Our PR department and the media

Fair enough - if that is the "brief" then theyr'e no doubt doing a sterling job. Ignore the BBC, Sky, BT, the national press, press agencies and all their platforms- get more YouTube hits. Presumably Khaldoon hasn't said "focus" on one asspect at the expense of the others?
Fair play to you - we've discussed this amicably and I respect that, but what you see as modern and long sighted I see as short sighted and insular if it means neglecting such a large demographic.
All the best.

Completely and I respect your points and opinion. I'll finish by saying I don't think we're totally ignoring those outlets either, it's just they're much harder to persuade.
I wonder if all businesses under the Shiekhs umbrella operate the same. Culturally royal families are above criticism and do not respond to it. It might be an organisational value.
Royal families maybe but we are talking about a club in Manchester that's existed for over a century and is deeply engrained in the hearts of whole families throughout the area. no other club is written about constantly with such derision
You're right and it's very similar. You also make good points.

However, there's no way on this earth that City haven't got a strategy in place and aren't already meeting the right people. I work at a brand who's name opens similar doors to that of the MCFC comms team, so getting into those meetings and opening the opportunity to pitch is easy. The hard part is what can we give these journalists/editors/etc that the other clubs can't?

It's clearly our approach/plan that needs refining in order to get the results we want.

However, if you look at the bigger picture and the work the club is doing to target new fans and 'Gen Z', we are at the forefront of content creation and engagement. Take the latest trip to Abu Dhabi as an example, the club took out two YouTube/Social media influencers to meet the players and create a video. These guys are who the kids listen to and look up to now, they don't read newspapers or their websites.

One of the influencers, Miniminter, has nearly 6 million subscribers to his YouTube channel. That's one hell of an audience to reach and the club is bringing on the next generation of influencers and fans in this market. These guys will all be positive in their coverage of MCFC and our players.

I know for a fact that other media outlets are copying MCFC's approach and see them as the benchmark for social media/football content.

So even though the older generation of fans may still care about tabloids/print, MCFC are looking forward (as in everything the club does) and making them irrelevant. Young supporters don't have a clue about Neil Custis or Ian Herbert, nobody will in 5-10 years.

BTW I'm in no way affiliated with the club. I just respect the work they're doing as I'm in a similar profession.

That's really good to hear, and I'm feeling perhaps we are not so inept at all this as I had feared then.

I'm an old fart who reads newspapers and listens to the news, but it's interesting how things are changing. There was some article on the TV the other day saying how young kids don't do news any more - let alone read newspapers. It's all Instagram, Twitter and Facebook with them, and they could print what they like in the Sun because no-one in this age group would ever read it.

Interesting that ITV have moved News at Ten to 10:30pm too. I am pretty sure that's because the viewing figures are in permanent decline and they can get more advertising revenue by putting more popular shows on earlier and bumping the news to a later slot. They used to have their own news channel didn't they and now no longer have that. I can see ITV binning the news service altogether.

Perhaps in this changing times, what Custis or any such **** says about us, is increasingly irrelevant.
You're right and it's very similar. You also make good points.

However, there's no way on this earth that City haven't got a strategy in place and aren't already meeting the right people. I work at a brand who's name opens similar doors to that of the MCFC comms team, so getting into those meetings and opening the opportunity to pitch is easy. The hard part is what can we give these journalists/editors/etc that the other clubs can't?

It's clearly our approach/plan that needs refining in order to get the results we want.

However, if you look at the bigger picture and the work the club is doing to target new fans and 'Gen Z', we are at the forefront of content creation and engagement. Take the latest trip to Abu Dhabi as an example, the club took out two YouTube/Social media influencers to meet the players and create a video. These guys are who the kids listen to and look up to now, they don't read newspapers or their websites.

One of the influencers, Miniminter, has nearly 6 million subscribers to his YouTube channel. That's one hell of an audience to reach and the club is bringing on the next generation of influencers and fans in this market. These guys will all be positive in their coverage of MCFC and our players.

