Pellegrini extends contract

A bit of a turn-a-round from a couple of months ago when more than a few were saying his position was untenable going into the new season

Including some of his biggest fans who finally admitted he wasn't good enough after the derby fiasco. Now it seems both they and the other more long term detractors are all on the same page. I am just mildly depressed by today's events and hope to hell that this time next year we have someone else at the helm.

But I sincerely hope Manuel has a good season and shows me up as a terrible judge. I acknowledge that despite some poor european performances the football in his first season was quite often sensational. Last year was piss poor but maybe that was an aberration from the norm.

Bring it on.
That's the thing mate, people on here just think so black and white. They think you don't rate him so you must hate him as a person - but that's not the case at all.

I don't really rate him as a manager. I think he's too dogmatic with his footballing principles, he's not adaptable enough to be a world class manager. It takes him too long to identify problems in the team that need changing.

But as a bloke he seems absolutely lovely. He's very polite and respectful, I wish him every success and happiness.

And contrary to what some people seem to think, I'd love him to go out and win us the quadruple this season, of course I would.
A lot also think that if people criticise aspects (even if they are impressed with other aspects of his style) then you are completely against everything about him. When that just isn't the case. Some just won't have any talk of negativity about him which then just causes arguments, rather than natural debate.
As many have said.....great move by the club! This should take the pressure off and stop the questions over the manager position, atleast for this year! I think Pelle made a few mistakes last season but feel we will learn from those mistakes and be better for it this year with a change in formation etc.....
A lot also think that if people criticise aspects (even if they are impressed with other aspects of his style) then you are completely against everything about him. When that just isn't the case. Some just won't have any talk of negativity about him which then just causes arguments, rather than natural debate.

That's fair enough but the other side of the coin is that some people don't put forward a rational debate they make it personal. I am pretty easy going and prepared to leave things to the people behind the scenes as they have all the info but I thought some of the comments and pics posted of him last season were out of order. Some also want to belittle his achievements here which also cause arguments so it's swings and roundabouts really. I think this is a good decision by all involved and am pleased for Pellegrini.
I can name plenty of other worse managers we have had over the past 30 years. Sometimes our fans are just too greedy and want the best of everything.
A lot also think that if people criticise aspects (even if they are impressed with other aspects of his style) then you are completely against everything about him. When that just isn't the case. Some just won't have any talk of negativity about him which then just causes arguments, rather than natural debate.

Totally agree mate, if you question the Fernando signing you're a "Txiki outer" if you think playing Fernando and Milner in central midfield against Barcelona is suicide you're a "Pellegrini outer".

It's the same people who constantly bang on still criticising the previous manager and CEO, it's become so stale and tiring.

Txiki, Pellegrini, Cook, Mancini, they've all done some good, they've all done some bad. There's no need to view them as either He-Man or Skeletor.

A bit of a turn-a-round from a couple of months ago when more than a few were saying his position was untenable going into the new season

The rewriting of recent history has begun. Good to see the handful of Anyone But Pellegrini posters hitting reverse and flooring it. They've always loved him really. :)

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