Peter Drury replaces Martin Tyler on Sky Sports

Berkovic_blue said:
Didn't think Tyler was that bad tonight. Certainly better than the weekend when he could not have been less enthused when Sergio scored his first.

Him and Alan Smith spent the whole game as if they were commentating on a funeral. It was seriously ridiculous, almost as if they were apologising to the viewers that we were battering West ham

Exactly this

Give us someone who is at least neutral or better still wants us to score like you do with all your rag loving commentating sycophants

Or give the TV contract to those that will

we hate rags and don't want to hear anything about them in case you are in doubt

and we are not alone.....far from it we are the majority from all clubs......we hate ''man u''... all of us....really fucking hate them......

In fact, it took Souness to point out to them all just what a fucking great ball it was from Negredo for Sergio's second. Still, fuck 'em; fuck 'em all. Just take the smug satisfaction that each time we win their comments show they are dying a little more inside again.
Bert Trautmann's Parachute said:
He had the bit between his teeth tonight. He wasn't impartial, he was deliberately standing by us. Don't know why.[/quote

Yeah, I've noticed Yozza standing up for us. Maybe it's a case of "my enemy's foe is my friend" attitude. Whatever, I like it!
strongbowholic said:
gmckennasell said:
Schmeichel was a complete tw*t tonight on sky , apparently we were very lucky , and yooonited played well !!!! ( we win a difficult away game in eastern europe and they scrape a home win with an own goal against a mid table la liga side) , another ex-rag player in denial , the fact that this red nosed c*nt ever played for our club makes me nauseous , he is a rag pr*ck who obviously didnt like us kicking his sibling out of our club because he was shite.
As for tyler and quinn you could here the disappointment in there voices when sergio nodded the second goal , pair of kn*bheads
But loved Souness's contribution , tipping us for the league and generally saying we were excellent apart from Garcia ,( which you couldnt disagree with) , he was winding rudolph up all night about city easily winning the premiership this season .
Souness has been really good of late.

Souness says he likes us because we try to play footie. He's gone up in my opinion also.
You could put your house on Quinn jumping with joy if Honda had scored. Its a mystery why he dislikes us so much. Shame because he was one of my favourite players.
yayas trusty right foot said:
When we beat them last year at the swamp..

There was a Rooney 2 footed tackle on Milner, we got one replay and total silence from Tyler about the incident. Neville didnt mention it at half time either.

Welbeck had a 2 footed challenge as well, not a word about it. Annoying how just a few weeks alter they went on and on about Vinnie "leaving the ground with both feet" vs Norwich. Which is curious to make a big deal about since it's physically impossible to go to ground without having your feet off the ground. If you tried to slide with 1 foot on the ground you'd break your leg.
It amazes me how frequently Quinn gets players names incorrect, he was berating Garcia last night for not going with runner for their goal basic defending blahblah and only after 3or4 replays did he realise Garcia had not won the header and then started to have a go for that.

For a professional pundit who is supposed to be an expert he consistently gets players names wrong and totally wrong individuals which is so frustrating when you are watching and it is obvious to all watching who is who.
He must be on a bonus for every time he mentions united during a game that doesn't involve them whatsoever.
He's at his snivelling sycophantic worst when he's co-commentating with Gary Neville, even Neville sounds embarrassed.
Souness is married to a City fan, which probabbly explains his kind words towards us.

Quinn and Tyler were so poor last night. They were willing them to score. Would that happen in a United match? Dont think so.

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