certain Elano and now he has shot himself in the foot.
Lancet Fluke said:
Didsbury Dave said:

"45 England Caps? Cupboard full of medals? He's fucking shite!"

He used to be good but I don't think he is now. Those medals and caps are in the past, the comment, "Bridge is useless" is in the present tense. Anyway number of caps is no indication of quality. Carlton Palmer has England caps and i don't think anyone would claim he was any good, apart from Mrs Palmer, perhaps.

As a bit of light relief, has anyone seen the 'do i not like that' (graham taylor as england manager documentary)? There is a funny scence where Carlton Palmer scores a diving header at Wembley, and Taylor turns to McMenemy, and says who was that? 'Carlton' .. Taylor replies, 'Carlton?', Didn't I tell him to hold the fckin midfield'

If you havent seen it, it's a great watch. Some really funny clips of Gazza, and Taylor .. well just losing it basically. Sort of feel sorry for him in the end.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8XIrYDVfOE" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8XIrYDVfOE</a>

Thats part 1. The rest are accessible

Taking my own original post off topic = apologies. Just a side post.
gio's side step said:
bobmcfc said:
craig can bad mouth us in the media, hi 5 harry redknapp and laugh and joke with him if front of thousands of gutted fans who have just seen their champions league hopes crushed. he can do what he likes as long as he puts in a shift ? it just doesnt seem right to me.

i respect him and love him as a player but he keeps disapointing me with his comments off the field.

Again, understand your sentiments about the Spurs thing. I don't know if that context or discourse has ever been explained. Bellamy has always been the same. Bobby Robson knew this about him. But every manager he has ever worked with, has always respected his drive, his talent, his motivation and his commitment on the pitch. The whole issue here, from my belief, is that Bellamy has seen the players we have signed since he has been here, and this summer, and his huge self belief is telling him, I can still get in this team. I should still be part of the squad. Some will disagree, and maybe Mancini does, or just wants rid of him because he feels he disrupts or undermines him. My argument to those people, is why then, is there a lack of criticism about Tevez. Who has on a couple of occassions, spoke to the foreign press about Mancini, about training, and about being unhappy. He is outspoken also. That's what motivated my original post. At least people should be consistent.

Wow you pretty good at this long post thing, and you make alot if sense which is unusual on here!! I think it was Alan Shearer who said you can do and say whatever you like when you scoring goals because its all fans want. This is where Tevez is!!!
It's a classic documentary and lef tTaylor and Neil's repuations in tatters.

"Do I not like that" has entered folklore.
gio's side step said:
Some of you are hilarious. Ridiculous. Embarassing. And down right hypocrites. Some of you. And before some nob points about I don't have 7,000 posts or didn't join a year ago, grow up.

Reading some of the constant shit on here about Bellamy has made me question whether we as fans are worth a side capable of winning the league. No one doubts our loyalty, Ive just watched a video of Stoke away 1998, and I remember how I felt leaving the ground that day. Knowing I shared that with other fans who would die for City, in the worst moment. But reading some of this crap, makes me wonder whether our loyalty comes at the expense of intelligence. For Fck Sake.

On one hand, it's Bellamy should keep his mouth shut, Bellamy is 30+, Bellamy should move on, YET, in the same paragraphs, people say, 'why is he bringing Tevez into it', Not Tevez, Not Saint Carlos, Not the guy who makes me cum at the sight of his name. Grow a fckin pair! Tevez spoke out about Mancini. And now because he has said via one newspaper, he is committed, it's Saint Carlos again. And Bellamy is a tosser.


I love Tevez. Regardless of what he said. And I love Bellamy. Regardless of what he said. Both are winners. Have desire. Expect certain standards. Are self driven. And then some pillock posts about getting rid of Bellamy and keeping Jo. Even worse, on a day where the anti Bellamy posts are in abundance, there is a thread asking about whether Robinho has returned, and that there may be hope for him. I'm not against Robinho coming back, but some of you are fickle and hypocrites.

Mancini has not warranted this level of support. I support him, I want him to succeed. But he isnt a fckin saint. There are reasons Tevez spoke out. And are reasons Bellamy has said what he has said. It's not just propoganda. Nor is it Bellamy seeking a move. The guy is probably one of the only guys in football who speaks it as it is. I'm all for Mancini putting his foot down, installing more discipline, I have called for this. But IF it's true about him not speaking to players, then more questions should be asked about this also.

Mostly good till you got here - Bellamy in the same interview said that it is normal for a manager not to talk to players for that length of time and mentioned previous managers name. Do not confuse not talking to cold shouldering - what Bellamy is saying they have not had a one and one conversation, why would need to have one. Mancini's coaches deal with the day to day and he deals with the big picture - the only time he needs to pull a player aside is to let them know there is a issue.

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