Our PR department and the media

I think its fair to say im pretty ambivalent to most of the stuff in the media but like you the main issues for me is the broadcaster and their alleged impartiality, the dismissive nature of their response and their choice of 'target'.

You would expect this type of puerile 'lad bantz' from the likes of the Sun or Star not the National Broadcaster funded by the taxpayer chucking out childish digs and allowing someone of pensionsble age to be ridiculed through their twitter feed and the accompanying comments section.

This was then exacerbated by their dismissive tone to the original complaint made by myself and others and the fact they either blatantly lied to deflect any criticism and chose to blame the producer of the picture or alternatively were so dismissive of peoples disgust they never even bothered to research where the offensive comment originated from.

Im sure its also no conicidence they chose Pete (dressed all in blue) to attach the moniker 'Bertie Blue the bitter blue' too. It highlights to me it was a premeditated act rather than their inference that it was a throwaway comment the writer was not aware of the significance off.

All in all a despicable act. I hate them like all the rest now.

Agree on all counts. Bravo.

My hate isn't for the BBC per se, but I do hate what the bbc sport cabal at Media city, esp the online/Simon Stone dept. has become.
Agree on all counts. Bravo.

My hate isn't for the BBC per se, but I do hate what the bbc sport cabal at Media city, esp the online/Simon Stone dept. has become.

It does make you lose faith though as were reliant on organisations such as the BBC to provide accurate news from places like Syria etc, subjects I know little about and therefore rely on them for accurate reporting.

If I am finding, through my in depth knowledge of a subject, they are not accurately reporting information, the research is not robust it does make me question other information they provide.

Interestingly, to me anyway, my missus received a Freedom of Information request about figures she had produced about the Adult Social Care crisis and was asked to comment on these figures for an article last week in the Sunday Times. Quite easily they could have omitted certain info to make the figures sound much worse but reported it accurately. They will have my readership from now on.

Back to point there does seem to be a dislike for the club amongst certain individuals within the organisation. Luckily we have Pep putting them in their place.
I think its fair to say im pretty ambivalent to most of the stuff in the media but like you the main issues for me is the broadcaster and their alleged impartiality, the dismissive nature of their response and their choice of 'target'.

You would expect this type of puerile 'lad bantz' from the likes of the Sun or Star not the National Broadcaster funded by the taxpayer chucking out childish digs and allowing someone of pensionsble age to be ridiculed through their twitter feed and the accompanying comments section.

This was then exacerbated by their dismissive tone to the original complaint made by myself and others and the fact they either blatantly lied to deflect any criticism and chose to blame the producer of the picture or alternatively were so dismissive of peoples disgust they never even bothered to research where the offensive comment originated from.

Im sure its also no conicidence they chose Pete (dressed all in blue) to attach the moniker 'Bertie Blue the bitter blue' too. It highlights to me it was a premeditated act rather than their inference that it was a throwaway comment the writer was not aware of the significance off.

All in all a despicable act. I hate them like all the rest now.

It does make you lose faith though as were reliant on organisations such as the BBC to provide accurate news from places like Syria etc, subjects I know little about and therefore rely on them for accurate reporting.

If I am finding, through my in depth knowledge of a subject, they are not accurately reporting information, the research is not robust it does make me question other information they provide.

Interestingly, to me anyway, my missus received a Freedom of Information request about figures she had produced about the Adult Social Care crisis and was asked to comment on these figures for an article last week in the Sunday Times. Quite easily they could have omitted certain info to make the figures sound much worse but reported it accurately. They will have my readership from now on.

Back to point there does seem to be a dislike for the club amongst certain individuals within the organisation. Luckily we have Pep putting them in their place.

Yes, you're right - many of us for years have taken the bbc's accuracy, a lack of partiality, and a lack of omission of parts of a story as a given
Well said @franksinatra. I feel the BBC now is compromised as an impartial news source. The City stuff is actually a small part of it tbh, the attacks on brexiteers on the news and underhand loaded questions. The non reporting of what i now can see via other sources where the info is laid out nicely formatted for you to decide, not influence.

I should put this in the license thread but i am not paying my next years fee. I simply do not use the BBC enough, so if i pay the150 quid or more a year i should be paying that to about 7other different news sources, i have no time for the BBC now tbh and their triple fact checking helps little.
The BBC is run by London PC Left Wing Louvies.Otherwise known as Arsenal fans.

It's a top heany, layer, after layer managerial organization, with yes Men and Women who have a job for life.

And at Mediacity United have the perfect mafia media Manchine, along with their own PR Deprtment, Sky Sports, BT Sports, the Daily Mail, the Daily Mirror, the Sun, etc.

Just this Afternoon Sly Sports News ran their Friday Weekley Jose Managers press conference, with Jose waxing lyrical about wanting Granny shagger to stay at United next season.
Well said @franksinatra. I feel the BBC now is compromised as an impartial news source. The City stuff is actually a small part of it tbh, the attacks on brexiteers on the news and underhand loaded questions. The non reporting of what i now can see via other sources where the info is laid out nicely formatted for you to decide, not influence.

I should put this in the license thread but i am not paying my next years fee. I simply do not use the BBC enough, so if i pay the150 quid or more a year i should be paying that to about 7other different news sources, i have no time for the BBC now tbh and their triple fact checking helps little.

Could not agree more. Whatever your political persuasion the reporting in the aftermath of the referendum has been scandalous with little in the way of impartiality. The narrative has seeked to demonise certain areas such as Stoke when the result was keenly contested in all varying demographic areas including the most prosperous areas of the country.

Also as you say City is just a small part of this but sadly there has been a dumbing down across the board.
The BBC are now becoming a defunct organisation, a once 2 party of the BBC and ITV, has no swollen to monumental proportions, the drip, drip of clickbait news, and lurid headlines has insidiously crept in by the backdoor ,as they try to keep relevant in today's media landscape, they will resort to cheap sensationalism. A once clear journalistic boundary, has become a hazy no man's land of tweets and buzzwords designed to gather traffic.
We are a BBC wet dream, Pep at City, an irresistible force meats a once imoveable object of sympathy, transformed into a well oiled machine upsetting the status quo. Some people don't take well to change, and will do anything, no matter how big, or small to keep it the same.....
I think we have the BBC have rattled. They don't even mention us now unless they are having a go. In todays MOTD2 Extra, the only mention we go was in the last couple of seconds when they basically said our game was the 4pm commentary on 5Live. Up to that point you'd have thought we weren't even playing.

Todays match commentary was weird. When we scored, the commentators (Alan Greene and Pat Nevin) just didn't show any emotion whatsoever. If Janusai or Defoe had smashed one in the top corner Greene would have gone up two octaves and pissed himself. It just seems as if the BBC are fulfilling their contractual obligations, and nothing more.

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