Pellegrini to give youth a chance, but who

we've turned a new page, with Patric moulding and guiding our youngsters we will see a big leap forward in their confidence, and Pelle actually taking notice they will be unrecognisable.
It's true the bar is set very high now, but to even be in our academy they have stood out from a very large crowd, all they need is a chance to prove they can make the next step
Wabara - No doubt he'll go on loan.

Rekik - Be good at left back, he featured once this season and i thought he played reasonably well.

Suarez- But i wouldn't play him on the right like he got played in the cup against villa.

Evans - He went to the same school as me at the same time so it would be strange seeing him play but i'd be extremely happy for him to see him on the field.

Lopes -he scored a goal in the cup, he looked confident and could turn out to be a very good player

Razak - a player that many rate so it would be good to see him come through to the first team more often in the league

Guidetti - i am desperate to see him play in the league. He looks to be good stuff, in my opinion, probably the best academy player we've got.
sqblue said:
TexasBlueMoon said:
Guidetti and Suarez please. Let them lose against the bottom tier defenses

let him win, surely? ;)

ST Coleridge said:
TexasBlueMoon said:
Guidetti and Suarez please. Let them lose against the bottom tier defenses


Akira said:
TexasBlueMoon said:
Guidetti and Suarez please. Let them lose against the bottom tier defenses
Oh dear, that wouldn't do well against their confidence, would it?

camsta15 said:
Wabara - No doubt he'll go on loan.

Rekik - Be good at left back, he featured once this season and i thought he played reasonably well.

Suarez- But i wouldn't play him on the right like he got played in the cup against villa.

Evans - He went to the same school as me at the same time so it would be strange seeing him play but i'd be extremely happy for him to see him on the field.

Lopes -he scored a goal in the cup, he looked confident and could turn out to be a very good player

Razak - a player that many rate so it would be good to see him come through to the first team more often in the league

Guidetti - i am desperate to see him play in the league. He looks to be good stuff, in my opinion, probably the best academy player we've got.

Many of those lads may have a chance. But

The thing is, imo, not to just throw a bunch of young players together randomly & arse about like Mancini did in the Carling cup. Not only did he put inexperienced players in the team, but he dicked about with formations which even the first team struggled with, & pretty much hung the kids out to dry.

If the EDS side was a great team which won leagues etc, you could perhaps put a block of them in together, as they would be a unit, but sticking lads randomly in centre mid in a much changed team with an experimental back 4/3 & using the game to try out tactics, like Mancini did, is just bollocks.

One or two kids, playing in a proper solid team, with top players around them, where they know their job & what is expected of them, is the way to find out if they can raise their game.
Neville Kneville said:
camsta15 said:
One or two kids, playing in a proper solid team, with top players around them, where they know their job & what is expected of them, is the way to find out if they can raise their game.

This is absolutely correct, spot on that man.
I think some of you are taking Pellegrini's comments a bit too literally. I understood him to be talking about the long-term vision for the club, whereby day-to-day cooperation between the first-team manager and academy ensures one or two players make the progression to the seniors each season.

City are putting new systems in place at academy level and Pellegrini has clearly been brought in with a specific remit to help set this all up and get it ticking along smoothly for future managers to utilise. The fruits of this will be seen in 5-10 years' time, and he certainly won't be pressured into promoting players from the current crop of 18-21 year olds if they're simply not good enough.

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