PED Use in the EPL

My thoughts as well. Ultra competitive environment with huge amounts of money riding on it? You'll find PEDs. Lala land that the Premier league isn't dripping in them.
It´s been part of elite sport since the 70´s. It´s naive in the extreme to think footballs don´t use.
I honestly think it's likely a lot of players are using PEDs, think about the amount of guys who only go to the gym casually and use steroids. All they get from that is big and strong quickly, there's nothing hanging on their performance. I think the football authorities could be covering it up, look at Russia ( So many tests faked to protect the athletes by coaches and RUSADA but the money is nothing like football... that's what makes me think it's rife within the sport. the higher quality the matches, the more entertaining and engaging the more interest there will be and that means more money.

Personally I think testing should be done away with, I'm a powerlifter - I compete in a tested federation but there are untested ones too. You don't have to be called a cheat in my sport if you use drugs (although some people use and compete against tested lifters, that's cheating). In competitive sport there will always be people willing to take their game even further, to make it to the top you generally need to be pretty ambitious. And I'd wager they'd be willing to sacrifice the last 10 years of their life if it meant getting to the top. With testing they are constantly trying to find alternative drugs with similar performance effects that won't be detected, they won't be as well researched though and could be harder to manage.

Just my opinion though, not Ric's!
That's a ridiculously unfair statement given many footballers will choose to prioritise their health ahead of any potential/possible gains from drugs.Its also very probable many footballers will not have a requirement for their use.

You can still be healthy and take PEDs. It's not all about anabolic steroids and amphetamines, PEDs include caffeine supplements, asthma inhalers, small doses of clenbutorol and EPO. All perfectly safe if prescribed by the right people. Loads of them will be doing it. If it means you can improve your performance, thus earn and achieve more, you would be stupid not to do it. Especially when the drug testing scheme is laughable.
It´s been part of elite sport since the 70´s. It´s naive in the extreme to think footballs don´t use.

Been in the sport for longer than that. Arsenal were allegedly doping in the 1920s and the German national team were doping in the 1950s.
You can still be healthy and take PEDs. It's not all about anabolic steroids and amphetamines, PEDs include caffeine supplements, asthma inhalers, small doses of clenbutorol and EPO. All perfectly safe if prescribed by the right people. Loads of them will be doing it. If it means you can improve your performance, thus earn and achieve more, you would be stupid not to do it. Especially when the drug testing scheme is laughable.
Caffeine most certainly isn't a PED as far as this topic is concerned.As for the others they are all capable of severe side effects,and aren't perfectly safe(think hypertension,tachycardia/SVT's amongst others) regardless of who they are prescribed by......they are also banned by WADA - which is the basis of my classification thinking.
Been in the sport for longer than that. Arsenal were allegedly doping in the 1920s and the German national team were doping in the 1950s.
They were vitamin injections!! :)

I watched Bigger, Stronger, Faster* recently, I'd recommend that to anyone interested in PED use in sport. I thought it was interesting that WADA have banned EPO but not altitude training even though they looked at it. There's a lot of stuff about cover ups in there too.
Caffeine most certainly isn't a PED as far as this topic is concerned.As for the others they are all capable of severe side effects,and aren't perfectly safe(think hypertension,tachycardia/SVT's amongst others) regardless of who they are prescribed by......they are also banned by WADA - which is the basis of my classification thinking.

Caffeine has been proven to be a PED. However, it isn't banned.

Many others are perfectly safe. Some not so.
They were vitamin injections!! :)

I watched Bigger, Stronger, Faster* recently, I'd recommend that to anyone interested in PED use in sport. I thought it was interesting that WADA have banned EPO but not altitude training even though they looked at it. There's a lot of stuff about cover ups in there too.

Recent case in cycling involving Sebastian Henao where the claim is that his passport levels vary so much due to altitude.

Interestingly Sahko has been caught taking dietary supplements. These supplements are known to be effective masking agents.

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