Overseas support

I dislike "glory hunters" as much as the next person. But let's not kid ourselves; it's a knee-jerk reaction with no real logic in the modern context.

Try a little quiz. How many of the following were born, raised or have family connections in Manc?

- The owner
- The Chairman
- The Chief Exec
- The Director of Football
- The manager
- The first team squad
- Past legends, e.g. The King, Bert Trautmann, Kinky and the Goat?

Answer: three fifths of fcuk all. Substitute England for Manchester and we might find a couple of cuckoos in the nest. Because we are just a ship sailing under a flag of convenience. The only connections with Manchester are the ground location, the traditional fan base and the leasehold on club history.

Now someone please prove me wrong because it pisses me off to make this post.
All for more overseas Manchester City fans .
I see more City fans in West Yorkshire than I used to do .
Gaylord du Bois said:
I didn't even know where Manchester was when I began supporting City. How anyone can say you should support a team closure to you is beyond me. We didn't even have a football league team in the county when I fell for the blues, aged 8. Used to get the odd glimpse on MOTD or the Big Match, other than that I was left newspaper match reports. No video, Sky or streams back in them days, I'll tell thee.
That's the way I used to support Manchester City .
My fix was watching the Big Match or Match of the Day .
squirtyflower said:
Hoghead said:
The trouble is with tickets starting at £57 for the Arse game the club requires support outside of the North West to fill the ground.
This will be further exacerbated with the stadium expansion.
This is the price of success.
i disagree with the premise that it will be more exacerbated
I believe with the stadium expansion we may even see prices drop in some areas of the ground, whilst premium seats will attract a higher price

i think he's right to a degree. no way can fans in the north afford football if it continues to rise at the rate it is.
The only thing I have a problem with is all the American fans we're getting who pretend they know what they're talking about, use their own made up terms and comment on YouTube videos talking about how we should sign Ronaldo and rooney. E.g. " City should totally sign Cristiano Ronaldo, that guys awesome he's exactly what we need. Did you see his 360 flip kick the other day".

They also say shit like cleats instead of boots and steal instead of tackle. It makes my fucking blood boil. Other than this though, I have no problem with anybody supporting city as long as they don't pretend they've been a fan since we were "shit" and have no decent local team to support. Even if we take the piss out of United for all their fans coming from Asia, down South or Ireland.

Pisses me off when people don't support the team from where they're from as well. No need for twts in London to support united when they must surely have a decent local team.
callumcity said:
The only thing I have a problem with is all the American fans we're getting who pretend they know what they're talking about, use their own made up terms and comment on YouTube videos talking about how we should sign Ronaldo and rooney. E.g. " City should totally sign Cristiano Ronaldo, that guys awesome he's exactly what we need. Did you see his 360 flip kick the other day".

They also say shit like cleats instead of boots and steal instead of tackle. It makes my fucking blood boil. Other than this though, I have no problem with anybody supporting city as long as they don't pretend they've been a fan since we were "shit" and have no decent local team to support. Even if we take the piss out of United for all their fans coming from Asia, down South or Ireland.

Pisses me off when people don't support the team from where they're from as well. No need for twts in London to support united when they must surely have a decent local team.
callumcity said:
The only thing I have a problem with is all the American fans we're getting who pretend they know what they're talking about, use their own made up terms and comment on YouTube videos talking about how we should sign Ronaldo and rooney. E.g. " City should totally sign Cristiano Ronaldo, that guys awesome he's exactly what we need. Did you see his 360 flip kick the other day".

They also say shit like cleats instead of boots and steal instead of tackle. It makes my fucking blood boil. Other than this though, I have no problem with anybody supporting city as long as they don't pretend they've been a fan since we were "shit" and have no decent local team to support. Even if we take the piss out of United for all their fans coming from Asia, down South or Ireland.

Pisses me off when people don't support the team from where they're from as well. No need for twts in London to support united when they must surely have a decent local team.

Pisses me of when somebody tells me who to support, City chose me I will be for ever grateful
Last year I got up at 5:00am and drove three hours to New York to watch City at the Mad Hatter. There were a bunch of Mancunians there and all of the ones I spoke to were shocked at the dedication of us American supporters. They couldn't believe we knew the songs and agreed the atmosphere was as good as watching at a pub in Manchester.
I dont think anyone has a problem with genuine supporters wherever there from. its just the glory hunters and people who will stop supporting us if we turn shit.
Cheadle_hulmeBlue said:
I dont think anyone has a problem with genuine supporters wherever there from. its just the glory hunters and people who will stop supporting us if we turn shit.

I hope this is the case. I don't even mind US fans who have started following City after they started winning things, it's just the ones who were fans of other teams before. The one thing I haven't encountered is a scum fan who has come over to the blue side, most of the ones I know supported Celtic last year and now they're back on board. According to them though, it didn't have anything to do with the scum's poor showing.

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