Pellegrini targeted by missiles on visit to the swamp

ForzaMancini said:
Would we expect our fans to treat Moyes arriving at the Etihad any differently? The rags have done far worse to be labelled as having scum fans than throwing a few cans at a rival manager.

Yes, yes I would. If Moyes was assaulted in or around our ground I'd honestly be surprised. As mentioned a fair few times in this thread alone GPC somehow escaped unharmed from the Etihad dozens of times over a 10 year period.
When a blue ran on at Leeds and squared up to McQueen I laughed.

Now its a pie thrown from a distance. I still laugh but for a different reason.
samharris said:
Like I was trying to explain earlier, Ferdinand has done plenty to wind up City fans and someone threw a coin at him..Im not saying its right or wrong,but it happened..
pellegrini hasnt done anything to wind up the scum fans,except be the city manager..yet he gets sommat thrown at him..

This is why theyre scum of the earth..
To be honest I quite liked Veron before he joined the scum now I cant stand him and the same goes for most players. If my own Dad joined them I would have an irrational hatred of him. i wouldnt throw money at anyone though. I worked hard for that shit
samharris said:
Pigeonho said:
samharris said:
I dont ever recall any objects being thrown at the pisscan,camel gob is a mouthy coont who deserves what he gets..

Pellegrini is a gentleman and does not deserve any shite like this....
So being mouthy because of football means that some 'deserves' to get coined? Are you 8 years old?

the fuck is your problem. minge.
Pige can i ask you a serious question aand can you reply without your usual im holier than thou standard reply ie your ''thick'' your ''a knuckle dragger'' or ''im far more intelligent than you'' attitude
Are you sure your heart and sole are in the right place with this football club?
I know you like to be a ''bit different'' but i have never known a so called blue have views like you its a bit strange to say the least.
When you was younger did somebody drag you along to Maine Rd on a wet dank dismal day and you secretly hated it but you just went along with it just to shut the mithering City fan quiet?
Did somebody then buy you one of the many horrible away kits that Gods own football club have brought out over the years and make you wear it even though it nearly made you puke and you enviously cast eyes at others in the school yard wearing another strip that would make ME puke.
Only asking because it happened to a bloke i worked with, big blue he said but when blues talked to him he couldnt resist the snide remarks about the team, the fans and the stadium, he quit work and next time i seen him years later he had a rag badge on.
Said he woke up one morning and realised he was living a lie and he came out of the closet and bought a rag shirt with Cantona on the back and never looked back
Are YOU surpressing inner demons like my ex work colleague?
Only asking
TheMightyQuinn said:
Whenever us blues try to have a dig at the rags on here the same posters get riled and remind us all that we're scummier than the rags will ever be.

Football is tribal. Always has been. Very little room for reason and logic. It's an escape, a passion, something which transcends words, not just another topic to be treated with 'reason' by the same posters over and over.

To even attempt reason and logic when discussing football is laughable anyway. If you want to get real, it's 22 multi millionaires kicking a ball and feigning injury for an hour and a half. All worth about 50m each in shit endorsements. There's very little room for logic or reason in the world of football.

This isn't science.

I've always hated rags more than Hitler or Hiroshima. Like I said, it transcends logic.

Jelly and Ice cream...

Oh and this should now mean open season on Gollum...just saying, like.

Spot on TMQ, fuck em and fuck the apologists too.
chestervegasblue said:
If we're going to call swamp dwellers a 'disgrace', a hell of a lot of blues need to own to the same title for the vile Munich chants on Sunday. So many of our own fans need to grow up, too. Both as a bad as each other.

Stop it you are going to make me cry

TheMightyQuinn said:
Whenever us blues try to have a dig at the rags on here the same posters get riled and remind us all that we're scummier than the rags will ever be.

Football is tribal. Always has been. Very little room for reason and logic. It's an escape, a passion, something which transcends words, not just another topic to be treated with 'reason' by the same posters over and over.

To even attempt reason and logic when discussing football is laughable anyway. If you want to get real, it's 22 multi millionaires kicking a ball and feigning injury for an hour and a half. All worth about 50m each in shit endorsements. There's very little room for logic or reason in the world of football.

