Paranormal Experiences

Okay. It was nothing like that - clearly spoken, no error and we all confirmed what was said.

Getting our wires crossed, mate. I'm not saying you read something out like the above video, merely using that as example of something similar where no one would claim it was supernatural.

My understanding is that the app transmits white noise and then people experience brief moments of clear audio.

Three possible explanations.

1) App is hacked and pulling information from phone or recording as you speak and using A. I. to generate response. Unlikely, don't think it is that sophisticated.

2) the audio transmitted provides a gateway for the supernatural to communicate to the living.

We can speculate how that's possible - maybe ghosts communicate in frequency outside of the audible range of humans?

3) the phenomenon exists in your minds eye and the same white noise can mean different things to different people.

I happen to think it is most likely number 3. But it isn't really important what I think and I'm not going to take a hectoring tone with you. It doesn't matter whether it is true or not to me, "it's true to you" you had a shared experience and a nice moment in a time of grief.
Come on ye owd wise one, what did you teach @denislawsbackheel ?

Screwballs were two things when i was a kid. Ice cream in a plastic cone with a bubble gum stuck in the bottom. And horrible nasty teachers of horrible-ness, total cunts in other words, and several blighted my education to the point of me wagging most of the 5th year. I hope you're proud of your fellow council estate scholar hating scum.

You're a **** fella
Perhaps he is talking about your POF experiences.

Come on ye owd wise one, what did you teach @denislawsbackheel ?

Screwballs were two things when i was a kid. Ice cream in a plastic cone with a bubble gum stuck in the bottom. And horrible nasty teachers of horrible-ness, total cunts in other words, and several blighted my education to the point of me wagging most of the 5th year. I hope you're proud of your fellow council estate scholar hating scum.

You're a **** fella
You just confirmed you are a nutcase

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