PA For Spurs Game New Info

Blue Smarties said:
I'll love it if it's Justin Bieber (;


DOG .................. SHITE.
Blue Smarties said:
I already KNOW the fucking lyrics, I don't need a fucking singer on the pitch to sing them to me ffs

With you on that one, whats next a Status Quo medley? a club band? thanks, but no thanks!
Prestwich_Blue said:
Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please DO NOT DO THIS!

Hopefully it's a wind-up.

This, in abundance, surely they would have done research on this and realised most fans wouldn't want it the bluemoon lights and music and we would do the rest!!!!
If the club follow things on here as much as they say they do they'll CANCEL it straight away.

All we need is the PA and music turned out a good fifteen minutes before and the crowd will take care of the rest. Also, Its nearly 8 now and its not anywhere near dark enough for the lights out thing if they're thinking of doing that.
I hear Chas and Dave have got a booking in Manchester Wednesday night. Altogether now Tottenham Tottenham no one can stop know the rest. That should get the crowd going.
jesus christ no!! Whenever i've seen this being done elsewhere i've laughed at them for doing something so cringeworthy. If there is anybody from the club reading this PLEASE cancel this awful awful idea

This will be us tommorrow if this embrassment is not put to bed.
Immaculate Pasta said:
This will be us tommorrow if this embrassment is not put to bed.

One of the most cringeworthy things I've seen a long time, would hate for us to be associated with anything like that. We won't need anyone to help us sing tomorrow, we just need the PA turned down to give us the opportunity to do it.
Re: PA For Spurs Game New Info

Might be funny if it was Maine Road legend The General, smashed out of his box on cans he's brought on in a carrier bag. Or the guy who plays Frank Gallagher leading the singing in character and full costume. Otherwise, it sounds cringeworthy

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