Pep: 'The players deserve a full stadium, we need our fans!'

i thought the 30 odd thousand who were there last looked and sounded great on the box. heard plenty of singing and atmosphere. looked bigger than 30,000 i thought.

I wont ever criticize the fans for not filling the ground, (i am one of the plastic armchair fans who will be making probably his one and only visit to the ground this weekend, sorry) there are many reasons for not being able to make games and im sure money is the biggest factor. A lot of people just dont have the money for cup games, even if they are "only" £25 a ticket.

my suggestion is too make the group games completely free of charge for all fans. happy days. :-)
Listen to Pep press conference and he said in so many words that he doesn't know why we boo and thats in the past get over it and move on! You'd thought he would want to know why we booing it?
The first 10 minutes the Gladbach fans made the effort then after that the singing from our support was fine. Last night was a better atmosphere with 30,000 than I've seen with 50,000 in the past.

It's amazing how many people on here are turning on the fans who bothered to turn up. The only embarrassing thing about our support are the cunts who bang on about it non stop.

It's nice you felt strongly enough to add to your 12 posts in 8 years to tell us how shit we are though.
I was threre I was singing, I don't feel that strongly but when the manager reflects my own point of view thought maybe now was a good time to make my voice heard. Maybe near you its loud but in 105 there's about 4 people who sing. Not putting the club or those supporters who do sing down but surely we can all agree a bit more of a buzz would be nice.
It's damaged by lots of things and I'm sure that's one of them.

I seriously doubt it, especially against the backdrop of alleged corruption by Platini and co. As if anyone sat at home watching the game suddenly thinks "oh City fans are booing, I now feel disenchanted with UEFA". They're more likely to think "WTF are they booing for" or "are they still carrying on 'this everyone's against us mentality'".
The manager has requested our fans to attend the Champions League games.

And he probably sees the booing of the anthem & general hostility towards the competition as something which lessens our chances of winning it.

Those who disagree, can continue booing it. I won't, because I support Guardiola & want to try & persuade him to stay for more than the 3 years, as I think he's the best manager we will ever get. I hope there are enough people who feel the same so that the booing dies a death. But the booing is understandable.

The non attendance is no longer understandable. If we'd had this manager & this team, & we'd just come up from the 2nd division, every game would be a sell out.

We have some great fans but we have a lot of apathetic ones, & the days of us giving the team 'amazing support' have long gone. It would be nice if every City fan who can go to the Et, does so. If they do, it will be full, irrespective of those who can't or those who want to boycott it.

We now have the best manager, the best owner & some of the best players, all giving 100%. If we had the same passionate support as we had under Joe Royle, we would win the Champions League, which is the thing UEFA would hate most, & the best way to stick it up them.
Funnily enough I've been looking at the site for buying tickets this morning. For the most attractive games prices start at at least £40, in some cases £50. As for the Champions League, the matches v Celtic and Barcelona aren't even on the list. What amazes me is that we fill our ground for nearly every league game. Down to cheap season tickets I expect.
I appreciate Pep's point of view. And of those City fans who think the booing should stop.

But it's a carry on from me.

UEFA, Gill, and the Cartel have done everything in their power not only to destroy City's CL campaigns, but to also hold the club back on and off the pitch. That I can never forgive and forget.

They have bent their own rules to support their agenda against us, even reporting us for booing their anthem.

And as we all know, it looks as if the campaign isn't over yet, with new rules giving previous European Cup and CL winners extra ranking points and prize money, at our expense.(plus other clubs)

The have f***ed us over, and are continuing to f***us over, aided in no part by David Gill.

Enough said.

As an aside I wonder if it was a UEFA request to get Pep to ask as our booing, along with other clubs is seen to damage their brand. Well fuck em, until they make it a fair playing ground for all.
It's not surprising he's said something regarding the attendances tbh, top actors wouldn't like to perform at the globe etc... to have empty auditoriums would they, and this season has been a great show. No one can really complain about the prices last night, £17.50 for an adult is exceptional value when you consider what was on show, but the attendance was always likely to suffer after the original postponement. There's certainly an apathy among some supporters for this competition but on the whole we've embraced it and i'd expect attendances in the next few home games in the CL to be sold out.

Keep reading about people finding it embarrassing, what they really mean is they can't handle some rag giving them stick over it, tell them to fuck off, we count goals, trophies whatever whilst they're counting empty seats. You can guarantee it'll be rags who never go anyway.

The booing is up to each individual, did it to start but don't bother anymore.
I was there Tuesday, my son wasn't - reason?

I work 9-5, so attending weekday games is not an issue for me.
My son works shifts and is on minimum wage - he wants to start his driving lessons, he wants to start saving for a flat, he wants to save for his holiday next year. He didn't register on the cup schemes because he doesn't know what shifts he will be on and he can't really afford the tickets.

Maybe Dad should pay for him until he's 50? I am sure there are other people in exactly the same situation regarding shifts etc?

The atmosphere in the SS was great last night....although not sure about the drum.
The manager has requested our fans to attend the Champions League games.

And he probably sees the booing of the anthem & general hostility towards the competition as something which lessens our chances of winning it.

Those who disagree, can continue booing it. I won't, because I support Guardiola & want to try & persuade him to stay for more than the 3 years, as I think he's the best manager we will ever get. I hope there are enough people who feel the same so that the booing dies a death. But the booing is understandable.

The non attendance is no longer understandable. If we'd had this manager & this team, & we'd just come up from the 2nd division, every game would be a sell out.

We have some great fans but we have a lot of apathetic ones, & the days of us giving the team 'amazing support' have long gone. It would be nice if every City fan who can go to the Et, does so. If they do, it will be full, irrespective of those who can't or those who want to boycott it.

We now have the best manager, the best owner & some of te best players, all giving 100%. If we had te same passionate support as we had under Joe Royle, we would win the Champions League, which is the thing UEFA would hate most, & the best way to stick it up them.
See, if that was how everyone put it across there wouldn't be any hostility, certainly not from me. However, we've got a few on here who can't help,but be cuntish about it and they can get to fuck.

I'm happy to knock the booing on the head. In fact where I am we normally do it in a pantomime way anyway and don't take it serious.

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