Paps outside giggs house attacked


Just heard on the news that a transit van pulled up outside Giggsie's house and blokes with balaclavas jumped out and trashed the cars of the photographers waiting outside.... weird..
samharris said:
mcfcliam said:

Sad bastards.

Flour and eggs? NAWTY

and why are they in FC United shirts? Giggs doesn't play for them.

Leader of mob was heard to say upon seeing eggs and flour..." you stupid twats-when i said we'd batter em i meant" ....:)

Quality mate!
quiet_riot said:
Maybe it was some of Rhodri's mates? Sure he runs with some wrong'uns.

he's a bellend as well. he spotted my city pin badge in the bridgewater at the bar one night, said fuck all until he was sat back with his mates. then he started staring at me and mouthing "blue ****" at me. the more he stared, the more i stared back and laughed at him. when me and my mates had drank up he was still staring. i nodded him to the door but he just called me a bitter blue again and stayed sat in safety. shithouse.
Looks like the same rag fans that scared the crap out of chicken-shit wooney are at it again. Hiding behind masks to hide their shame, same as they hide behind numbers when getting rough with kids, women and old fella's in their resurgent soccer thug activities in recent years. Reminds me of that old adage 'that as the ship sinks the rats start to run amok'.
I can see them getting up to more of this nonsense as we consign them to second at best in the next term or two and the decent press will pick up on it in due course . . hitting their disney image, cutting their merchandising and tv returns so that their mountain of debt can't be serviced and they're sold for a song to a curry house like blackburn.
Rag fans are a disgrace to football . . and the worlds starting to take notice.
hisroyalblueness said:
Looks like the same rag fans that scared the crap out of chicken-shit wooney are at it again. Hiding behind masks to hide their shame, same as they hide behind numbers when getting rough with kids, women and old fella's in their resurgent soccer thug activities in recent years. Reminds me of that old adage 'that as the ship sinks the rats start to run amok'.
I can see them getting up to more of this nonsense as we consign them to second at best in the next term or two and the decent press will pick up on it in due course . . hitting their disney image, cutting their merchandising and tv returns so that their mountain of debt can't be serviced and they're sold for a song to a curry house like blackburn.
Rag fans are a disgrace to football . . and the worlds starting to take notice.

Well said. Remember this ****?


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