Our PR department and the media

I've expressed an opinion that I've thought about quite a lot and clearly it's gone in one ear and out of the other as far as you're concerned. Go back to your colouring book and leave this discussion to the adults.

And I don't think I need to take any opinion seriously from someone who doesn't know the difference between 'our' and 'are'.
I didn't insult you, I had the temerity to disagree. It is you who has thrown their toys out and become offensive. To be expected from someone posting with such pomposity and hailing it as incredibly analytical. I suppose only you can come to a conclusion?
If you want to get into education, occupation, intelligence and qualifications because of a posting error - fair enough.
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WE just have to make sure the fair journalists get interviews and the editors of the unfair ones will stop the problem straight away , all the papers want exclusives
WE just have to make sure the fair journalists get interviews and the editors of the unfair ones will stop the problem straight away , all the papers want exclusives

I was thinking about this, even the bad stuff. For example a player gets done for drink driving, get on the blower fast to a friendly and give him the details. That news is coming out if you like it or not so get your version out first kinda thing. Bad news is great news for reporters so that relationship would become very strong as both benefit a lot.
I was thinking about this, even the bad stuff. For example a player gets done for drink driving, get on the blower fast to a friendly and give him the details. That news is coming out if you like it or not so get your version out first kinda thing. Bad news is great news for reporters so that relationship would become very strong as both benefit a lot.

We all have to answer to somebody and the papers just want stories so manage it to our advantage I would not want biased just fair
Sports homepage: "Guardiola irritated by Aguero question" meanwhile "I'm not the monster you say I am - Mourinho"
Sports homepage: "Guardiola irritated by Aguero question" meanwhile "I'm not the monster you say I am - Mourinho"

Just about to make the same point.
In fact the last two home games have resulted in 10 City goals and 2 negative post-match phone-ins,
Is John Stones worth the money?
Is Bravo the worst goalkeeper ever?
I will be honest I didn't really get offended by the obvious reference to "Bitter Berties" because it's not the first time we've heard it and we know they are biased they always have been.

Having thought about it, what annoys me is it's like an individual there was clearly taunting City fans in general not just Pete("look at that Bitter Bertie typical City eh haha?"), we know it and they know it. If it was from somewhere like Paddy Power we know they "bantz" all the time and we'd be a bit silly to react in the same way but the BBC is supposed to be a different kettle of fish ie professional... the person who did it was unprofessional and they know it, what should happen is they acknowledge it, apologise(to Pete probably via letter but it's better than nothing and a statement apologising to the City fan base) then say it's been dealt with and we move on.

Instead they are basically either denying it or saying it's not a big deal by the way they've handled it, which is again unprofessional, when you are in certain positions there are certain expectations and responsibilities that rightfully come with all those perks they enjoy(such as the extra credibility they are given by default among other things). We put up with their biased anti-city bullshit enough while they tell us we are making something out of nothing if they are going to try and pull that same trick here and sit and tell us they don't have anything against City or City fans then they lose whatever little credibility they have left with us.

I think its fair to say im pretty ambivalent to most of the stuff in the media but like you the main issues for me is the broadcaster and their alleged impartiality, the dismissive nature of their response and their choice of 'target'.

You would expect this type of puerile 'lad bantz' from the likes of the Sun or Star not the National Broadcaster funded by the taxpayer chucking out childish digs and allowing someone of pensionsble age to be ridiculed through their twitter feed and the accompanying comments section.

This was then exacerbated by their dismissive tone to the original complaint made by myself and others and the fact they either blatantly lied to deflect any criticism and chose to blame the producer of the picture or alternatively were so dismissive of peoples disgust they never even bothered to research where the offensive comment originated from.

Im sure its also no conicidence they chose Pete (dressed all in blue) to attach the moniker 'Bertie Blue the bitter blue' too. It highlights to me it was a premeditated act rather than their inference that it was a throwaway comment the writer was not aware of the significance off.

All in all a despicable act. I hate them like all the rest now.

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