Pep: 'The players deserve a full stadium, we need our fans!'

He's right...stop booing..we've made our point..anybody wants to carry on booing I would say are very immature and childish..he's also right about filling it up..the football we are watching is first class which deserves full houses.
To all those saying stop booing the anthem I'd like to say one thing:

Go fuck yourselves you pathetic pricks.

Let's just remember why we're doing it specifically. It's for a group of people who spent time and not inconsiderable money going to a game they were sold tickets & travel for and weren't allowed to watch because of the high-handed attitude of UEFA. And nor were they compensated one penny, either by the club (who after all took their ticket money and didn't refund it) or UEFA. So when I boo I think about those guys I know, real fans not some of you plastic armchair ones, who lost a few hundred quid they'd spent to follow City.

And don't forget that this is an organisation that's shafted us in every way at every turn and still comes up with new ways to do so.

The one way we have to express our displeasure and to publicly shame them is to boo their stupid, arrogant "anthem" while the whole world is listening and watching.

The message about their shameless venality is getting through as well with the smaller associations voting in a real outsider as president. Who's to say that the booing played no part in that?

So Pep (who has managed two of the favoured clubs don't forget) should worry about managing the team and not stick his nose in to matters that concern the fans.
Is the correct answer. We are not the cringing serfs that other clubs seem to attract.
Oh they care...that is why they discussed it and were considering fining us at one point for doing it. It is a corrupt organisation with an ex rag at the helm who are still trying to fix the revenue and advantages in favour of the old cartel.

They weren't really though were they. The ref put it in his match report, which means they have to acknowledge/look into it. They were never considering fining us.
Plus, it's not even the same guy at the helm anymore.
If he's as powerful as they say at the club he should be banging on Soriano's office door and telling him to cut ticket prices for real fans who cant afford paying £200 a month. Offset that by setting up a tourists section and charge them the offset along with the so called premiums.
They might not but the fact remains, UEFA are fully aware as will major sponsors be and its embarrassing for them and it annoys them as borne out by the fact they wanted to sanction us (again) not that long back.
They didn't want to sanction us for it at all, unless you believe everything in the papers....they were obliged to look into it as it was in a ref's match report, that's it.

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