People Still Left at 85 Mins last night.

TBH anyone that left at half time needs their heads checking!

We seem to have aquired far too many glory hunters and to be honest I would rather them leave and miss out! We dont need negative fans!

And the fan behind be slating Joe Hart and calling him shit for taking too long with his kick...when Kolo was taking hours to move out of his way - you are a prick!
I understand that people have got shit to do and thats fair enough

But I just couldn't drag myself away even if I wanted to them last 10 minutes were exiting
I think it's a fucking joke that arseholes decide how and when, they choose to leave. Especially on a ticket that the cunts paid for themselves. In fact i am going to follow an early leaver at random on wednesday night, and tell them to redecorate their living room, change their car and start shopping at tesco.
glen quagmire said:
Petetheblu said:
This is really names Pete and......I'm a early leaver...

You are a disgrace. You are not a proper blue, i'll bet my house you weren't one of the 3.2 million people at york away either. If you have a ST post it back to the club. Twat.

I only got a plastic one, even though I ordered a platinum one......I feel cheated!!!<br /><br />-- Fri Mar 16, 2012 12:27 pm --<br /><br />
oakiecokie said:
Petetheblu said:
This is really names Pete and......I'm a early leaver...

You`ll go straight to hell !!

I hope they do those custard creams in hell........we could share one......bagsy the custard filling.
glen quagmire said:
I think it's a fucking joke that arseholes decide how and when, they choose to leave. Especially on a ticket that the cunts paid for themselves. In fact i am going to follow an early leaver at random on wednesday night, and tell them to redecorate their living room, change their car and start shopping at tesco.
Too fucking right. What the fuck are these grown adults doing deciding what they do? They should fucking know to do what other people want them to do and if they do want to do something they should get express written arroval before doing so.
SWP's back said:
Oh this thread again.

Can the curtain twitchers not just fuck off? Who cares.

And yes I was there until the end with bammy blue.

with 20 mins to go i was on the spiral crying when i saw you dashing to macdonolds.

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