Damocles said:
I disagree.

This would create a relatively two tiered user system, and places undue importance on post count. Remember, post count does not equal authority, or knowledge. Also, determined WUMs could quite easily accumulate 50 posts without a problem by spamming the shit out of the board. This would create it's own efficiency problems.

The best way to deal with them, is simply ignore them, but many of our long term users seem to have a problem doing this.

you have not given it much thought, not long ago the forum was taken over by a
bunch of sap's and could be done by 3 or 4 new members of any opposition fans and
start random threads and spam the whole site. they will naturally be deterred by having
to stick around for 50 posts rule. so it's not against city fans being childish and eager to
start threads, just time wasters. as for accumulating 50 posts by spamming the board,
the mod squad kick in. :-0
Id say Yes but i have been coming on here for over 2 years but never registered. Always read peoples comments. Now ill get addicted here.
Damocles said:
leewill31 said:
GStar said:
Suspending registration during transfer windows as we did last summer would also work a treat.

this, but also agree with what URG said.

NO! I personally hate this idea. The whole point of a forum is open availability; stopping registrations because we do not have enough moderators is a cop out.

What really needs to happen is that Ric and the mod team need to get together and start thinking about appointing new mods. It also doesn't help that they have a hesitation to use the mod tools because they slow the forum/knock it offline. I'm working on it though and think I may have the answer, maybe that will get the mods moving a bit.

Its not because we dont have enough mods, this is a free site, no one profits, why should we just expect a select few to give up thier time to chase after WUM's and rags?

Lets be honest, if you really want to join this forum and contribute constructivly then you've either already signed up or are willing to wait for the priviledge. Last summer we suspended registration until it was authorised by a mod, today has shown why we should bring that back. If you haven't already signed up to here, why not? It's pretty well known amongst City fans and even the MCFC board.

You can't expect people to give up thier time to chase dicks around, good posters will wait to join, bad ones will fuck off somewhere else for thier fun.
£1 charge to renew membership donated to ric's designated charity or 2 make bluemoon better? I'd pay n it would stop non city fans and make bluemoon the best..... Suggestions?
Uwe Rosler's Grandad said:
I wasn't proposing that anti-City threads would mean a banning...but if you have a new poster and the majority of his posts are absolute crap about City...I think it's a fair bet they're not City fans.

Maybe, but that doesn't make them a WUM.

Ok, thinking entirely off of the top of my head (and not actually checking this with Ric or any mods), what about some sort of reputation. You can rep a poster up or down, and if a user reaches a certain threshold, the system will stop them from creating threads. Even lower, and it's an auto ban. The longer term members vote will be worth more than young members, and the members with under 50 posts cannot rep a fellow member?

I can see the code in my head to do this. Would this be an acceptable compromise?
1.618034 said:
Damocles said:
leewill31 said:
GStar said:
Suspending registration during transfer windows as we did last summer would also work a treat.

this, but also agree with what URG said.

NO! I personally hate this idea. The whole point of a forum is open availability; stopping registrations because we do not have enough moderators is a cop out.

What really needs to happen is that Ric and the mod team need to get together and start thinking about appointing new mods. It also doesn't help that they have a hesitation to use the mod tools because they slow the forum/knock it offline. I'm working on it though and think I may have the answer, maybe that will get the mods moving a bit.

How many mods are there?

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Damocles said:
Uwe Rosler's Grandad said:
Damocles said:
I disagree.

This would create a relatively two tiered user system, and places undue importance on post count. Remember, post count does not equal authority, or knowledge. Also, determined WUMs could quite easily accumulate 50 posts without a problem by spamming the shit out of the board. This would create it's own efficiency problems.

The best way to deal with them, is simply ignore them, but many of our long term users seem to have a problem doing this.

I severely doubt that WUMs will accumulate 50 posts without being spotted plus I doubt most of them would want to post 50 pro-City comments to get the one chance to post a crap thread.

You'd be surprised. UUBlue and Dave Bentley both already have over 50 posts. Also, in your scheme, if somebody makes several anti-City posts, they will be labelled a future WUM. Forums should encourage debate and not stifle it to a pro-City view.

As you say Damocles, 50 posts is easy so any regular user will get to this in no time. If you post so little why would you want to start a thread?

Unfortunately these threads appear at the top of the list and get seen and replied to by a lot of people. It's a bit unrealistic to expect all internet users to ignore a juicy thread that allows the chance to do some rag-baiting. It's the nature of the beast but stifles real debate etc because it clogs up the board so again would help with speed etc.

Even the occasional posters are agreeing this is a good idea.

If they have something to announce, I'm sure it can be done in and existing thread, and someone else will no doubt happily spread the word for them...?
Greg_C said:
£1 charge to renew membership donated to ric's designated charity or 2 make bluemoon better? I'd pay n it would stop non city fans and make bluemoon the best..... Suggestions?

I like it. Lets do it!

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