Paul Lake - part 2 of interview P6

My hero.

I love this fella and to this day I still feel emotional when he's spoken of or mentioned.

I had a photo with him in town for the fa cup parade, he got on our train that night and me acting like a proper fanboy shouted out "there's lakey"as he boarded.

He'll always be my favourite ever player for city.
Never mention the name Swales in his company. The guy shit on him from a great height and thankfully Lakey let it be known during a conversation (for want of a better word) with Swales of what he thought.
Had him at our Mid Cheshire Meeting and the lad is so humble, it was a treat listening to his stories.
His book is also wonderful with the heartache of those horrible years during his serious injury.
The lad would have captained England on a regular basis had it not been for his problem.
To be fair Gaza always gives him a great thumbs up whenever discussing him.
My hero.

I love this fella and to this day I still feel emotional when he's spoken of or mentioned.

I had a photo with him in town for the fa cup parade, he got on our train that night and me acting like a proper fanboy shouted out "there's lakey"as he boarded.

He'll always be my favourite ever player for city.

100% He did live near my parents in Woodsmoor near Stockport Grammar. He was incredibly approachable, he's also made of stern stuff.
Yes, I fully agree. It's appalling, really, as exemplified by Paul Moulden having been the subject of a large bid from Spurs before he even played in the first team.

The MEN reported it as a 'name your price' offer but a few years later I was told by a very good source when doing legal work for the club that it was a six figures guaranteed rising to a couple of hundred thousand with bonuses. In the light of that, only a truly incompetent cheapskate operation would have insured Moulden for GBP 10K, even when still a 17-year-old youth-teamer.

For Lakey, having long since made the senior side and having attracted GBP 2 million offers, to still be insured for that sum defies belief. The club should have been looking at a seven figure pay-out when he was unable to carry on, so it's negligent management for us to have received such a derisory sum. That's shocking enough.

But then there's the fact that Lakey himself was shafted by such parsimony given that the pay-out to him was pitiful, depending as it did on the sum he was insured for. But it gets worse. I think he's aware now that, after doing his cruciate for the second time at Boro in 1992, he carried on for years trying to get fit again when, in retrospect, there was never any chance of him returning to the first team. No one within the club had any incentive to try and stop him.

You can bet your life that if MCFC had a potential GBP 1.5 million pay-out resting on him retiring, someone would have had a quiet word with him and explained that he'd never make it back. And that would have been a great service to him. If you've read his book, you'll know that his mental health really suffered throughout his futile battle to return and he should have been spared that.

It's really quite remarkable that he still loves the club today in the way he does. He'd be perfectly justified in having nothing but untrammelled and rancorous hatred towards the institution that is Manchester City Football Club.
I could tell you something twice as bad regarding Lakey and the insurance price, but I couldn't post it on here unfortunately.
I could tell you something twice as bad regarding Lakey and the insurance price, but I couldn't post it on here unfortunately.

That's very sad to hear. Having done work for MCFC when I was a junior solicitor back in another lifetime, I thought I'd heard all there was to know about Swales and couldn't possibly think worse of him. Not so, it seems.
Enjoyed that Mark, Lakey always comes across as such a humble guy, so sad his career ended as it did he would have been a City Legend with his own statue but for that injury, anyone who wants to give a fellow City fan a great Xmas present lakeys book is a great read.
One of those people in life you wish all the luck in the world to.

Comes across as a great bloke and always had time for the fans. My hero as a kid and I occasionally saw him walking through Hyde town centre without any airs or graces.
Heartbreaking, what happened to Paul. Both the actual injury, and the way the whole saga was handled by the club. I love the club, but that was a shameful episode. I would hope that attitudes have changed re looking after players when they get serious injuries.

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