Our supporters.

Bojinov the Bull (great name by the way)

How anyone can be bored at a football match really puzzles me! I guess it is something in my genes but I don't think I have ever been bored in all the years I've been going.................... annoyed, excited, elated, mad as heck, but never,ever bored. Someone is going to have to educate these people. (And I am being deadly serious about that.)
kippaxkid74 said:
Bojinov The Bull said:
When I go now about 15 years on it's boring. I notice now how many families go, women and kids, full family days out. This might be good for ticket sales but 90% of them couldn't care less about being there, they come with a packed lunch and chat for most of the game without even really watching it. Add to this all of the city square and presenting with hugh ferris shit that they do and it just makes it all about everything other than the football.

Caveman said:
But it's all geared towards them only.

I feel like I'm at a kids theme park and I shouldn't really be there these days.

Exactly! I knew i'd get shit for that post but I don't care it's true and everyone knows it! I have no problem with women and children going if they actually WANT to go but I think most go just because they get cheap family tickets. I was sat in the East Stand today surrounded by them and so many of them were just chatting away to each other looking bored out of their minds being there, what's the point in that?

I sit in the East Stand, and i'm a woman, and i sit with my mum (except we're both over 30 obviously!), If i don't fit the criteria you'd like at matches who should i pass my season ticket on to? You know, the one i've had every season for over 25 years?

Sorry, i'm just pissy at the attitude that women don't care about atmosphere. Today yes i may have been someone looking bored and quiet - but i was in fucking pain, lots of pain, lots of health probs, prob shouldnt have gone but i hate missing matches. But to someone who doesn't know me i probably looked "a miserable woman who isn't adding to the atmosphere"! I sing when others sing, and i stand when others stand. My pensioner mum though has started to struggle to stand, maybe according to you guys we should put her out to pasture eh.

This is just a tired vent cos i don't feel well and am a bit stroppy, so don't take deep offense (!) but i just felt i should say it.

(Though when i comes to some familes i do see your point, a little, but once you start to have that viewpoint you end up tarring everyone with the same brush)

If you read my previous post I actually said i have no problem with women and children going if they actually WANT to be there. Obviously you do as you've had a season ticket for 25 years, you don't fit in to what I said, there are plenty of women I know who are City fans through and through, I am not being sexist in any way, I am simply making an observation that in the past 3 years or so many more families have started going and the atmosphere has suffered because of it. It has never been great at this stadium by any stretch of the imagination but has certainly go worse since the introduction of all this city square/entertainment stuff they are continually doing.
Eccles Blue said:

Not all of us in the Colin Bell stand can be tarred with the same brush thanks. :-) Some of us are very, very loud!
Indeed, I was just being generalistic about the stand as a whole. Some individuals in the CB, North and East Stands make more noise than many who stand with their arms folded all game in the "vocal"/standing areas.

But on the whole nowhere in our stadium is good for atmosphere, not one section.
Caveman said:
Eccles Blue said:

Not all of us in the Colin Bell stand can be tarred with the same brush thanks. :-) Some of us are very, very loud!
Indeed, I was just being generalistic about the stand as a whole. Some individuals in the CB, North and East Stands make more noise than many who stand with their arms folded all game in the "vocal"/standing areas.

But on the whole nowhere in our stadium is good for atmosphere, not one section.

I realised that you were just generalising, sorry though, I couldn't resist it!! :-)
Where's the air horn gone these days? Always got the crowd to respond.

And if you are a parent with young kids - don't let them sit playing games on their ipod throughout the game - it's a disgrace.
If you show passion anywhere not in the south stand/that corner of the east stand, I find you get glared at by people alarmed that someone is making some sort of noise!

I'm not pissed up, being a nuisance, ninety minutes non-stop. I'm talking about the occasional shout of "Come on City!", or trying to get some sort of song going. Just heads turning round. Lovely.
Tell The King said:
If you show passion anywhere not in the south stand/that corner of the east stand, I find you get glared at by people alarmed that someone is making some sort of noise!

I'm not pissed up, being a nuisance, ninety minutes non-stop. I'm talking about the occasional shout of "Come on City!", or trying to get some sort of song going. Just heads turning round. Lovely.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mh0nmrOSFHw" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mh0nmrOSFHw</a>
willy eckerslike said:
Tell The King said:
If you show passion anywhere not in the south stand/that corner of the east stand, I find you get glared at by people alarmed that someone is making some sort of noise!

I'm not pissed up, being a nuisance, ninety minutes non-stop. I'm talking about the occasional shout of "Come on City!", or trying to get some sort of song going. Just heads turning round. Lovely.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mh0nmrOSFHw" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mh0nmrOSFHw</a>

Hahaha! Absolutely.

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