Our PR department and the media

So that's a no then. You have absolutely no idea.

I'd say it was far more likely that the AAG/FBI started investigating after they were cheated out of the World Cup by the corrupt fuckers at FIFA, Russia & Qatar.
I have no idea but then again I didn't make the suggestion in the first place, it was crownpointblue
I know. I was supporting you. He's bullshitting.
Apologies I thought you were saying I didn't have a clue as I didn't reply. I have asked a couple of times the same question and I still await the answer. Either he is BFF with HH or he is a grade 1 Schmendrick. Let's wait for his reply.
I've been thinking long and hard about how City are currently perceived in the media, as I know many Blues have. It's a really tough one to crack and I do think at times we are all a bit over sensitive, however, listening to last night's R5L on my way home from the game I was horrified to hear the stuff about Bravo. In a sense 'we' made it easy for them with the ironic cheers, but for me the real story last night wasn't one mistake that an exposed goalkeeper had to make, but the fact that Aguero broke yet another record ('if only it'd been Zlatan, hey?'), the large support from Huddersfield and their team's defiant attempts which put some in the PL to shame, and - if they're looking for a negative fan story - the way the Town fans kept the ball in an unsportsman like way.

So, how do we bring an end to 'Bertiegate', Bravo-negativity and ridicule of our manager every time a defender or goalkeeper makes a mistake ('he doesn't coach defending' - for gawd's sake, it's a joke not a philosophy!).

As fans we need to accept that there's every chance we will win games 5-3 rather than 2-0 and we need not to panic if/when we go a goal behind. Those critics we have will pounce on this (as they do if they see any empty seat - last week Henry Winter talked of how City fans still didn't like the CL because the boo the anthem and there are empty seats - 'admittedly in the Monaco section'!). Let's try and be positive until the end, let's remember the spirit that got us through in 2012 (and in 1989 at Bradford!), and let's bombard everyone we need to with positive news. I know our PR dept take a battering but, in truth, there isn't too much they can do apart from stress the positives (which they do - whether the media listen is another issue). Banning journalists doesn't work (look at Trump and what's happening there), building positive dialogue can work and they often do this. Ultimately, if those working for a national or TV company decide to talk negatively they will no matter what City say or do. But if they get ammunition from in-fighting or from fans then they'll use that to back up their argument.

The work Prestwich Blue and others are doing to challenge the Beeb over Bertiegate is good and needs to continue. Similarly, we should take every opportunity to explain to the media why we boo the CL anthem (it's not that we don't like CL - we want to win it! - it's about inconsistencies, unfairness and inequality!), that we support Pep totally, that we are getting fantastic crowds etc. Earlier this season I posted details after almost every home game of how the attendance was the highest of the day/weekend etc. Minor points but it's that kind of thing that may ultimately shut up critics.

This season records are tumbling, our games are entertaining (and nerve-wracking at times but that's football at City), our manager is the best in the business, our stadium is generally full for PL games and attendances for non-PL games are typically higher than they were a few years ago. We are in 3 major trophies and can still win them all. Time perhaps for a siege mentality but most importantly I think all of us, no matter whether we are MCFC staff, fans, journalists, historians or forum posters have to keep stressing that Our Club is one we love warts and all and one that is moving forward. The odd mistake is exactly that. We have true legends playing every week, and we have a great future.

Let's work together to ensure the media and any critics out there have little opportunity to highlight divisions. Together!
We have a owner who doesn't live in the country, a chairman who doesn't live in the city and flies in for the matches he attends, a marketing department based in London, a foreign manager and foreign chief executives. If it weren't for Brian Kidd, a few of the old timers knocking about like Mike Summerbee and Bernard the life President we could be anywhere in the world.

I'm not knocking it, but that is the reality. We are probably the most corporate club in the Premier League with profoundly conservative owners, dynamic, but within a tight parameter of what is acceptable.

We are now a major player in world football but we have none of the patina of greatness. We don't have the "istory" or at least none of the istory that matters, and we have precious few outriders in the media or the football establishment who'll go out and bat on our behalf. Despite our growth as a club we don't yet have a fan base to rival our opponents, so we're at the mercy of clickbait stories that do us down.

We often appear as slick as snot at the things that matter to the corporate world, further emphasising the soulless mercenary image our opponents bang on about, and yet we can appear cack-handed in the treatment of match day fans.

