Pep’s Spurs (H) Post-Match Interview

Best interview he has ever given,he actually gave us something worth listening to.

Its clear,he's still on a mission.....and that's what many needed to hear.
100% it was a shot across the bows of everyone involved with this club, it was superb and clearly needed, the future was bright but after last night even brighter, we are in safe hands.
I certainly agree that the club has no interest in filling the ground with skint lads and lasses off the council estates.

Soriano’s wet dream is a tourist who will spend £100 in the club shop. And that’s not the kind of ‘spectator’ who will scream their lungs out.

i got called boring on another thread for this same point. if the club continues to price out it’s local supporters who will go because they love city and love the game, the home support will just get stagnant. you want the local kids there, and expecting someone to pay almost £50 for a kid is ridiculous. most of them will be with an adult; so that’s £120 on a weeknight in january in the middle of a cost of living crisis. on top of the £70 to even buy a ticket in the first place.
It's a pretty good atmosphere in ss3 you baldy ****.
Seriously, I don't have a problem with this, he knows we need more from everyone to meet the challenge.
I can see us going unbeaten now all season we will destroy the arses home and away and win yet another league, take a bow sir pep you are a genius

Interviews don't have magical poweres. Pep was frustrated last night. He'll praise the players in his next interview. People pay too much attention to words said in a non-native language.

I'm one of Pep's biggest fans on here, but, IMO, there was nothing genius in that interview. Pep himself seems to be confused about our performances and tries different things to help the players perform at their best. He congratulated them for playing with personality at United, then he blamed himself and said the problems were tactical, last night he was critical of the players. Pep has a lot more info than us and knows better. In my humble opinion, the group is not as united as last season and also some players are not in form. The latter is likely to change, and the leaders should help the squad get more united and fight for each other.
Interviews don't have magical poweres. Pep was frustrated last night. He'll praise the players in his next interview. People pay too much attention to words said in a non-native language.

I'm one of Pep's biggest fans on here, but, IMO, there was nothing genius in that interview. Pep himself seems to be confused about our performances and tries different things to help the players perform at their best. He congratulated them for playing with personality at United, then he blamed himself and said the problems were tactical, last night he was critical of the players. Pep has a lot more info than us and knows better. In my humble opinion, the group is not as united as last season and also some players are not in form. The latter is likely to change, and the leaders should help the squad get more united and fight for each other.
LOL so, so wrong, it was the rant of a genius
Whilst Im fully behind this and think the players and us needed to hear it and react positively to it if we’re to get up for a challenge for the title.

It isnt half difficult to create an atmosphere that lasts throughout the game if the players dont occassionally give explosive moments to react to.
That first half was as drab as anything we’ve cooked up recently. But we werent under pressure so we as fans accept thats the way pep wants to play.

We as fans have learned to appreciate the way we play, we dont boo when a player passes back to the keeper like 99% of other clubs fans, we clap when a good triangle is used to break out of a tight spot. But that also comes with patience of the fans. Waiting for the goal to materialise.

Incredibly difficult to have fire on the terraces when you dont have it on the pitch. Especially when we have gotten used to the players playing that way

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