PED Use in the EPL

indeed. if jamie fox continues his late 20s speed improvement he could be challenging race horses to a 100 yard dash by christmas.
Not surprise me to see
What I can't work out is if it is as widespread as it appears then at what level is it sanctioned at?

Is it at a club level in which case what happens when a new manager comes in. How do they come to an understanding?

Is it at the manager level in which case what happens when a new player comes in. How do they come to an understanding?

Is it at a player level in which case what happens when a player moves to another club. How do they come to an understanding?

Do clubs have a reputation for it that all players and managers who go to work there know about and accept before they join?

Do managers have a reputation for it and are hired by clubs knowing that and players recruited accept

Do players have the reputation which is accepted by managers and clubs when they are bought

If it is as rife as it is coming to be understood there must be a structure or a culture to support it given it all has to hide in plain sight
It comes from the very top, it's simply accepted.

The Italians were the masters of it when it came into football, Milan doctors had an incredible reputation
One question needs answering by us all is - do you (as a football supporter) accept/condone the use of PED's with the knowledge that it improves the quality of the product that we consume in terms of its spectacle?

I look at PED's in sport like I look at drugs in the entertainment industry... Imagine what Music would be like without LSD and Coke.... Pretty boring I reckon.

Yes we can still enjoy sport without the competitor's taking PED's but if it means faster, more explosive action and the fact that if the English Premier League weren't prepared to allow it then some other country would and thus attract the big TV deals... And we wouldn't have the star players, then maybe it's just something we have to put up with.

I only ask for more transparency.
I'd embrace it more if the FA/Prem and Clubs openly admitted collectively to the use of PED's.
Rather than it being kept a known secret.
What I can't work out is if it is as widespread as it appears then at what level is it sanctioned at?

Is it at a club level in which case what happens when a new manager comes in. How do they come to an understanding?

Is it at the manager level in which case what happens when a new player comes in. How do they come to an understanding?

Is it at a player level in which case what happens when a player moves to another club. How do they come to an understanding?

Do clubs have a reputation for it that all players and managers who go to work there know about and accept before they join?

Do managers have a reputation for it and are hired by clubs knowing that and players recruited accept

Do players have the reputation which is accepted by managers and clubs when they are bought

If it is as rife as it is coming to be understood there must be a structure or a culture to support it given it all has to hide in plain sight

I don't think it would need to be that complicated. At a player level there would be an unspoken rule that to properly succeed you need to take PEDs. It's still your choice, but you know without them you're not getting to the top. At a managerial level you know all your players are probably doping, but you ask no questions and hear no lies. You'll naturally pick the best performing players which are those taking PEDs. Higher than management understand that these are the risks of competing for the league/champions league/whatever, punishment is directed at the player rather than the club, and you accept the risk of loosing that asset should they get caught out, as it likely pales in comparison to falling out of the competition.

Everyone is benefiting from this gravy train and it seems even whenever someone comes out, like the recent doctor, its swept under the rug quicker than you can say EPO. In many ways the more rife it is the easier it would be to cover up, given you'll be under pressure from everyone, your team mates, your manager, your club, to keep it going or risk chucking away your 100k+ a week career. Probably not a hard choice for most tbh.

Another thing to remember is football is largely one massive old boys club. The players then go on to become managers and directors of football. They go into powerful positions at UEFA and Fifa. They're replaced by other footballers or long time football people. They are subject to practically no (or any?) external oversight. They can do whatever the fuck they want.
The sakho and kolo toure cases should be ringing serious alarm bells. Wada comes down heavily on some of these 'fat burners' because they are often used as masking agents for other PED's. Its also likely that a 'fat burner' will be punished with a slap on the wrist in terms of ban length compared to the compound it is masking.
As for Pep's involvement in doping, I'd never heard a sniff of this tbh, but I expect we will now he's not managing uefa footballing royalty anymore. In fact, I'd imagine the media will smear more of this shit on city once pep arrives than they ever did to the club actually involved.
All the evidence in the Toure case pointed to it not being used as a masking agent as the diuretic was in such low concentrations in the urine that it had been taken the day before and would have been useless as a masking agent which was why he was given a short suspension.

It is nonsense to suggest that PED's are ubiquitous and Leicesters form is evidence.
If it is ubiquitous there is no great advantage to be taking them only a disadvantage not to be taking them.
Leicester do not appear to have any great advantage over other teams through any measured statistic for things like miles run.
team fox are out of breath at the bottom of the league up until april 2015 ..the biggest tv deal ever is slipping thru their fingers....the billionaire owner of the team of misfits and rejects is not very happy at this.then BANG!!! Team Fox ( soon to be known as team fairytale) shake themselves up and win every fucking can,t believe it.
then they sack the manager.
then they go on pre season foxy training in Austria...without a manager.
canny claudio then joins mid real time to bed in,they only play rotherham mansfield and lincoln pre season and then BANG!!! the tricky foxes manage to out run every other team in the prem and win the no injuries.the ice machine,beetroot and pizza is fuelling the foxes on their title charge...all the players who couldn,t run hard for the majority of last season have now ,suddenly,found their feet.such aggression,where did they find all that energy and aggression to fight with the palace winger,fall out with the local media,attack referees,attack their girlfriends,out run and out fight just about everybody,when for most of the season before they lay down and fox becomes team fairytale and and for some fans its oakie coakie and totally believable that crap,rejected footballers can perform so poorly for 8 months of one season,brilliantly for the last 6 weeks of last season,have a mini crisis and sack the manager,bring in a bloke who has just lost to the faroe islands,and has never won top title in his life, 3 weeks before the start of the is the film coming out?
Exactly, had similar happened in professional cycling, going from the rear of the peloton to winning the Tour De France the next year, everyone would know the explanation. With Leicester it is somehow different and perfectly normal. I don't buy it.
All the evidence in the Toure case pointed to it not being used as a masking agent as the diuretic was in such low concentrations in the urine that it had been taken the day before and would have been useless as a masking agent which was why he was given a short suspension.

It is nonsense to suggest that PED's are ubiquitous and Leicesters form is evidence.
If it is ubiquitous there is no great advantage to be taking them only a disadvantage not to be taking them.
Leicester do not appear to have any great advantage over other teams through any measured statistic for things like miles run.

Look at operation puerto; the Dr convicted said only one third of his clients were cyclist the rest were tennis players and footballers.
This is a quote from him

"If I talk, Spain would be stripped of the World Cup and European Championship."

Do we have any Spanish world cup winners on our team?

The Dr who worked with Armstrong worked with Barcelona. It happens in Spain it happens in the UK
Look at operation puerto; the Dr convicted said only one third of his clients were cyclist the rest were tennis players and footballers.
This is a quote from him

"If I talk, Spain would be stripped of the World Cup and European Championship."

Do we have any Spanish world cup winners on our team?

The Dr who worked with Armstrong worked with Barcelona. It happens in Spain it happens in the UK
I have not suggested it does not happen in this country, but there is no evidence to suggest either any particular place or person or the extent we simply don't know and knowing remarks about Leicester or Toure are not supported by any evidence.
What I can't work out is if it is as widespread as it appears then at what level is it sanctioned at?

The top, as in FIFA/UEFA/FA are in my opinion rigging it due to money. Pop a guy for something minor (like a fat burner, probably EC stack: ephedrine is regulated on the amount in the system) every now and then it looks like you're testing and he only gets a short ban.

@MCFC1993 I don't think they want to up the testing, that's why.

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