Pep’s Spurs (H) Post-Match Interview

I thought the booing was dedicated to the Ref.
I'm not sure it was the ref. It seemed to me it was about giving away two very silly goals against a team that seem to have a bloody mark over us. I think a lot of fans (certainly down in the lower tier) were just pissed off at losing to the Rags, losing to Southampton and then going two down to fucking Spurs.

Not a fan of it myself, but each to their own.
Lots of confusion here.
Unless you tell people why, then you're booing can be interpreted any way. Were the small amount of boo-ers having a go at the players or the ref? Given the comedy goals we gave away and the fast and loose reffing it could be both?
Then Pep gives his post match rant. Did the booing get to him because he thought it was aimed at the players? If it did it's no wonder given the beautiful football and trophies he's given us.
Then we get to Pep's English. I know he's been here a while now but placing subtle nuances, sarcasm and/or humour in a conversation in a second language is wide open to interpretation.
So it’s totally ok to gift a side a winning goal by rank bad play because they’ve got momentum and you’re sulking over a bad decision? They’re paid the big bucks for professionalism to overcome human nature. Anyway, point made on both sides. On to today for me.
I never said that did I. All I said that this happens in football time and time again. Think about the numerous occasions it has happened when City have won from being behind in loads of big games, you can feel it happening at that moment. Also your right, no it's not alright to concede winning goals from bad play but im not sure if thats what actually happened with their second goal, unfortunately players are not robots and run on emotion.
We need to turn a page on that press conference. The final thing I will say is if everyone had the passion to win that Pep has we would win everything, every single year. For him it's not about the money -he could get that and more anywhere in the world he wanted to - it's about winning and getting the best out of them all to create legacies. We are so lucky to have him and today I will be shouting to let him know we are 100% with him.
I'm not sure it was the ref. It seemed to me it was about giving away two very silly goals against a team that seem to have a bloody mark over us. I think a lot of fans (certainly down in the lower tier) were just pissed off at losing to the Rags, losing to Southampton and then going two down to fucking Spurs.

Not a fan of it myself, but each to their own.
It wasn't the ref, it was a spontaneous outburst of frustration that for the second game running we'd been vaguely dominating a game without creating much and then had let in two sloppy goals handing the title to Arsenal. It's not for me, and it was only a small section of people, but it's understandable. It wasn't a booing of the team and what they've given us, just a response to that specific situation imo. Whatever got the players up for the second half worked. New game today, the whole drama seems to have jolted some on here to realize we are in a title race and that being happy to lose it as long as it's not Liverpool or United isn't actually what our club should be about.
What an attitude that is.he’s having a go at folk like you. Bet your good fun at parties. We sat in silence because there was nothing to cheer!!self entitled.this is a city team that play wonderful football most of the time. When we’re slow and lethargic that’s the time to really get behind them.was it a silent protest then? Honestly no wonder he gets frustrated with our support. In fact I also get frustrated with our silent majority. Try making a noise and get some songs going finishing on a positive.
I don't know why you feel the need to get personal, you don't know me I don't know you, so your coments about me are a bit silly really. And by the way I have been watching this great club of ours for 50 odd years and have supported them through thick and thin and I have never been silent at the match, but I would never ever tell, or judge another City fan on how they support us, everyone's different. Pep is just passing through, as great as he is and we will still be supporting City long after he has gone. I don't believe he has a right to have a go at our fan base, he is far to fond of it for my liking. So we will have to agree to disagree.
It wasn't the ref, it was a spontaneous outburst of frustration that for the second game running we'd been vaguely dominating a game without creating much and then had let in two sloppy goals handing the title to Arsenal. It's not for me, and it was only a small section of people, but it's understandable. It wasn't a booing of the team and what they've given us, just a response to that specific situation imo. Whatever got the players up for the second half worked. New game today, the whole drama seems to have jolted some on here to realize we are in a title race and that being happy to lose it as long as it's not Liverpool or United isn't actually what our club should be about.
Think we should all just agree with this post & move on……

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