Pablo Osvaldo

Remember one miss vividly in particular (I believe against Udi but I'm probably was just a few months ago).

Game tied with seconds to go, and he beats the trap. It's just him and the keeper, he only has to slot the ball.

His ego won't let him not finish in style, he went for a chip that went wide. Everyone was just shocked and the game ended right after.
I remember Messi missing LITERALLY within 3yds of the net, no goalie, no defender... just skied the ball miraculously over the net v Milan in the CL 2 years back.
Yeah, everyone misses. Osvaldo was wasteful every time I've seen him (an ok amount) so I have that lasting impression of him. Now if he's banging them in clinically those other games, cool.
Jumanji said:
Yeah, everyone misses. Osvaldo was wasteful every time I've seen him (an ok amount) so I have that lasting impression of him. Now if he's banging them in clinically those other games, cool.

Dzeko, Aguero, Tevez?
Oh! I wish someone could make a video of how many chances these fuckers missed last season.
Lol. Love them though.
Jumanji said:
Remember one miss vividly in particular (I believe against Udi but I'm probably was just a few months ago).

Game tied with seconds to go, and he beats the trap. It's just him and the keeper, he only has to slot the ball.

His ego won't let him not finish in style, he went for a chip that went wide. Everyone was just shocked and the game ended right after.
You watch the game at Swansea this season? Pretty sure dzeko was worst and did not give two flying fucks!
Now I don't like it when we call players shit without seeing
much of them, but I can categorically say Osvaldo is shit,
as I have seen quite a bit of him. 18m would be an absolute
fucking joke of a deal.
ACMilan said:
Can;t wait to see how many of you backtrack after he joins and nets at a regular pace as your 3rd choice

I hope I'm proven wrong but I'm always right. If we replace Dzeko with Osvaldo then that is a right royal typical City cock up.

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