Pep: 'The players deserve a full stadium, we need our fans!'

I think for the owner and Pep winning champions league is number 1 , winning it puts in the elite , booing it won't make a difference , let's get behind pep

Klop asked for dippers to stay full game guess what there have so let's do the same and fill the stadium and make nights to remember at home

I would have thought more would have stayed until the end today to show a bit of appreciation for what we had been served up but it seems that this leaving early business is a trend that doesn't seem to be getting any better.
I will boo as long as I feel like it. I've never been dictated to by either fans or managers & sure as heck ain't going to begin now!

I'm a Man City fan & I'll sing when I want, boo when I want, not boo when I want & leave when I want (which is usually 10 to 15 mins after game ends!!)
Paul Lake was on GMR after the game and said the atmosphere was flat in the second half. Personally I thought it was a fairly good atmosphere today. Went a bit quieter after the substitutions but definitely wouldn't say it was flat. We've still got a long way to go atmosphere wise but we're taking small steps. I was a bit surprised by his comments, perhaps it's something to do with where the Press sit.
I heard that and we couldn't believe it. The atmosphere was excellent in 109/110 in the second half.
Here's my take on it, we're trying to punish UEFA but it's Pep and our players that's taking the hit.
Deserves it own thread.

okay, our manager Pep has mentioned it that we should now be proud that our club has put ourselves in a position to compete with the best teams in Europe. He has said that the past is in the past, now Gundogan has also said he backs the manager and that we should embrace the champions league and enjoy the occasion.

Our players, and manager are now asking for us to stop the booing. They are asking us to make European nights something to behold at the Etihad instead of making it seem non-important by the protests at the start. Don't get me wrong, UEFA totally tried to screw us over to years, but I honestly believe that we should be proud to be in this competition and their is no better way to actually go and win the bloody thing.

We aren't going to be remembered once Pep goes for our protest in this competition, we are Goin to be remembered for winning it.

We have THE greatest manager of his generation at the helm of our club and he says we should stop.

Thoughts please
I heard that and we couldn't believe it. The atmosphere was excellent in 109/110 in the second half.

Im a long term listener to GMR and a more pro-City media outlet you won't find. But they've irritated me over the last few years by taking lots of calls from kids and idiots. And, after a performance and a game like that, to make the "topic of the phone in" the atmosphere was stupid and annoying. THe asptmosphere was good apart from at the end when the game was dead. But regardless, even if it wasn't, it's not the most pressing issue on a day like this.
There's too much hatred with certain fans to embrace the competition. Personally I think the best way to stick two fingers up at UEFA is to win the CL. And if Pep says we can't do it without our fans, then Pep has a valid point. He was never telling anyone what to do or what not to do, he simply said the players deserve our support in the biggest competition on the planet (like it or not) to help us lift that crown. Why people don't get that and think booing is more important I really just don't know.

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