P****d off with the so called ''Match day experience''

BezzMCFC said:
SWP's back said:
Stevie B said:

I think we could have a better presenter than Huge Ferrit... But wouldn't chuck my SC away because of him.

I think the over-stewarding is detrimental to a dummed down atmosphere however, I feel like a prisoner in Strangeways when I go and watch City.... I'm there to forget about my personal life and whatever else and just enjoy the football, yet this is getting harder to do.

We are treated like shit, this is my only gripe.
I don't experience this at a pop concert, or any other sporting events, so why the fuck football?
What, because of what all the beer bellied men sat around me did when they were in their 20's?

Safe Standing needs to be introduced, ASAP!
I agree about safe standing though I will say I've never had issues with stewards at home, at away games however, I'm had awful trouble with stewards.

stewards are okay, its show sec and police.

This is who I meant, never had a problem with MCFC Stewards, ShowSec however.....
Bluemanc1968 said:
is anyone else as pissed off as me with this so called ''Match Day experience'' ? fucking hate that termanology! I have been going to watch City since I was 11, first with my uncle and dad as a kid like alot on this site, i'm now in my 40's! and I have seen and experienced the mostly downs following my beloved blues, I'm season ticket holder and have been for nearly 20 years and I have got to say some of the football I have recently witnessed has been the best I ever seen as a City Fan, so why am I not enjoying going to the match!!!

I spoke with a few mates last night who like me have been going most of there lives, I would class us as hard core as we do travel to most away and euro games aswell and they are of the same mind set, this PC football experience thingy is fucking shit and its getting worse! the atmosphere at the etihad this year apart from the odd games has been crap! and yet the crowds attendances have been higher than previous years on average, we are starting to ''only sing when were winning'' 20 of us starting to try and get a few songs going last night and no fucker wanted to know so in the end we gave up, SO WHAT'S WRONG???? the stewards the city ones and showsec are not helping the situation, constantly checking if people are sat or stood in the right seats FFS, even last night one of my mates had a major arguement with one! he was finishing his beer off at half time and was a few mins after the start of second half and instead of going back to his allocated seat he stood in the nearest empty one, which was no big deal as there were a few empty seats around where he was and this twat of a steward was constantly at him to go to his own seat in the end he just fucked off out of the ground and went to the pub!

its embarrassing that the away support are outsinging us in alot match's and thats after most of there teams being on the receiving end of a on the pitch leathering we were playing liverpool last night! not fucking Grimsby Town!!

I personely don't have the answer! it may be that club need to step in do something to help situation I don't know!!!! I LOVE CITY its has been my life for so long! but speaking with like minded blues, if things don't change I can see our so called hard core falling away and probably being replaced with these so called glory hunter fans! who have never seen such days as Macc or stockport on a tue or wed night and are only there to see us with Silverwear! but where will they be if we don't win the trophys????????

Sorry for the long post!!


We've always had about 25,000 true blues. No one can guarantee that will always be the case, but from everything I can see there are very strong foundations being put in place that will carry this club forwards for a very long time.
Bluemanc1968 said:
is anyone else as pissed off as me with this so called ''Match Day experience'' ? fucking hate that termanology! I have been going to watch City since I was 11, first with my uncle and dad as a kid like alot on this site, i'm now in my 40's! and I have seen and experienced the mostly downs following my beloved blues, I'm season ticket holder and have been for nearly 20 years and I have got to say some of the football I have recently witnessed has been the best I ever seen as a City Fan, so why am I not enjoying going to the match!!!

I spoke with a few mates last night who like me have been going most of there lives, I would class us as hard core as we do travel to most away and euro games aswell and they are of the same mind set, this PC football experience thingy is fucking shit and its getting worse! the atmosphere at the etihad this year apart from the odd games has been crap! and yet the crowds attendances have been higher than previous years on average, we are starting to ''only sing when were winning'' 20 of us starting to try and get a few songs going last night and no fucker wanted to know so in the end we gave up, SO WHAT'S WRONG???? the stewards the city ones and showsec are not helping the situation, constantly checking if people are sat or stood in the right seats FFS, even last night one of my mates had a major arguement with one! he was finishing his beer off at half time and was a few mins after the start of second half and instead of going back to his allocated seat he stood in the nearest empty one, which was no big deal as there were a few empty seats around where he was and this twat of a steward was constantly at him to go to his own seat in the end he just fucked off out of the ground and went to the pub!

its embarrassing that the away support are outsinging us in alot match's and thats after most of there teams being on the receiving end of a on the pitch leathering we were playing liverpool last night! not fucking Grimsby Town!!

I personely don't have the answer! it may be that club need to step in do something to help situation I don't know!!!! I LOVE CITY its has been my life for so long! but speaking with like minded blues, if things don't change I can see our so called hard core falling away and probably being replaced with these so called glory hunter fans! who have never seen such days as Macc or stockport on a tue or wed night and are only there to see us with Silverwear! but where will they be if we don't win the trophys????????

Sorry for the long post!!


