Pep's contract situation

Whatever happens in the coming weeks.

We need to work on our defense for next season, or we are going to win fuck all .

We could do with a decent defensive Coach to work with Pep to eradicate lapses in concentration,and School Boy errors.

Defensively we were unacceptably bad this season.

Won't happen
Great post. Lot of knee jerk - uninformed - reactions after last night’s result. Suddenly the last 3 years are forgotten (bit like the media really, who have never really recognised our achievements over that time). If it had been rags or dippers that had won all domestic trophies & made 100 points, we’d never have heard the end of how immortal such a team was.

it’s media coverage that promotes the rags & their fans lap it up. This ensures they are constantly told how great they are. They’re still going on about the frigging class of 92 FFS!!!

Unfortunately our fans don’t get those constant reminders of our brilliant achievements- so they seem to forget them very quickly.

I haven't seen a post yet that says this season was poor can anyone while I'm here remind how the last 2 seasons went though my memory is shocking
We needed Mancini to take us to the level of challenging for and winning trophies.

However, we then needed a change to galvanise the squad and in came Pellegrini who won the double and got us playing some of the best football we'd seen in a generation.

We then needed another change to elevate us to the next level. Pep came in and made us the dominant force in English football, we won 8 out of 9 possible domestic trophies including an unprecedented domestic treble (quadruple) and two back-to-back, title winning, record setting seasons in the league.

Is it possible we need another change to take us to the next level of competing in the latter stages and ultimately winning the Champions League?

Funny you should say that - over my Bite-sized Shreddies this breakfast I said half seriously to Mrs Ewing that Mancini wouldn't have lost that game!
The neglecting of our left back situation has been fucking criminal.

We haven’t really neglected it, just made monumentally very bad decisions. We have spent stupid money on left backs - it’s just that none have been any good and unreliable / injury prone - leaving us with Zinchenko or Delph filling in. Mendy must be about the most expensive LB ever.
I was really pissed off on Saturday, he got it wrong and I hope he analyses his mistake this time. But some of the vacuous, brain dead, spoilt and down right dickish comments on here take the biscuit! Pep is the best manager in the world, he has been instrumental in winning 2 out of the last 3 leagues, a domestic triple(I know he says quadruple), we are scoring more goals than English teams have done before on a consistent basis (300+ league goals in 3 year), have a great academy, some of the best young players in the world but we have a slightly less impressive season (without our best defender, injuries to other key players All through the season) and self entitled “supporters” want to get rid! Unbelievable
Funny you should say that - over my Bite-sized Shreddies this breakfast I said half seriously to Mrs Ewing that Mancini wouldn't have lost that game!

With a 433 shape we’d have won that game with anyone competent managing us. We needed to dominate possession and be very careful not to lose lose possession in areas that could leave us open to counter attacks. Against a team that were always going to defend deep and try and counter attack it was suicidal to pack the team with our slowest players.

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