grim up north said:
Paulmcfc2703 said:
ah but you see there probably was from the city fans however a player is a professional and should not do it

jesus christ
this is what the apparent footballing experts said when beckham reacted to the fans in the mls. Im only repeating what they said :)
RE: this petition. The better thing to do would be for anyone who was sat in the corner to complain to the club about Van Persie's behaviour. If Adebayor is charged then the club can counter-charge with their own complaints. Doing an online petition won't make any differene but if you go through the official channel at the club it will.
chrisi said:
5 grand is nout to a footballer
what a joke
You've got to agree with the Chuckler on this one though:
“I would have been apologetic if I had run up to one of their players and tried to belittle them, but this was a celebration,” said Neville. “You are caught up in the moment and for a few seconds you go bananas. I laughed when I heard someone say it was not the behaviour of a 30-year-old because they are probably the same people who have accused us of lacking passion in recent games.”

Neville appealed the fine but the FA turned this down. “I do not think it constituted improper conduct or bringing the game into disrepute, which is why I am appealing the FA decision,” he then said. “I know people say £5,000 is nothing to a Premiership footballer, but I’d have contested the fine if it was 50p. My goal celebration against Liverpool at Old Trafford has been blown out of all proportion. To accept it would be to admit guilt and my punishment sets a bad precedent at a time when people say that there should be more interaction between players and the fans.”

Read more: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... z0QzFLo2Xe</a>
I thought the Liverpool fans were pathetic for complaining about that incident.
Paulmcfc2703 said:
grim up north said:
i can and they were both bang out of order.

my question was were any of the petition signers swearing at arsenal players yesterday
ah but you see there probably was from the city fans however a player is a professional and should not do it

Utter bollocks Paul!

Since when did being a profesional footballer mean you signed away your entitlement not to be verbally abused?

Now, I'm sure having a load of gobshite's (I'm including myself in that by the way) swearing at him all afternoon doesn't bother him one bit, just as him giving it back doesn't bother me. However, this works both ways! The Arsenal fans aren't really mortally offended by Ade's goal celebration - they're just trying to get him & us in the shit!

Therefore, I've signed the petition as follows:

"I am shocked & offended by the filthy language directed at us by a professional footballer! He should know better! He could have caused a riot!"

Obviously, my comment is utterly untrue, but if they wanna play silly buggers, well we can all do that!

Oh, and as someone said above, its gonna take more than an online petition to force matters in this one. Police complaints are the only way, so I expect us all to be calling the boys in blue to let them know how upset we are that a man we've never met might have told us to fuck off!

vonksbignose said:
Paulmcfc2703 said:
ah but you see there probably was from the city fans however a player is a professional and should not do it

Utter bollocks Paul!

Since when did being a profesional footballer mean you signed away your entitlement not to be verbally abused?

Now, I'm sure having a load of gobshite's (I'm including myself in that by the way) swearing at him all afternoon doesn't bother him one bit, just as him giving it back doesn't bother me. However, this works both ways! The Arsenal fans aren't really mortally offended by Ade's goal celebration - they're just trying to get him & us in the shit!

Therefore, I've signed the petition as follows:

"I am shocked & offended by the filthy language directed at us by a professional footballer! He should know better! He could have caused a riot!"

Obviously, my comment is utterly untrue, but if they wanna play silly buggers, well we can all do that!

Oh, and as someone said above, its gonna take more than an online petition to force matters in this one. Police complaints are the only way, so I expect us all to be calling the boys in blue to let them know how upset we are that a man we've never met might have told us to fuck off!

its not though vbn i agree with you however when beckham reacted to the fans in the mls this is what the tabloids and pundits in the country said about him.
Did anyone see Van Persie when shay given was injured, he went over to shay and got the arsenal fans going by puting his hands in the air and then he started to winde up the city fans near the arsenal fans.

If anyone was there can they confirm it?

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