Viewing City simply from a business point of view, we often appear to be run by extremely well qualified and supremely professional executives, parachuted in from somewhere else, almost as if we're in the Premier League but not of it.
I've been thinking long and hard about how City are currently perceived in the media, as I know many Blues have. It's a really tough one to crack and I do think at times we are all a bit over sensitive, however, listening to last night's R5L on my way home from the game I was horrified to hear the stuff about Bravo. In a sense 'we' made it easy for them with the ironic cheers, but for me the real story last night wasn't one mistake that an exposed goalkeeper had to make, but the fact that Aguero broke yet another record ('if only it'd been Zlatan, hey?'), the large support from Huddersfield and their team's defiant attempts which put some in the PL to shame, and - if they're looking for a negative fan story - the way the Town fans kept the ball in an unsportsman like way.

So, how do we bring an end to 'Bertiegate', Bravo-negativity and ridicule of our manager every time a defender or goalkeeper makes a mistake ('he doesn't coach defending' - for gawd's sake, it's a joke not a philosophy!).

As fans we need to accept that there's every chance we will win games 5-3 rather than 2-0 and we need not to panic if/when we go a goal behind. Those critics we have will pounce on this (as they do if they see any empty seat - last week Henry Winter talked of how City fans still didn't like the CL because the boo the anthem and there are empty seats - 'admittedly in the Monaco section'!). Let's try and be positive until the end, let's remember the spirit that got us through in 2012 (and in 1989 at Bradford!), and let's bombard everyone we need to with positive news. I know our PR dept take a battering but, in truth, there isn't too much they can do apart from stress the positives (which they do - whether the media listen is another issue). Banning journalists doesn't work (look at Trump and what's happening there), building positive dialogue can work and they often do this. Ultimately, if those working for a national or TV company decide to talk negatively they will no matter what City say or do. But if they get ammunition from in-fighting or from fans then they'll use that to back up their argument.

The work Prestwich Blue and others are doing to challenge the Beeb over Bertiegate is good and needs to continue. Similarly, we should take every opportunity to explain to the media why we boo the CL anthem (it's not that we don't like CL - we want to win it! - it's about inconsistencies, unfairness and inequality!), that we support Pep totally, that we are getting fantastic crowds etc. Earlier this season I posted details after almost every home game of how the attendance was the highest of the day/weekend etc. Minor points but it's that kind of thing that may ultimately shut up critics.

This season records are tumbling, our games are entertaining (and nerve-wracking at times but that's football at City), our manager is the best in the business, our stadium is generally full for PL games and attendances for non-PL games are typically higher than they were a few years ago. We are in 3 major trophies and can still win them all. Time perhaps for a siege mentality but most importantly I think all of us, no matter whether we are MCFC staff, fans, journalists, historians or forum posters have to keep stressing that Our Club is one we love warts and all and one that is moving forward. The odd mistake is exactly that. We have true legends playing every week, and we have a great future.

Let's work together to ensure the media and any critics out there have little opportunity to highlight divisions. Together!

Gary, I agree with most of this. It is proving very difficult to get rid of the negative narrative. When I got to the car last night the first thing I heard on R5 was the presenter mocking Bravo. The previous week it was all about John Stones' mistake. A City fan who called in accused the presenter of being childish.
It just seems strange to me that there is an obsession in some quarters with finding a negative angle. I am not expecting propaganda (like the coverage of the rags) but the coverage on BBC online and Radio seems totally juvenile and not journalistically robust.
The fact is that we have only conceded one goal in the FA Cup, and as usual are outscoring the rest of the country. In all competitions we will comfortably beat 100 goals this season for the fourth year running yet Pep is continuously under fire. We are the most entertaining team in Europe and are getting no credit at all.
In 2014 when we scored the highest total ever in all competitions in English football (156 goals) the story was all about Liverpool. It is not as if we have shipped that many goals this year. We have conceded 29 from 25 in the league despite playing all-out attack. The negative coverage is unjustified and it feels like they are out to get Pep at all costs.
I agree that as fans we should stick together and not give any ammunition to our enemies.
So that's a no then. You have absolutely no idea.

I'd say it was far more likely that the AAG/FBI started investigating after they were cheated out of the World Cup by the corrupt fuckers at FIFA, Russia & Qatar.

Take a step back PB,keep your ear to the ground & watch how events unfold.

