People on here who are against drugs...

warpig said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
Well the thing is, you and I could be good mates and you wouldn't necessarily know that I used drugs at times. I don't wander about in a marijuana leaf t shirt, I'm not a tragic twat I just like a smoke and until it interferes with my studies, friends or family I'll continue.

completely agree tmq. like i said, got no problems with people who do drugs (except smackhead vermin)

Yeah smackheads are the full blown alcie bastards of the drug world lol which is why I've always shyed away from the ultra hard stuff.
TheMightyQuinn said:
Immaculate Pasta said:
Anyone who takes ANY drugs is a layabout thieving smackhead, there ae no ifs or buts, it's a FACT.

You have one alcoholic drink and unless you are a seriously shit lightweight you will have no affects. You take one drag of a spliff or a shot in the arm and you are either laughing your tits off whilst eating a big bag of doritos or curling up in the corner. They aren't the same.

Well there's a long long list of great men and women that you've just written off as 'layabout, thieving smackheads'.

Most violence is perpetrated by drunks, beaten wives, beaten children, random beatings in the street, vandalism etc.

I'll continue to smoke my weed in peace with other people who are keen to create and not destroy whilst blessed with the herb.

Who are these "great men and women"?

What about all the burglary's and assault muggings from layabout thieving smackhead's to feed their addictions? or the many wasteful lives taken from gangs over drugs? You don't see any gang related alcohol murders because "G-Frizzy" was selling Budwiser on "Snakes" patch.
Immaculate Pasta said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
Well there's a long long list of great men and women that you've just written off as 'layabout, thieving smackheads'.

Most violence is perpetrated by drunks, beaten wives, beaten children, random beatings in the street, vandalism etc.

I'll continue to smoke my weed in peace with other people who are keen to create and not destroy whilst blessed with the herb.

Who are these "great men and women"?

What about all the burglary's and assault muggings from layabout thieving smackhead's to feed their addictions? or the many wasteful lives taken from gangs over drugs? You don't see any gang related alcohol murders because "G-Frizzy" was selling Budwiser on "Snakes" patch.

one word gary newlove. Both as bad as eachother
Eeny meeny miney mo...........


Nar, only joking.
Let people think for themselves...each man to his own and all that.....we were all born with brains so use 'em as you see fit.
Immaculate Pasta said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
Well there's a long long list of great men and women that you've just written off as 'layabout, thieving smackheads'.

Most violence is perpetrated by drunks, beaten wives, beaten children, random beatings in the street, vandalism etc.

I'll continue to smoke my weed in peace with other people who are keen to create and not destroy whilst blessed with the herb.

Who are these "great men and women"?

What about all the burglary's and assault muggings from layabout thieving smackhead's to feed their addictions? or the many wasteful lives taken from gangs over drugs? You don't see any gang related alcohol murders because "G-Frizzy" was selling Budwiser on "Snakes" patch.

The Beatles
Rolling Stones
Bob Dylan
The majority of the great poets
Most of hollywood
Most great thinkers/philosophers etc

You do have some points but you're lumping everyone in the same boat. It'd be like me saying someone was an alcie cos they had one glass of wine at a wedding or something.

The gang thing just highlights how we need to legalize all substances but that'll never happen as we live in a prohibitive and retarded society.
scottyboi said:
Immaculate Pasta said:
Who are these "great men and women"?

What about all the burglary's and assault muggings from layabout thieving smackhead's to feed their addictions? or the many wasteful lives taken from gangs over drugs? You don't see any gang related alcohol murders because "G-Frizzy" was selling Budwiser on "Snakes" patch.

one word gary newlove. Both as bad as eachother

Some people are just born as horrible evil little shits and act like horrible evil little shits when sober or high on alcohol or drugs.
This thread will just go round in circles I think.

Everyone has already made their mind up which is fair do's.

I don't particularly like being labelled due to my choice of recreational drugs but it doesn't overly bother me. A lot of people I know have no idea I do half of what I do which I think highlights how minor drug use is outside of addiction to the hard stuff.
Immaculate Pasta said:
Alcohol isn't a drug, it's a drink. If you wanted to eat space cake every night then i'd have no problem with that, but if you were smoking it i'd tell you you were a layabout thieving smackhead.

Pure Alcohol would kill you, so "Alcohol" isn't "a drink". Its a chemical, a drug.

I wouldn't personally advocate other drug use either, i'd tried a few, but never 'used' imo, there's plenty of other natural highs and other things to do.
GStar said:
Immaculate Pasta said:
Alcohol isn't a drug, it's a drink. If you wanted to eat space cake every night then i'd have no problem with that, but if you were smoking it i'd tell you you were a layabout thieving smackhead.

Pure Alcohol would kill you, so "Alcohol" isn't "a drink". Its a chemical, a drug.

I wouldn't personally advocate other drug use either, i'd tried a few, but never 'used' imo, there's plenty of other natural highs and other things to do.

The biggest part of the problem is a total lack of education regarding drugs. 'Drugs are bad' is not much of an education really.

Until people know the score, the full score not the shit they get fed to them then people will continue to frown on people who take drugs.
TheMightyQuinn said:
The biggest part of the problem is a total lack of education regarding drugs. 'Drugs are bad' is not much of an education really.

Until people know the score, the full score not the shit they get fed to them then people will continue to frown on people who take drugs.

Perhaps, i mean, i'm no professor on the subject.

Take a video of yourself next time your off your tits; watch yourself lying around, getting your munchies all over you, hot rocks buring your trousers, laughing at fuck all and generally acting like a 5 year old... well that or just falling asleep.

I have tried them, its just my opinion - im not forcing it upon anyone else, i just don't see the attraction.

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