Depends what your after for a "match experience" suppose really

I am 40 so obviously of a similair age,first went when I was 11,again very similair,been to many aways,and into Europe,so again very much the same

However here is where the difference probably sets in,i only "go on the piss" every now and again at City these days,cause I go with the mrs(who likes to have a few beers some days) these days,and we sit in our season ticket seats,and go to watch the game,absorb every fucking detail of the match,even more so than the twats on match of the day do,cause at best part of a grand for two seats,I aint missing fuck all.
Plus them clowns who work on the bars are fucking useless

I despair at the fact that some lads just go to go on the piss and dont watch the match,I really do,but it happens every game

As for singing,well I give a blast of Bluemoon when it roars up every home game,or a Come on City,and sometimes even turn my hand in a poznan jump or two,,but as I have said I am fucking 40 now,and I think its just better to sit,watch and absorb the game,as we have done all that in the past,and your matchday experience might benefit for it.

Think about it pal,your in your 40s,you have seen some very bad times supporting City,so now is the time,to enjoy the stuff on the pitch..............now then where the fuck did I leave my pipe and slippers..........
yatesy94 said:
To be perfectly honest I've fell out of love with the whole match day experience as well...now it's just like watching it on TV but instead you've got the cold weather/hugh ferris cheesefest etc. Barely anyone sings any more, if anyone does it's our little "Kippax corner" who try as they might don't out sing the away support which isn't their fault as at least they're trying to generate some atmosphere. Sadly the rest of the stadium has become somewhat like a morgue. Not having a go but I'm not bothering renewing my season ticket next year I'd prefer to go to a handful of away games instead so then you're at least guaranteed a good atmosphere. Season ticket holder for 6 years and it's sad but I completely agree with everything the OP says and that's why I won't be renewing next year.

Awaits "good riddance" and "f**k off then" comments :)

Its a shame mate! but as I have said in the OP there are alot of older blues season ticket holders who are thinking just like you and me who are fucked off they way we do things at City, I never thought I would be even thinking like this let alone posting on a forum about it us as fans! there have been so many posts on this website in the past saying how shit the crowds were half empty stadium only a couple of years back! PSG comes to mind! and I can tell you this its was not much fun sitting in empty rows of seats WAS the shit crowd attendance last night down to the way our team are playing is it fuck, there is more to it! the price yes you could say that, but 10,000 less! then sunday! there has got to be more to it if you get a buzz out of anything you will go back for more simple as! as alot of fans are not getting it we are watching a team that are top of the best footballing league in the world like I said the best football I have ever seen and if you think I just a moaning **** then you could not be farther from the truth! I was watching the game with Palace the night before ours and the atmosphere sounded great and most came from a similar size corner of there ground like ours, and the Cardiff fans were a good way from there section, yes i get the ground is half the size of ours!! but you could say that we have double the amount of fans in ours!!! Fuck knows what the stadium will be like in 5 to 10 to years time!
I'm also a bit naffed off with the lack of atmosphere.

it really has deteriorated badly in the last few years

Remember the Hamburg game a few years ago compared to the lack of atmosphere at this years CL games.

The funny thing is that if everyone who complains about the lack of noise actually joined in the place would be alive.
meeesh said:
Bluemanc1968 said:
is anyone else as pissed off as me with this so called ''Match Day experience'' ? fucking hate that termanology! I have been going to watch City since I was 11, first with my uncle and dad as a kid like alot on this site, i'm now in my 40's! and I have seen and experienced the mostly downs following my beloved blues, I'm season ticket holder and have been for nearly 20 years and I have got to say some of the football I have recently witnessed has been the best I ever seen as a City Fan, so why am I not enjoying going to the match!!!

I spoke with a few mates last night who like me have been going most of there lives, I would class us as hard core as we do travel to most away and euro games aswell and they are of the same mind set, this PC football experience thingy is fucking shit and its getting worse! the atmosphere at the etihad this year apart from the odd games has been crap! and yet the crowds attendances have been higher than previous years on average, we are starting to ''only sing when were winning'' 20 of us starting to try and get a few songs going last night and no fucker wanted to know so in the end we gave up, SO WHAT'S WRONG???? the stewards the city ones and showsec are not helping the situation, constantly checking if people are sat or stood in the right seats FFS, even last night one of my mates had a major arguement with one! he was finishing his beer off at half time and was a few mins after the start of second half and instead of going back to his allocated seat he stood in the nearest empty one, which was no big deal as there were a few empty seats around where he was and this twat of a steward was constantly at him to go to his own seat in the end he just fucked off out of the ground and went to the pub!

its embarrassing that the away support are outsinging us in alot match's and thats after most of there teams being on the receiving end of a on the pitch leathering we were playing liverpool last night! not fucking Grimsby Town!!

I personely don't have the answer! it may be that club need to step in do something to help situation I don't know!!!! I LOVE CITY its has been my life for so long! but speaking with like minded blues, if things don't change I can see our so called hard core falling away and probably being replaced with these so called glory hunter fans! who have never seen such days as Macc or stockport on a tue or wed night and are only there to see us with Silverwear! but where will they be if we don't win the trophys????????