I only know what I know. What do YOU know ?
Gary, I agree with most of this. It is proving very difficult to get rid of the negative narrative. When I got to the car last night the first thing I heard on R5 was the presenter mocking Bravo. The previous week it was all about John Stones' mistake. A City fan who called in accused the presenter of being childish.
It just seems strange to me that there is an obsession in some quarters with finding a negative angle. I am not expecting propaganda (like the coverage of the rags) but the coverage on BBC online and Radio seems totally juvenile and not journalistically robust.

You're right on this – contrast this 'angle' with the recent, entirely positive article about Pogba being the first midfielder to complete 1000 passes this season. If he had been a City player the article would no doubt concentrate instead on the fact he'd only provided 5 assists out of all those passes, or they would bring up a stat on how most of those passes came to nothing!
To quote (and paraphrase) an old song - where the Rags are concerned, the press "Accentuate the Positives" – with us they "Accentuate the Negatives"!
I've been thinking long and hard about how City are currently perceived in the media, as I know many Blues have. It's a really tough one to crack and I do think at times we are all a bit over sensitive, however, listening to last night's R5L on my way home from the game I was horrified to hear the stuff about Bravo. In a sense 'we' made it easy for them with the ironic cheers, but for me the real story last night wasn't one mistake that an exposed goalkeeper had to make, but the fact that Aguero broke yet another record ('if only it'd been Zlatan, hey?'), the large support from Huddersfield and their team's defiant attempts which put some in the PL to shame, and - if they're looking for a negative fan story - the way the Town fans kept the ball in an unsportsman like way.

So, how do we bring an end to 'Bertiegate', Bravo-negativity and ridicule of our manager every time a defender or goalkeeper makes a mistake ('he doesn't coach defending' - for gawd's sake, it's a joke not a philosophy!).

As fans we need to accept that there's every chance we will win games 5-3 rather than 2-0 and we need not to panic if/when we go a goal behind. Those critics we have will pounce on this (as they do if they see any empty seat - last week Henry Winter talked of how City fans still didn't like the CL because the boo the anthem and there are empty seats - 'admittedly in the Monaco section'!). Let's try and be positive until the end, let's remember the spirit that got us through in 2012 (and in 1989 at Bradford!), and let's bombard everyone we need to with positive news. I know our PR dept take a battering but, in truth, there isn't too much they can do apart from stress the positives (which they do - whether the media listen is another issue). Banning journalists doesn't work (look at Trump and what's happening there), building positive dialogue can work and they often do this. Ultimately, if those working for a national or TV company decide to talk negatively they will no matter what City say or do. But if they get ammunition from in-fighting or from fans then they'll use that to back up their argument.

The work Prestwich Blue and others are doing to challenge the Beeb over Bertiegate is good and needs to continue. Similarly, we should take every opportunity to explain to the media why we boo the CL anthem (it's not that we don't like CL - we want to win it! - it's about inconsistencies, unfairness and inequality!), that we support Pep totally, that we are getting fantastic crowds etc. Earlier this season I posted details after almost every home game of how the attendance was the highest of the day/weekend etc. Minor points but it's that kind of thing that may ultimately shut up critics.

This season records are tumbling, our games are entertaining (and nerve-wracking at times but that's football at City), our manager is the best in the business, our stadium is generally full for PL games and attendances for non-PL games are typically higher than they were a few years ago. We are in 3 major trophies and can still win them all. Time perhaps for a siege mentality but most importantly I think all of us, no matter whether we are MCFC staff, fans, journalists, historians or forum posters have to keep stressing that Our Club is one we love warts and all and one that is moving forward. The odd mistake is exactly that. We have true legends playing every week, and we have a great future.

Let's work together to ensure the media and any critics out there have little opportunity to highlight divisions. Together!

I love this post, I like everything about it, except for one thing, I disagree with its conclusion.

We often talk about fans as if they are a homogenous group, so the dippers are this, the rags are that, but it's bollocks. A clubs fan base can be typified by something and sometimes that something genuinely rings true when you see how, as a group, they behave, but the truth is beyond their love of club and the colours they wear they arrive at the ground as individuals, gather together for a brief moment in time as a group and leave as individuals. During their time together fans enjoy the community and oneness that comes from being surrounded by fellow supporters, but it's a snapshot in time. I'm a 60 year old season ticket holder, the girl who sits to my right, who comes with her dad is 17, beyond our love of City we have nothing in common at all.

The idea that we as fans can be galvanised as one to do anything is a nice idea but it's akin to herding cats.

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