People Still Left at 85 Mins last night.

Jumanji said:
Who gives a fuck when other people leave?

Stay in your seat and enjoy your 90.
You buy your ticket, come when you want, go when you want. That's was up with this cnuting country, to many people more interested in fuck all.
Re: People Still Left at 85 Mins last night.v

I guess the op was asking why leave at such an exciting time in the game. Surely you would like to witness a potential magical memory. Ok it wasn't quite that but bloody hell we nearly pulled it off. Of course it's up to the person if they leave or not but it's interesting to see that not even that amount of drama can budge their overwhelming desire to get home early.
I felt like leaving at halftime to be honest but seeing it costs me £40 in petrol every home game 200 mile round trip I still stayed until the end and got home at midnight, but it was fu@king shit first half and don't let the fight back gloss over some really crap performances again, Silva, Johnson to name 2, pull your fu@king socks up and grow some balls.
The went to sit with my mates other in Colin bell lower last night so I popped over to them sat in a spare seat at half time... Just before THE penalty was being taken I was told to sit down by a load of people behind me (I wasn't the only one standing there was quite a few in front of me) I couldn't believe it!!!
It was funny last night up in 308, a lot of the normal fans were not up there in front of me, instead I had about 15 young lads 14ish, they decide to do the Newcastle thing and a few took their tops off, tried to start a few songs and really got into it at some stages, kept standing up but I thought fuck it at least they are trying, seem to have a good night out so left them to it, did say at one stage 'sit down you fat bastard' only because I have seen more meat on a butchers pencil, they were pissing themselves.
I left my seat at half time...and went and sat with my mate who had a spare next to him. I can see how it worries some people so next time i will leave a little note explaining my actions. I sit on Row F Block 222 so if i offended anyone by not remaining in my alloted seat for the full 90 mins i apologise.<br /><br />-- Fri Mar 16, 2012 10:02 pm --<br /><br />
i8rags said:
Jumanji said:
Who gives a fuck when other people leave?

Stay in your seat and enjoy your 90.
You buy your ticket, come when you want, go when you want. That's was up with this cnuting country, to many people more interested in fuck all.
Spot on!

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