Pep's Options.

@2smokinberyls smockfrocks - Are you aware that the FA and the Premier League are different entities?
there's no need to talk down to me.

all of england's professional football teams are members of the f.a.

the f.a. has veto power over the appointments of the premier league chairman and the chief exec.

debbie hewitt, the current chair of the f.a., is a life-long dipper fan.

greg rag dyke, david rag gill, et cetera et cetera.

i can't be bothered carrying on.
if you don't wish to believe they're all in it together then so be it.
He'll do his national team stint as it appears to be on his checklist then I think there is a small chance he might come back here if the spanish boys are still around, otherwise he's done and I don't think he'll manage another club after us.

I could see him maybe doing something higher up the chain at a boardroom level out of the limelight. he could do txiki's role as DoF either here or elsewhere. The only problem I forsee with that is the media driven pressure for him to go back into management if whatever club he's at isn't performing.

I don't believe pep's close to the end here yet. Expect a new contract of an extra year or 2 and possibly even another after that.
To me he has two choices.
Stay or leave.
I hope he stays forever.
He's far and away the best manager ever.
If he leaves we just look back and be so so grateful this period will always be the best in our history.
No manager after will come close.
Please stay another few years pep.
I think back to standing on the Kippax convinced we were going to win the cup when spurs battered us.
Getting relegated against the dippers and stoke.
3 up against Bournemouth only to fuck it up.
From that to winning the treble .
4 in a row.
100 points.
And best of all been better than those twats.
All down to pep .
Fuk me I love been a blue

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