This isn't science.

I've always hated rags more than Hitler or Hiroshima. Like I said, it transcends logic.

Jelly and Ice cream...

Oh and this should now mean open season on Gollum...just saying, like.

You make a very good point -It is tribal that's for sure. I have seen the most sane blue ,including myselflose it when we score etc,when there is a red card,bad decision etc and it is the same with the away fans. There has to be a line and lobbing coins,pies or whatever is surely stepping over the mark. Banter is banter,verbals is verbals but going out to hurt someone,narghhh not for me. I hate these cnuts more than most. I posted after the semi at Wembley against them about my then 10 yr old lad being pushed to the ground because he had a shirt with Tevez on..10 YRS old...I was raging and wanted to fight the cunts but realised I would have got my head stoved in and it was my lad who stopped me in the end.I hate the cunts so much but it's football when all said and done..
Pigeonho said:
TMQ, nobody has said City fans are scummier than United fans, we're just saying we have fans who are as bad, as do most other clubs. By saying that though the coin-lobber is almost being excused because he is a City fan, which for me makes no sense. As fans of the club are we expected to back certain elements of twats who support it? No.

I'll be honest here.

Rio had it coming. I'd have felt a twinge of sympathy if it'd perhaps have been a less gobby rag that got hit but as it was, Rio is a mouthy twat who gives but can't take.

Pellegrini wasn't celebrating a last minute goal. He was walking into a stadium. He was working. Rio was prancing in front of opposing fans at a volatile moment asking for for it.

The two incidents can't really be compared.

It's like hitting someone for no reason vs hitting someone who is provoking you.
blue underpants said:
samharris said:
Pigeonho said:
So being mouthy because of football means that some 'deserves' to get coined? Are you 8 years old?

the fuck is your problem. minge.
Pige can i ask you a serious question aand can you reply without your usual im holier than thou standard reply ie your ''thick'' your ''a knuckle dragger'' or ''im far more intelligent than you'' attitude
Are you sure your heart and sole are in the right place with this football club?
I know you like to be a ''bit different'' but i have never known a so called blue have views like you its a bit strange to say the least.
When you was younger did somebody drag you along to Maine Rd on a wet dank dismal day and you secretly hated it but you just went along with it just to shut the mithering City fan quiet?
Did somebody then buy you one of the many horrible away kits that Gods own football club have brought out over the years and make you wear it even though it nearly made you puke and you enviously cast eyes at others in the school yard wearing another strip that would make ME puke.
Only asking because it happened to a bloke i worked with, big blue he said but when blues talked to him he couldnt resist the snide remarks about the team, the fans and the stadium, he quit work and next time i seen him years later he had a rag badge on.
Said he woke up one morning and realised he was living a lie and he came out of the closet and bought a rag shirt with Cantona on the back and never looked back
Are YOU surpressing inner demons like my ex work colleague?
Only asking

A mate hey?????????????
blue underpants said:
samharris said:
Pigeonho said:
So being mouthy because of football means that some 'deserves' to get coined? Are you 8 years old?

the fuck is your problem. minge.
Pige can i ask you a serious question aand can you reply without your usual im holier than thou standard reply ie your ''thick'' your ''a knuckle dragger'' or ''im far more intelligent than you'' attitude
Are you sure your heart and sole are in the right place with this football club?
I know you like to be a ''bit different'' but i have never known a so called blue have views like you its a bit strange to say the least.
When you was younger did somebody drag you along to Maine Rd on a wet dank dismal day and you secretly hated it but you just went along with it just to shut the mithering City fan quiet?
Did somebody then buy you one of the many horrible away kits that Gods own football club have brought out over the years and make you wear it even though it nearly made you puke and you enviously cast eyes at others in the school yard wearing another strip that would make ME puke.
Only asking because it happened to a bloke i worked with, big blue he said but when blues talked to him he couldnt resist the snide remarks about the team, the fans and the stadium, he quit work and next time i seen him years later he had a rag badge on.
Said he woke up one morning and realised he was living a lie and he came out of the closet and bought a rag shirt with Cantona on the back and never looked back
Are YOU surpressing inner demons like my ex work colleague?
Only asking
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