With crimes as abhorrent as these, it's easy to get sucked into the general mood of hysteria and view events with the benefit of hindsight.
The first line of defence for any child is their parent(s). A consistent theme is the Jimmy Saville syndrome that "everybody knew" but no one did anything about it. If so, why weren't there complaints to the police, why didn't they take their boys away to safety ? It may emerge, in due course, that they did but that is not being reflected in the current reports.
From the reports, whilst there were clearly concerns within the clubs, it doesn't seem to have been supported by much solid evidence and sacking someone without that evidence isn't fair and can't be done without opening the club to legal action. It seems to me that the precautions put in place were sensible ones at the time.
And one last point, I'm always wary of historical enquiries for quite a number of reasons but primarily because memories of events taking place 20+ years ago are rarely 100 percent reliable, there is increasingly a financial interest in being a victim and the press are gagging for a lurid story which will sell papers and lose nothing in the telling to the point of sensationalist misrepresentation whipping up the sort of frenzy that sees paediatricians attacked .
What a shame there are ****s like Bennell in our society.
Crewe were warned about Bennell, discussed him at board meeting
With crimes as abhorrent as these, it's easy to get sucked into the general mood of hysteria and view events with the benefit of hindsight.
The first line of defence for any child is their parent(s). A consistent theme is the Jimmy Saville syndrome that "everybody knew" but no one did anything about it. If so, why weren't there complaints to the police, why didn't they take their boys away to safety ? It may emerge, in due course, that they did but that is not being reflected in the current reports.
From the reports, whilst there were clearly concerns within the clubs, it doesn't seem to have been supported by much solid evidence and sacking someone without that evidence isn't fair and can't be done without opening the club to legal action. It seems to me that the precautions put in place were sensible ones at the time.
And one last point, I'm always wary of historical enquiries for quite a number of reasons but primarily because memories of events taking place 20+ years ago are rarely 100 percent reliable, there is increasingly a financial interest in being a victim and the press are gagging for a lurid story which will sell papers and lose nothing in the telling to the point of sensationalist misrepresentation whipping up the sort of frenzy that sees paediatricians attacked .
What a shame there are ****s like Bennell in our society.
With crimes as abhorrent as these, it's easy to get sucked into the general mood of hysteria and view events with the benefit of hindsight.
The first line of defence for any child is their parent(s). A consistent theme is the Jimmy Saville syndrome that "everybody knew" but no one did anything about it. If so, why weren't there complaints to the police, why didn't they take their boys away to safety ? It may emerge, in due course, that they did but that is not being reflected in the current reports.
From the reports, whilst there were clearly concerns within the clubs, it doesn't seem to have been supported by much solid evidence and sacking someone without that evidence isn't fair and can't be done without opening the club to legal action. It seems to me that the precautions put in place were sensible ones at the time.
And one last point, I'm always wary of historical enquiries for quite a number of reasons but primarily because memories of events taking place 20+ years ago are rarely 100 percent reliable, there is increasingly a financial interest in being a victim and the press are gagging for a lurid story which will sell papers and lose nothing in the telling to the point of sensationalist misrepresentation whipping up the sort of frenzy that sees paediatricians attacked .
What a shame there are ****s like Bennell in our society.
Yes I am sure these ex footballers are seeking financial gain by appearing on tv and telling the world that they were raped by their coach repeatedly. Yes I am sure they are happy to admit that to the world for financial gain. You my friend are a disgrace.
One common theme among all victims is that they didn't tell their parents because they were terrified they would not be believed.
I know this as a fact because of my friendship with victims of Donald Mackintosh, a notorious Manchester policeman , church elder and Boys Brigade leader who ruined several boys futures in the 60s/70s. They all say that to have accused such a community stalwart would have been rejected out of hand at the time.