Sorry for the long post!!


Depends what your after for a "match experience" suppose really

I am 40 so obviously of a similair age,first went when I was 11,again very similair,been to many aways,and into Europe,so again very much the same

However here is where the difference probably sets in,i only "go on the piss" every now and again at City these days,cause I go with the mrs(who likes to have a few beers some days) these days,and we sit in our season ticket seats,and go to watch the game,absorb every fucking detail of the match,even more so than the twats on match of the day do,cause at best part of a grand for two seats,I aint missing fuck all.
Plus them clowns who work on the bars are fucking useless

I despair at the fact that some lads just go to go on the piss and dont watch the match,I really do,but it happens every game

As for singing,well I give a blast of Bluemoon when it roars up every home game,or a Come on City,and sometimes even turn my hand in a poznan jump or two,,but as I have said I am fucking 40 now,and I think its just better to sit,watch and absorb the game,as we have done all that in the past,and your matchday experience might benefit for it.

Think about it pal,your in your 40s,you have seen some very bad times supporting City,so now is the time,to enjoy the stuff on the pitch..............now then where the fuck did I leave my pipe and slippers..........

Mate age has fuckall to do with it if thats your thing then thats fine, But taking the wife to a football game is not mine! I'm not saying how you enjoy the football is better or worse than the way I do, CITY is my only vice left in my life married kids etc as put a stop to most things! going to the match is MY thing! although I do take the kids now and again watching sat there with no crack or having a laugh with the lads is not what I would call going to the match! I might as well save myself 3 or 4 grand a year and fucking stay at home like a RAG and watch it on the box!!!
meeesh said:
Bluemanc1968 said:
is anyone else as pissed off as me with this so called ''Match Day experience'' ? fucking hate that termanology! I have been going to watch City since I was 11, first with my uncle and dad as a kid like alot on this site, i'm now in my 40's! and I have seen and experienced the mostly downs following my beloved blues, I'm season ticket holder and have been for nearly 20 years and I have got to say some of the football I have recently witnessed has been the best I ever seen as a City Fan, so why am I not enjoying going to the match!!!

I spoke with a few mates last night who like me have been going most of there lives, I would class us as hard core as we do travel to most away and euro games aswell and they are of the same mind set, this PC football experience thingy is fucking shit and its getting worse! the atmosphere at the etihad this year apart from the odd games has been crap! and yet the crowds attendances have been higher than previous years on average, we are starting to ''only sing when were winning'' 20 of us starting to try and get a few songs going last night and no fucker wanted to know so in the end we gave up, SO WHAT'S WRONG???? the stewards the city ones and showsec are not helping the situation, constantly checking if people are sat or stood in the right seats FFS, even last night one of my mates had a major arguement with one! he was finishing his beer off at half time and was a few mins after the start of second half and instead of going back to his allocated seat he stood in the nearest empty one, which was no big deal as there were a few empty seats around where he was and this twat of a steward was constantly at him to go to his own seat in the end he just fucked off out of the ground and went to the pub!

its embarrassing that the away support are outsinging us in alot match's and thats after most of there teams being on the receiving end of a on the pitch leathering we were playing liverpool last night! not fucking Grimsby Town!!

I personely don't have the answer! it may be that club need to step in do something to help situation I don't know!!!! I LOVE CITY its has been my life for so long! but speaking with like minded blues, if things don't change I can see our so called hard core falling away and probably being replaced with these so called glory hunter fans! who have never seen such days as Macc or stockport on a tue or wed night and are only there to see us with Silverwear! but where will they be if we don't win the trophys????????

Sorry for the long post!!


Depends what your after for a "match experience" suppose really

I am 40 so obviously of a similair age,first went when I was 11,again very similair,been to many aways,and into Europe,so again very much the same

However here is where the difference probably sets in,i only "go on the piss" every now and again at City these days,cause I go with the mrs(who likes to have a few beers some days) these days,and we sit in our season ticket seats,and go to watch the game,absorb every fucking detail of the match,even more so than the twats on match of the day do,cause at best part of a grand for two seats,I aint missing fuck all.
Plus them clowns who work on the bars are fucking useless

I despair at the fact that some lads just go to go on the piss and dont watch the match,I really do,but it happens every game

As for singing,well I give a blast of Bluemoon when it roars up every home game,or a Come on City,and sometimes even turn my hand in a poznan jump or two,,but as I have said I am fucking 40 now,and I think its just better to sit,watch and absorb the game,as we have done all that in the past,and your matchday experience might benefit for it.

Think about it pal,your in your 40s,you have seen some very bad times supporting City,so now is the time,to enjoy the stuff on the pitch..............now then where the fuck did I leave my pipe and slippers..........

Far closer to 50 :(

I wanted a dressing gown, cardigan and slippers about 3 or 4 years ago and the family went ballistic.

Whats really funny is that they all have dressing gown and slippers now.
If city had've had the south stand last night It would have been a completely different experience for all and may have affected the result.

Letting them lot belt out YNWA towards the end of the game annoyed me more than the result.

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