I know for a fact that other media outlets are copying MCFC's approach and see them as the benchmark for social media/football content.

So even though the older generation of fans may still care about tabloids/print, MCFC are looking forward (as in everything the club does) and making them irrelevant. Young supporters don't have a clue about Neil Custis or Ian Herbert, nobody will in 5-10 years.

BTW I'm in no way affiliated with the club. I just respect the work they're doing as I'm in a similar profession.
This is a very good post, I am also of the opinion that the 'project' has limited concern for yesterday men. Media is changing rapidly.
So 24hr news, programmes like Match of the Day, Sky's copious amount of magazine programmes on football, BT's numerous football programmes, Radio and TV stations with exclusive commentary rights, the national press - which, by the way, all have the new multimedia format platforms that people subscribe to within them - are just dismissed as old hat and yesterday men?

OB has eloquently and articulately made a good point - that the club isn't sitting on it's hands regarding new, youth targeted areas - if that alone placates you, then fine.
A lot of good points have been made here. It does make sense for the club to target younger fans. Some of the old farts (including me) won't be around for ever. It also makes a lot of sense to use social media and new digital platforms because the print media is irrelevant and dying. The number of stories they publish which most people have already seen live (press conference quotes etc) is ridiculous.
But the BBC and the Daily Mail have amongst the biggest worldwide digital audiences and SKY still have a lot of influence so we can't afford to ignore them at this stage of our development. I understand we are playing the long game but there are times we have to go in to bat for our reputation.
I know we are getting bad coverage when the lads I go to the games start to say we are. These blokes go most home and away and do not usually give 2 fucks what anyone says about city as they feel they do not have to.

Now i am hearing them saying it is bad so for me it must be
A lot of good points have been made here. It does make sense for the club to target younger fans. Some of the old farts (including me) won't be around for ever. It also makes a lot of sense to use social media and new digital platforms because the print media is irrelevant and dying. The number of stories they publish which most people have already seen live (press conference quotes etc) is ridiculous.
But the BBC and the Daily Mail have amongst the biggest worldwide digital audiences and SKY still have a lot of influence so we can't afford to ignore them at this stage of our development. I understand we are playing the long game but there are times we have to go in to bat for our reputation.

I volunteer to take out that odious slime ball Paul Smith, i vow i will not stop thumping his face even when he is begging through broken teeth :-D
A lot of good points have been made here. It does make sense for the club to target younger fans. Some of the old farts (including me) won't be around for ever. It also makes a lot of sense to use social media and new digital platforms because the print media is irrelevant and dying. The number of stories they publish which most people have already seen live (press conference quotes etc) is ridiculous.
But the BBC and the Daily Mail have amongst the biggest worldwide digital audiences and SKY still have a lot of influence so we can't afford to ignore them at this stage of our development. I understand we are playing the long game but there are times we have to go in to bat for our reputation.

Agreed and imo there is a case for using as many approaches as possible in order to promote the club and diminish the influence and negativity that the likes of the BBC/SLY / DM inflict on the the public at large.
That's really good to hear, and I'm feeling perhaps we are not so inept at all this as I had feared then.

I'm an old fart who reads newspapers and listens to the news, but it's interesting how things are changing. There was some article on the TV the other day saying how young kids don't do news any more - let alone read newspapers. It's all Instagram, Twitter and Facebook with them, and they could print what they like in the Sun because no-one in this age group would ever read it.

Interesting that ITV have moved News at Ten to 10:30pm too. I am pretty sure that's because the viewing figures are in permanent decline and they can get more advertising revenue by putting more popular shows on earlier and bumping the news to a later slot. They used to have their own news channel didn't they and now no longer have that. I can see ITV binning the news service altogether.

Perhaps in this changing times, what Custis or any such **** says about us, is increasingly irrelevant.

For info, Facebook isn't used to catch the attention of youngsters as young people tend to see this as a domain for people of their parents age. It's known as creepy treehouse in social media marketing because youngsters avoid places where adults want to try to look cool by connecting with them.
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