People on here who are against drugs...

TheMightyQuinn said:
Immaculate Pasta said:
Alcohol isn't a drug, it's a drink. If you wanted to eat space cake every night then i'd have no problem with that, but if you were smoking it i'd tell you you were a layabout thieving smackhead.

So if I smoke a joint I'm a 'layabout, thieving smackhead' but if I eat the same drug I'm ok? How does that work?

Alcohol may as well be a drug, it does the same thing but not as good on the plus side and wrecks lives equally as well as smack.

Anyone who takes ANY drugs is a layabout thieving smackhead, there ae no ifs or buts, it's a FACT.

You have one alcoholic drink and unless you are a seriously shit lightweight you will have no affects. You take one drag of a spliff or a shot in the arm and you are either laughing your tits off whilst eating a big bag of doritos or curling up in the corner. They aren't the same.
Immaculate Pasta said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
So if I smoke a joint I'm a 'layabout, thieving smackhead' but if I eat the same drug I'm ok? How does that work?

Alcohol may as well be a drug, it does the same thing but not as good on the plus side and wrecks lives equally as well as smack.

Anyone who takes ANY drugs is a layabout thieving smackhead, there ae no ifs or buts, it's a FACT.

You have one alcoholic drink and unless you are a seriously shit lightweight you will have no affects. You take one drag of a spliff or a shot in the arm and you are either laughing your tits off whilst eating a big bag of doritos or curling up in the corner. They aren't the same.

Well there's a long long list of great men and women that you've just written off as 'layabout, thieving smackheads'.

Most violence is perpetrated by drunks, beaten wives, beaten children, random beatings in the street, vandalism etc.

I'll continue to smoke my weed in peace with other people who are keen to create and not destroy whilst blessed with the herb.
Also to break down your label

Layabout - I might be, not sure, I do lead a reasonably busy life though.
Thieving - I have never really stolen anything of any value and even then I was 10.
Smackhead - I'm not addicted to heroin

Stoner layabout would be nearer the mark but even then not exact :)
Matty said:
twinkletoes said:
Everything you say either backs up my argument or is based on your own assumptions.

So your saying that the population of Holland and the UK are EXACTLY THE SAME in every possible way? Because that's the only way a comparison like the one above can be used, categorically, to make a point. Researchers are renowned for doing 'studies' that don't take into account all factors as to do so would diminsh their findings.

The only reason what I say backs up your argument is because you're either:-

1 - Refusing to see what I'm saying out of stubbornness.

2 - Not understanding what I'm saying.

3 - Warping what I'm saying the fit your own views.

4 - Basically being a dick, kind of like you original response to my post.

I'd rather not bother speaking to a small minded, ignorant person like yourself.
not got a problem with people doing drugs, its there life let them live it as they wish. the only exception being smack heads who need exterminating.
Immaculate Pasta said:
Alcohol isn't a drug, it's a drink. If you wanted to eat space cake every night then i'd have no problem with that, but if you were smoking it i'd tell you you were a layabout thieving smackhead.

Any drug is a problem if it becomes an addiction including alcohol. FACT.
warpig said:
not got a problem with people doing drugs, its there life let them live it as they wish. the only exception being smack heads who need exterminating.

Well the thing is, you and I could be good mates and you wouldn't necessarily know that I used drugs at times. I don't wander about in a marijuana leaf t shirt, I'm not a tragic twat I just like a smoke and until it interferes with my studies, friends or family I'll continue.

I'll also point out that I have a downer on alcohol for personal reasons.
TheMightyQuinn said:
warpig said:
not got a problem with people doing drugs, its there life let them live it as they wish. the only exception being smack heads who need exterminating.

Well the thing is, you and I could be good mates and you wouldn't necessarily know that I used drugs at times. I don't wander about in a marijuana leaf t shirt, I'm not a tragic twat I just like a smoke and until it interferes with my studies, friends or family I'll continue.

completely agree tmq. like i said, got no problems with people who do drugs (except smackhead vermin)

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