That might be the stupidest and most reaching analogy I have ever seen in the entire history of this forum.
You've confused equality with inequality.
No it's incredibly simple. All people should be treated equally. That's the simplest and easiest thing in the world to do. There's no grey area about it.
And it wasn't designed to increase representation. That's absolutely ridiculous.
Can you point to anybody at all who has the disposable income to attend a political speech night for £30 but doesn't have the income to attend for £40? Can you explain why the organisers couldn't then set all prices at £30? Could you point to a single person who made the decision to attend based entirely on a £10 saving due to their race that couldn't afford to go at £40?
Of course not. Neither can anybody else. Because it was a symbolic and frankly a pathetically transparent gesture to appear to be "allies" of BAME members and reinforce how Labour "understand their plight" and all of that fucking patronising nonsense that infantilises BAME people rather than giving them exactly what they want which is equal treatment to everybody else. In my experience, BAME people don't want your fucking pity nor "discounts". They want to be not treated like a sub species of humans.
£10 less tickets increase to "increase representation". Do me a fucking favour. Do you just swallow these face saving PR statements with the gusto of a weekend worker on Tibb Street?
No I see a cack handed political gesture designed to appeal to BAME racists and their white apologists who also confuse equality with inequality.