Peter Fletcher and stewards (merged)

scorer said:
A spokesman for City said: "The club can confirm three men were identified smoking in the men’s toilets by two separate stewards during the Sunderland game. The men received a three-match ban in accordance with our strict policy concerning smoking."

This is astounding, absolutely shocking.

City do need to focus on customer service and look to deliver a better experience. It's not as if this is the first case of it's kind.

A far more appropriate resonse may have been.

If there has been a mis-identifiaction and this can be proven then we will re-open the enquiry.

Bang on scorer.

The club statement reminds me of a disgraced MP flatly denying any wrongdoing whilst stood at the gates of his country retreat, dutiful wife at his side.
The FSF said:
Backing your staff is admirable. It's even more admirable - and surely the done thing - to hold your hands up, apologise and admit to a mistake.

What a shame that sorry seems to be the hardest word in these cases.
I think a City pre-money would have. City post-money don't need to because if a fan decides to not bother out of protest, there will be another willing to pay his £550 season ticket or whatever it is now.
Pigeonho, I dare say you're right but it will be to their detriment if they ignore the strength of feeling on this forum. Can they really afford to alienate their hard core supporters in such a way?

I've been involved with the FSF for four years and spend a fair bit of time looking at forums of all clus and I can honestly say I've yet to see an outpouring of anger and indignation as bad as I've seen on this thread.

Regardless of their outward stance, if alarm bells aren't ringing internally, then more fool City.

I also think that all the supporters who've voiced cocern should do something more than discuss the problems on here, this stewarding and stance on complaints needs to be nipped in the bud. And if City as a business don't realise that, well they don't deserve your support.
The FSF said:
Pigeonho, I dare say you're right but it will be to their detriment if they ignore the strength of feeling on this forum. Can they really afford to alienate their hard core supporters in such a way?

I've been involved with the FSF for four years and spend a fair bit of time looking at forums of all clus and I can honestly say I've yet to see an outpouring of anger and indignation as bad as I've seen on this thread.

Regardless of their outward stance, if alarm bells aren't ringing internally, then more fool City.

I also think that all the supporters who've voiced cocern should do something more than discuss the problems on here, this stewarding and stance on complaints needs to be nipped in the bud. And if City as a business don't realise that, well they don't deserve your support.
Not defending them mate, i'm 100% with the OP on this and I hope he shames the club in his quest for justice. It's a fucking joke how he's been treated and far from the City who I grew up with. All I meant was though that there will be others waiting to take his seat, which is poor on City's part if that is their way of thinking.
Pigeonho said:
Not defending them mate, i'm 100% with the OP on this and I hope he shames the club in his quest for justice. It's a fucking joke how he's been treated and far from the City who I grew up with. All I meant was though that there will be others waiting to take his seat, which is poor on City's part if that is their way of thinking.

I agree with you in principle but you've got no evidence of City thinking this. All we have to go on is a quote from an anonymous Employee in the MuEN detailing how the Stewards are certain they got their man.

They fucked up recently by throwing a fellow Bluemooner out against Reading for chucking a football around the South Stand. The Club admitted he should've just got a telling off but he was kicked out before the match started.
Citys silence speaks volumes !!
Methinks they are hoping this will die a slow death and therefore ignore any fans calls for justice.
Its now into its 3rd week and still fuck all from a Club who supposedly think its fans are the best in the world.
Time to show some respect City.
This bang out of order mate and I hope you get it sorted ,just one point though in your E Mail you say

" However I feel missing the second half of the match against Sunderland was punishment enough" You have done nothing wrong so there should be no punishment, just a bit worried that some legal bod at the club could read between the lines and make that look like some sort of admitance to the crime.
mancmackem said:
I'm bumping this, we cannot let this go.

Is the next step the doc's for this poor fella to keep the story running and the pressure on the club?

Yep,go to the docs and PROVE you don't smoke,then hit Fletcher with that,we have to keep this going because someone else innocent will be next.
the op should now issue a county court sumons to city to claim his losses, the 3 matches and other losses in court, 'this is a no lose case' if the op needs any asistance here drop me a pm

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