Paulmcfc2703 said:
vonksbignose said:
Utter bollocks Paul!

Since when did being a profesional footballer mean you signed away your entitlement not to be verbally abused?

Now, I'm sure having a load of gobshite's (I'm including myself in that by the way) swearing at him all afternoon doesn't bother him one bit, just as him giving it back doesn't bother me. However, this works both ways! The Arsenal fans aren't really mortally offended by Ade's goal celebration - they're just trying to get him & us in the shit!

Therefore, I've signed the petition as follows:

"I am shocked & offended by the filthy language directed at us by a professional footballer! He should know better! He could have caused a riot!"

Obviously, my comment is utterly untrue, but if they wanna play silly buggers, well we can all do that!

Oh, and as someone said above, its gonna take more than an online petition to force matters in this one. Police complaints are the only way, so I expect us all to be calling the boys in blue to let them know how upset we are that a man we've never met might have told us to fuck off!

its not though vbn i agree with you however when beckham reacted to the fans in the mls this is what the tabloids and pundits in the country said about him.

Fair enough, I understand that you are only using the same argument as was used over there! All I'm saying is its a bollocks argument! Since when did footy fans become so delicate that they couldn't cope with a bit of verbal from an overpaid, whinging ponce?

I find it all a bit ridiculous to be honest! Grown men crying that someone swore at them! Its a working man's game for fuck's sake; I think this is just yet more evidence that the powers that be just want us all to pay our money & shut the fuck up!
tomb17 said:
Did anyone see Van Persie when shay given was injured, he went over to shay and got the arsenal fans going by puting his hands in the air and then he started to winde up the city fans near the arsenal fans.

If anyone was there can they confirm it?

I'm surprised the swamp-twats haven't bought him. He's fit right in there, the bleating shitwit.
tomb17 said:
Did anyone see Van Persie when shay given was injured, he went over to shay and got the arsenal fans going by puting his hands in the air and then he started to winde up the city fans near the arsenal fans.

If anyone was there can they confirm it?
Hang him
all in all vbn i think it is a case of both players tried to get a reaction from the fans however due to the arsenal fans reaction ade has been highlight whereas vp hasnt even been mentioned.
HongKongBluey said:

What block did RVP run up to and swear, we should all make complaints to the F.A.

He told us to "Fuck Off" and because we act civilized he gets away with it? Hell no, that won't go. Lets send hundreds of emails to the F.A and the club, at least we can bring this incident to light. Any footage of him mouthing fuck off?

It was in front of block 122 of the CB stand - there was an arse fan near the front who jumped up and aggressively challenged the surrounding City fans. Instead of reacting violently (as they did when Ade celebrated), it was reported to a steward.
Pam said:
tomb17 said:
Did anyone see Van Persie when shay given was injured, he went over to shay and got the arsenal fans going by puting his hands in the air and then he started to winde up the city fans near the arsenal fans.

If anyone was there can they confirm it?

I'm surprised the swamp-twats haven't bought him. He's fit right in there, the bleating shitwit.
yes mate i was in 116 and he did gesture towards us then he recieved a nice rapist chant from us
to be honest i like players like van persie who wind the crowd up. it only adds to the atmosphere. the fa try so hard to take the fun away from the game like the players cant take there shirts off or run in to the crowd. i have signed the petition only because everyone is moaning about big ades celebration and i think it should be noted that what rvp was equally as bad. i was in 116 yesterday and he was looking right at our block and mouthing off and everyone was giving him abuse. if we take things like this away from the game then we will have a game where everyone just goes, sits down, waits to entertained and then just claps when we score.
for what good it will do i have signed it,hope it dose,is anyone clear on the rules can they take action against him for the celebration cause the ref booked him for it,i thought that when the ref took such a coarse of action that was the end of the matter.

As for the tackle he should be pissing banned for his 2 footed lunge,they were as bad as 1 another

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