Paul Ince Wants Rooney Rule said:
stony said:
Ince is an egotistical cockwomble and a shit manager.

you missed the bit about having a huge chip on his shoulder and using his ethnicity to imply football some how owes him a living

he misses the point that he is not working as a manager because he is shit and not actually because he is black

Correct whp,pulling out the race card to cover how shit he is as a manager.
His record doesn't give the argument any credibility at all, in fact quite the opposite. Ince has had more than enough chances to manage and the fact he is now out of work is a reflection on his ability nothing else.
Chipmeister said:
You will statistically see 1 in 5 of the coaches on the course being black, that in no way should translate to a managers job at all. Anyone can take a coaches course it does not give you a right to a mangers job, there may be 1in5 on the course left handed so should we expect roughly 1in5 mangers left handed.

The best for the job should get the job full stop, black,white,English foreign. The difference being that football is not all about qualifications and experience being the requisite on an application, many other elements/variables are at play and normal employment rules do not apply.
Actually, both of those things are exactly what you should expect, in a fair system. That's pretty much the basics of statistics.

If the percentages aren't the same then it is either a gigantic coincidence, or there must be a reason for the disparity. The statistics are so different that it pretty much rules out that it is a coincidence, therefore logic dictates that there must be a reason. The obvious two reasons being that either black (or left handed) people are fundamentally less capable at managing than white people, or that they are less likely to be given jobs than there equally talented white counterparts.

Given that I don't believe in white supremacy, the latter seems to be the most likely.
I don't see any harm in the Rooney Rule, nor do I think it will result in significant changes. Bit more work needed to establish why more black managers aren't in the game, and then see if anything can be done to address that.

If racism is a reason more black managers aren't in the game I don't see the Rooney rule as changing anything in that regard.
Paul Ince, Stan Collymore, Jason Roberts, Ian Wright, Carlise etc all have chips on their shoulders and have played the race card. They've all earned a fortune in the game, played international football (minus Carlise) and a couple of them have been England captains, they were hardly left out because of skin colour. I admire Ince for working his way up through the leagues but it's not skin colour holding him back. I bet Rio will become a manager in a few years and he's the thickest **** in the universe
stony said:
Ince is an egotistical cockwomble and a shit manager.

People will ignore this because of him. He's like that kid who cried wolf as well as what Stony said.
The same could be said of women, they say there are not enough in high powered jobs in other industries then include football, put one woman on the list and while we are at it included Asian, Chinese, and gay people on the list. Or maybe the fact is they just aren't good enough.
RandomJ said:
If I were a minority race I would find this insulting rather than a good thing. I actually agree with Jose on this one that if you are good enough then you are the best candidate. I find it funny Ince is mouthing off about lack of opportunities when he has been given the manager job at 6 clubs. But of course it's not him being a shit manager that is preventing him finding another job it's the colour of his skin.

Ince is not the best spokesperson to be leading this campaign admittedly it lacks credibility..

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