Paranormal Experiences

Perhaps you need to let him answer my question.

And who were you before you became this toad in the hole character?

I was just making a joke, mate. If you want to call each other cunts and nutcases over an argument about ghosts then crack on. I'm honestly not fussed if you want to spend time and money on "the supernatural".

I'd tell you if I knew, unfortunately memories don't pass on after reincarnation. ;)
I feel sorry for you and your delusions.
Please don't pal.

I called you pal because you seem to have an 'ead like a lump of dog meat. Now drink your cocoa and mind ya dont piss on your slippers on the stairs. Goodnight and god bless your crinkly owd valve because if wit was shit you'd be badly constipated; )
Haven’t had any paranormal experience’s myself but know a number of people who have including my son,who himself was totally skeptical of this until a couple of incidents when working in a nursing home absolutely shit him up for a while one of them ...
Do we have any believers here, anyone seen any ghosts or things they just cannot explain?
Yes. In my local pub, The Railway in Hale, lots of strange goings on happen in there, and before anyone says it, no, it's not because we are all pissed.

I've seen pictures flying off walls across the room, broken hand dryers surging into life with no one there, but the best was when all the crisps behind the bar started flying out of their boxes. I've no idea how or why, but it happened.

More than one landlord has said the cellar is rearranged during the night, with stuff being moved around. The original pub burned down sometime in the 1920's, and the landlady at the time died in the blaze, so the general conclusion is it's her spirit getting annoyed with things.

I used to drive coaches at Manchester airport, and I took a party of passengers up to Edinburgh airport years ago. After dropping them off, I had enough time on my Tacho to get out of the city, but I knew I'd have to stop for a break, and eventually found a lay-by and parked up. I opened the window, heard the sound of running water and began eating my sandwiches. Something wasn't right though. I had no idea what it was, but I was feeling decidedly uncomfortable. I was used to parking up in the dead of night for a break and having something to eat and drink, but this time it was different. I was genuinely spooked and it didn't make any sense. When I got home I looked on a map and I'd stopped at the site of a battle.

Are they ghosts?

I don't know, but those bags of crisps were flying all over the place and I still can't understand why I was feeling threatened in that lay-by.
I was just making a joke, mate. If you want to call each other cunts and nutcases over an argument about ghosts then crack on. I'm honestly not fussed if you want to spend time and money on "the supernatural".

I'd tell you if I knew, unfortunately memories don't pass on after reincarnation. ;)
I don't spend any time or money on the supernatural thank you, certainly dont have money to waste on any 'Order Me Brown' type charlatan spiritualists in Ghost or any genuine spiritualists for that matter.

Do mamaries pass on after re-carnation (as in milk? ) because it appears there's a few complete tits knocking about in this thread, mate. And the funny thing is theyre both male, chippy tits n ' crusty baps are of the same barmy batch, lol.
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