PA For Spurs Game New Info

I know we don't need it, but in the clubs defence, they are much smarter than United surely and won't let anyone on the pitch to sing when the ground is less than half empty? At least wait till the players have just gone in to get their kit on if they are going to do it!

However, I fully expect everyone to be in their seat early tomorrow to raise the roof before the players come out :)
For fuck sake stop moaning at every turn. I would'nt mind but most of you lot will still be on the piss while all this (what ever all this is) is going on.
Jesus cut the club some fucking slack will you!!!!
I'm sorry but if true the club have got it wrong and we can't cut em some slack.

This is a league game, a very important one, but still only a league game. Why are we trying to 'Americanise' it? We don't need cheap gimmicks that embarass us and take focus of what we're there for. We should be down playing everything ffs not the opposite - it justs adds pressure.

Treat it like any other game, let the fans ruck up, let the players come out and believe me, as fans we'll be ready. Don't need this.
Christ some of you lot can moan lol.

Reading this thread you'd think the players walk on to the field at Eastlands to be met by a frenzied roar - hate to break it you, but they don't. Ten seconds of Bluemoon if they're lucky then it's on to "fuuuuuuckinellllll!" at every tiny error.

My instinct is I'd rather not have a singer myself (if it's true), but I'm willing to trust the club and if they think it will work I'll see how it goes...

Stop being such a bunch of big girls. Oooooh, pleeeease don't embarass us! If we drown him/her out then it won't be heard will it?
Its like pulling fucking teeth sometimes.
How can you moan about something....................A) Before you know what it is, and B) before its actually happend??.
I would'nt fuckin mind but half the pisspot singalots are still necking their ale when the teams come out anyway. That or taking the tenth piss of the night.
There's 47500 people in the stadium to please not just a 1000...... so stop moaning!
I am going to sip lot chocolate through a straw while standing on my head on my seat wistling dixie when the teams come out...OK!!

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