People on here who are against drugs...

I have a...friend who is in his mid 40's, has a family, good well paid job nice house, car and all the rest of it.
Fom the outside he looks like any "normal" fella...but for the last 30 years he has been a recreational drug user, be it weed, acid, e's or coke.

As he's an educated bloke he can make his own decisions about what risks he takes after looking into all the pro's and con's.
Therefore, some weekends he'll do a gram of coke (poor quality though these days he says, cut with pro plus!)..or he'll do a few e's.
He's never been in trouble with the Police, when he was younger he got into all kind of scrapes while bladdered, got fed up of feeling dreadful the day after, fed up of puking up while the room was spinning and thought, what's the alternatives?..

Now, he's NOT a druggie. Someone who takes crack or heroin IS a druggie, the are usually the un educated ones who don't think about what they are doing and don't look into the pit falls of addiction and everything else that surrounds it.

He goes to music festivals and has a really great time with like minded people of all ages, and has never seen any trouble...Unlike gigs or footy matches where he has seen loads of mither and drink has played the part in this.

Ask any copper who they would rather deal with, a middle aged fella who has smoked a couple of joints, his mrs who has just had a great time after a crackin mitsubishi or his brother who can't stop talking about the good ol' days after a good line of sniff up his hooter...Or the same age people after a few cans of Stella, a bottle of white lightnin or a few too many whiskies...Id be suprised if its any of the latter.
civil servants, lawyers, Policemen, teachers and doctors who do the same things as he does, these are in his circle of friends and none cause any trouble to anyone else...They even have dinner parties where these drugs are freely available.

My point is, its all down to the individuals who takes one else.
GStar said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
The biggest part of the problem is a total lack of education regarding drugs. 'Drugs are bad' is not much of an education really.

Until people know the score, the full score not the shit they get fed to them then people will continue to frown on people who take drugs.

Perhaps, i mean, i'm no professor on the subject.

Take a video of yourself next time your off your tits; watch yourself lying around, getting your munchies all over you, hot rocks buring your trousers, laughing at fuck all and generally acting like a 5 year old... well that or just falling asleep.

I have tried them, its just my opinion - im not forcing it upon anyone else, i just don't see the attraction.

I take your point but stoned people are no more annoying or pathetic than drunks, that's a fact surely?

I've no problem with people not taking them, horses for courses and all that.

I was just saying that until people know the truth that misinformed attitudes will prevail, I wasn't saying you were misinformed personally.
each to their own.i love getting drunk/drinking always have proberbly always will,but no matter what when your in shellys/konspricy or the hac and your coming up on a pill happiest days of your drugs cause you want to and dont try and force them on people who dont,everyones happy
the armchair said:
each to their own.i love getting drunk/drinking always have proberbly always will,but no matter what when your in shellys/konspricy or the hac and your coming up on a pill happiest days of your drugs cause you want to and dont try and force them on people who dont,everyones happy

Yeah people should never push drugs on others. Doesn't make for a happy time. I'd never encourage anyone to use drugs.
TheMightyQuinn said:
I take your point but stoned people are no more annoying or pathetic than drunks, that's a fact surely?

I've no problem with people not taking them, horses for courses and all that.

I was just saying that until people know the truth that misinformed attitudes will prevail, I wasn't saying you were misinformed personally.

That was my point, Immaculate Pasta reckoned Alcohol wasn't a drug; which i found a ridiculous statement.

I've not got a problem with people taking them, like you say horses for courses. Just for me, i tried and didnt see what the fuss was about.
GStar said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
I take your point but stoned people are no more annoying or pathetic than drunks, that's a fact surely?

I've no problem with people not taking them, horses for courses and all that.

I was just saying that until people know the truth that misinformed attitudes will prevail, I wasn't saying you were misinformed personally.

That was my point, Immaculate Pasta reckoned Alcohol wasn't a drug; which i found a ridiculous statement.

I've not got a problem with people taking them, like you say horses for courses. Just for me, i tried and didnt see what the fuss was about.

Yeah that's cool. I've never been much of a drinker, always get hangovers, usually throw up at some point and I don't like the person it turns me into as I get quite bolshy and loud which isn't me so I suppose I took to weed for my own personal high.
rowsley_st said:
I have a...friend who is in his mid 40's, has a family, good well paid job nice house, car and all the rest of it.
Fom the outside he looks like any "normal" fella...but for the last 30 years he has been a recreational drug user, be it weed, acid, e's or coke.

As he's an educated bloke he can make his own decisions about what risks he takes after looking into all the pro's and con's.
Therefore, some weekends he'll do a gram of coke (poor quality though these days he says, cut with pro plus!)..or he'll do a few e's.
He's never been in trouble with the Police, when he was younger he got into all kind of scrapes while bladdered, got fed up of feeling dreadful the day after, fed up of puking up while the room was spinning and thought, what's the alternatives?..

Now, he's NOT a druggie. Someone who takes crack or heroin IS a druggie, the are usually the un educated ones who don't think about what they are doing and don't look into the pit falls of addiction and everything else that surrounds it.

He goes to music festivals and has a really great time with like minded people of all ages, and has never seen any trouble...Unlike gigs or footy matches where he has seen loads of mither and drink has played the part in this.

Ask any copper who they would rather deal with, a middle aged fella who has smoked a couple of joints, his mrs who has just had a great time after a crackin mitsubishi or his brother who can't stop talking about the good ol' days after a good line of sniff up his hooter...Or the same age people after a few cans of Stella, a bottle of white lightnin or a few too many whiskies...Id be suprised if its any of the latter.
civil servants, lawyers, Policemen, teachers and doctors who do the same things as he does, these are in his circle of friends and none cause any trouble to anyone else...They even have dinner parties where these drugs are freely available.

My point is, its all down to the individuals who takes one else.

2 points

1 - Excellent post mate.
2 - Can I get an invite to the next dinner party at your mates? :)
Drugs are okay if you don't ming losing your teeth and sanity.

I would include alcohol for people who drink at night then in the morning too.

Acid is the worst for ruining your mental health quickly, I do not think it it safe to do once for some people.

Even E's at the weekend with live a lot of people depressed all week from the come down.
twinkletoes said:
Matty said:
So your saying that the population of Holland and the UK are EXACTLY THE SAME in every possible way? Because that's the only way a comparison like the one above can be used, categorically, to make a point. Researchers are renowned for doing 'studies' that don't take into account all factors as to do so would diminsh their findings.

The only reason what I say backs up your argument is because you're either:-

1 - Refusing to see what I'm saying out of stubbornness.

2 - Not understanding what I'm saying.

3 - Warping what I'm saying the fit your own views.

4 - Basically being a dick, kind of like you original response to my post.

I'd rather not bother speaking to a small minded, ignorant person like yourself.

Translation = I haven't got an argument here so I'll try and back away whilst also making it look to the untrained eye as if I've "won".

It also smacks of someone who hasn't actually bothered to read the thread at all and has simply tried to jump upon someone they "perceive" to have the opposite view to them. Read my first post of the thread and then get a grasp on what my actual standpoint is on this.
recently stopped smoking weed and drinking, don't miss them at all! well you do have the days when you say, "jesus i would love an ice cold heineken and a spliff right about now"! but no i have will power and when i say im quiting them, im quiting them!

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